
liù ɡuó
  • Six countries;the Six Kingdoms annexed by Qin
六国 [liù guó]
  • [six states] 指战国时的齐、楚、燕、韩、赵、魏六个国家

  1. 会议以承诺加快这一地区六国间的合作而结束。

    The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region .

  2. 《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。

    The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin , Ying Zheng , conquered the other six kingdoms , to the rise of the king of Western Chu , Xiang Yu , who captured the capital city , Xianyang .

  3. 自1951年以六国煤炭和钢铁共同体的形式成立以来,欧盟(eu)发展了一套僵硬而漫长的政策制定模式。

    Ever since it started as a six-nation coal and steel cartel in 1951 , the European Union has developed an intractably iterative form of policymaking .

  4. 海湾六国的工业发展与调整

    The industrial development and adjustment in six countries around the Gulf

  5. 东南亚六国水能开发与建设情况

    Prospects of the Hydropower Development and Construction in the Southeast Countries

  6. 然而最近这六国却试图言行统一,步调一致。

    Yet the six have nonetheless managed to keep in step .

  7. 论海湾六国移民与人口结构安全

    On immigration and security of the population structure in the Gulf States

  8. 大王不是只灭六国吗?

    Your majesty won 't stop at the six kingdoms ?

  9. 塔吉克斯坦共和国塔吉克的:塔吉克人哈中吉俄塔乌六国元首会议新闻公报

    The Republic of Tajikistan Press Communique Issued by SCO Heads of State

  10. 首发中包括来自六国的七名国脚。

    The first XI featured seven internationals from six countries .

  11. 因此这六国就可以从其外交努力当中捞得好处。

    So the six all still see mileage in their diplomatic efforts .

  12. 代表团把英国作为此次欧洲六国之行的起点站

    The delegation used Britain as the jumping-off place of their six-nation European tour

  13. 那六国在很多方面也是各自“心怀鬼胎”。

    They are in many ways a disparate bunch .

  14. 六国都参加了这次东盟会议。

    All six parties are attending the ASEAN conference .

  15. 六国高等职业教育比较

    Comparison on Higher Vocational Education in Six Countries

  16. 同时,海湾六国统一货币所带来的经济效应也将促进海湾六国经济多元化发展。

    It will also promote the economic diversification within the six Gulf Arab countries .

  17. 哈中吉俄塔乌六国元首会议新闻公报

    Press Communique Issued by SCO Heads of State

  18. 都统一六国了,你想。

    After unifying the other six states .

  19. 海合会六国水资源的现状与未来

    The Present and Future Situation of Water Resources for the Cooperative Committee of Gulf States

  20. 他说,与会六国对彼此立场有了更深刻的了解。

    He said the six countries had a better understanding of each other 's position .

  21. 这种双重制裁比六国喋喋不休讨论的措施能更快的起作用。

    And such parallel sanctions bite more quickly than those negotiated tortuously among the six .

  22. 秦王政整顿了国内的政治之后,就展开了对六国的进攻。

    After putting internal affairs straight , Qin launched the final attack on his six rivals .

  23. 巴勒斯坦问题六国委员会

    Committee of Six on Palestine

  24. 优势互补、共同发展&试论中国与海湾六国的经贸合作

    Complementary Advantages and Common Development & On Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Six Gulf Countries

  25. 六国就声明内容达成一致后,再将声明呈交至安理会全体理事国。

    After the six nations agreed on the text it was presented to the entire Security Council .

  26. 第二年,六国诸侯订立了合纵的联盟。

    The following year , the six countries entered into a vassal of the Union combined vertical .

  27. 这架飞机是在参加六国巡回展演的途中失事的。

    The crash occurred on a demonstration flight as part of a carefully scheduled six-nation Asian road show .

  28. 分析六国化工股份有限公司2套浓缩装置石墨换热器列管破裂的原因,并介绍预防石墨换热器列管破裂所采取的措施。

    , Ltd. are analyzed . The measures for preventing tube breaking in graphite heat exchangers are also presented .

  29. 六国旧贵族也乘机起兵,企图恢复旧国。

    The old nobles of the six states also took opportunity to rebel , attempting to revive their countries .

  30. 处于海湾地区的海合会六国为了给自身发展创设一个良好的国内国际环境,非常注重外交政策的选择和运用。

    To create a good domestic and international environment , GCC states attach great importance to employing foreign policies .