
gòng jié jīng
  • cocrystallization
共结晶[gòng jié jīng]
  1. 功能性共结晶糖品性质的研究

    Study on the Properties of the Functional Cocrystallization Sugar

  2. 说明PTA的b值形成机理是带黄色基团的杂质与PTA表面吸附共结晶的。

    The formation mechanism of b value for PTA was the adsorption co-crystallization between PTA and the impurities containing yellow groups .

  3. PP和PP-R有好的相容性和共结晶能力。

    For the crystallization behavior , the results show that PP and PP-R are well miscible and co-crystallizable .

  4. 本论文用有机物(蔗糖)作为辅助剂,尝试采用液相共结晶法和溶胶-凝胶法制备多孔γ-Al2O3粉体。

    This paper describes the preparation of porous γ - Al_2O_3 by two novel and simple methods : Liquid state co-crystallization process and Sol-gel process .

  5. PELD的加入使共混物结晶峰变宽,说明PELD与mPELLD共结晶行为较差,存在部分相分离,但在PELD含为20%时有最大结晶度,结晶速率有所提高;

    There are part liquid-liquid phase separation for the blends of m-PE-LLD with PE-LD , and have a most co-crystallization at 20 % PE-LD .

  6. 运用PP结晶过程γ晶型与α晶型的共结晶相图,从本质上解释了结晶温度、乙烯单体含量及成核剂对PP结晶形态的影响。

    A substantial explanation for the dependence of crystalline morphology on those effective factors was derived from application of the co-crystallization phase diagram of α - and γ - modification in the crystallization process of PP.

  7. 他们在《晶体生长与设计》(crystalgrowth&desigh)杂志上撰文报告说,他们能通过共结晶将cl-20与其它物质混合而减敏,同时又保留其绝大部分威力。

    They report in crystal growth & design that by mixing CL-20 in such a way they have been able to lower its sensitivity but retain most of its explosive power .

  8. 综述了聚丙烯(PP)增韧改性与结晶形态变化的关系,不同的共混组分对PP结晶行为的影响不同,分别有细化分割、共结晶、原位成纤复合等作用。

    The relationship of the toughening modification of PP to the changes of crystallization was reviewed . Different composition had different effect on the crystallization of PP , such as separation , insertion , cocrystallization and in situ fiber forming reinforcement .

  9. 对发生于结晶聚合物/结晶聚合物共混体系中的共结晶行为的近期研究状况作了综述。

    Recent studies on cocrystallization behavior of crystalline polymer blends were generally reviewed .

  10. 蔗糖&薄荷醇共结晶微胶囊的研究

    Experiment on the microcapsulation of cocrystallized sugar & menthol

  11. 碘酸盐共结晶的非线性增强效应

    Enhancement of SHG Effect in Co-crystallization of Iodates

  12. 共结晶对复合体系正温度系数特性的影响

    Effect of co - crystallization on PTC property

  13. 蔗糖共结晶产品的研制

    Development of crystallization products of sucrose

  14. 结果表明,复合皂的形成是共结晶而非化学结合;

    The results showed that Li Ca complex grease was in the form of co crystal without chemical bonding .

  15. 当硼酸的浓度小于4%时,硼酸不与一水硫酸镁共结晶。

    The boric acid did not crystallized with kieserite at same time when concentration of boric acid is lower than 4 % .

  16. 并根据核磁分析结果,讨论了氯原子在分子链上的序列分布对氯化聚乙烯的结晶和共结晶的影响。

    With the result of the analysis , the effect of chlorine sequence distribution in chain of CPE on its crystalline and cocrystalline was discussed .

  17. 同时,这一化合物也为较为罕见的两个多核配合物共结晶现象提供了一个很好的范例。

    It is a good example of fixation of the very low concentration of CO2 found in the air , as well as cocrystallization containing two multinuclear complexes .

  18. 同时还可以看出,客体分子的空间结构及共结晶的水分子在包结物的形成及晶体的空间堆积结构方面起到决定性的作用。

    At the same tinme , we can get the following conclusion that the structure of the guest molecules along with the co-crystallized water molecules play an important role in the formation of the complex and the crystal packing .

  19. PET共聚酯结晶性能的研究

    Study on Crystallization Behavior of pet copolyester

  20. 引入PEG后,当PEG分子量和含量较低时,共聚酯结晶性能提高;

    Adding PEG improves the crystalline properties of copolymers when the molecular weight and content of PEG are both low .

  21. 通过广角X光衍射测定,发现当PBT含量为3.5%时,共聚酯结晶度最大。

    The highest crystallinity , however , was observed with a PBT content of 3.5 % .

  22. X衍射分析还表明,拉伸对共聚酯结晶的发展有明显的诱导效应,尤其是C轴方向的晶粒尺寸增长。

    WAXD analysis also shows that the effect of elongation on the induced-crystallization of block copolymer . especially on the increasing of crystallite size at direction of " C " axis can be observed distinctly .

  23. 以葡萄糖作为初级基质,采用初始速率法对细菌KingellaH共降解结晶紫(CV)染料的动力学过程进行了研究。

    The kinetics process of crystal violet ( CV ) dye by bacterium Kingella H was studied using glucose as primary substrate , adopting initial rate method .

  24. 随CHDM含量的增加,共聚酯结晶性能下降,纤维强度下降。共聚酯纤维具有优异的弯曲回弹性和染色性能,且随CHDM含量的增加而提高。

    The crystallization ability of PETG copolyester and its fiber strength decrease with the increasing of CHDM content .

  25. 改进青霉素共沸结晶条件提高钾盐收率

    Improve Azeotropic Crystallizing Condition Of Penicilin , To Increase Sylvite Yield

  26. 青霉素钠丁醇共沸结晶工艺

    Crystallization Process of Benzylpenicillin Sodium in Water-Butanol Solution by Azeotropic Distillation

  27. 结论:改后共沸结晶条件优于原共沸晶条件。

    Conclusion : This azeotropic crystallizing condition is better than old one .

  28. I段的初晶、共晶结晶都没有完成。

    The primary crystal and the eutectic are not finish .

  29. 不同催化剂合成的聚酯、共聚酯结晶行为的研究

    Study on the Crystalline Behaviors of Polyester and Copolyesters Synthesized by Different Catalysts

  30. 改进设备提高青霉素钠盐共沸结晶收率

    Improving the rate of return on sodium salt azeotropism crystallization by means of improving equipment