
  • 网络veterinary drug residues;residues of veterinary drug
  1. 国内外兽药残留与动物源食品安全管理研究

    International Management of Veterinary Drug Residues and Animal Derived Food Safety

  2. 建立完善的兽药残留监控体系势在必行

    Imperative Necessity to Establish Perfect Monitoring System of Veterinary Drug Residues

  3. HPLC法测定猪组织中氟喹诺酮类兽药残留的方法研究

    The Research on Multiresidue Determination of Fluoroquinolones in Pig Tissue by HPLC

  4. HPLC法在测定动物性食品中兽药残留量的应用

    Application of HPLC method in testing of rudimental animal drug in animality foods

  5. 而后进一步将此方法应用到兽药残留的分析,结合HPLC进行了禽肉中磺胺类、地克珠利、克球酚的同时检测,结果同样令人满意。

    We further applied this method into the analysis of veterinary residue and carried out simultaneous detection of sulfa , diclazuril and clopidol in poultry meat combined with HPLC .

  6. 介绍了液相色谱-质谱联用技术(LC-MS)应用于动物性食品中几种常见兽药残留的检测方法。

    The applications of Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry ( LC-MS ) in the security determination and analysis of animal food were introduced in the paper .

  7. 在论文的第5章,采用HPLC-DAD检测与交替惩罚三线性分解(APTLD)算法相结合对牛奶中的磺胺类兽药残留量进行了分析测定。

    In Chapter 5 , a new method based on the use of HPLC-DAD coupled with the alternating penalty trilinear decomposition ( APTLD ) algorithm was applied to the rapid determination of sulfonamides in milk samples .

  8. 牛奶及奶制品中兽药残留的监控

    Monitoring of the veterinary drug residue in milk and milk products

  9. 用于氯霉素和克伦特罗兽药残留检测的高通量悬浮芯片技术研究

    Detection of chloramphenicol and clenbuterol residues by high-throughput suspension array technology

  10. 基质固相分散技术在兽药残留分析中的应用

    Application of Matrix Solid-phase Dispersion in Analysis of Veterinary Drugs Residues

  11. 微流控芯片电化学发光检测系统用于兽药残留分析

    Application of Microfluidic Chip Systems for Animal Drug Residues Analysis

  12. 鸡肉中多种喹诺酮类兽药残留量的高效液相色谱测定研究

    Study on Determination of Four Quinolones in Chicken by HPLC

  13. 动物组织中兽药残留分析及检测

    The Analysis and Determination of the Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal Tissues

  14. 蛋白芯片在兽药残留检测中的应用

    The application of protein chip in veterinary drug residue detection

  15. 生物芯片:对兽药残留说不

    Biochip Says " No " to the Animal Remedy Remaining

  16. 食品动物兽药残留的研究进展

    Progresses of Studies on Veterinary Drug Residue in Food Animals

  17. 乳及乳制品中抗生素类兽药残留快速检测技术

    Introduction on rapid milk antibiotic residues test / assay techniques and kits

  18. 兽药残留分析中样品前处理技术研究进展

    Progress of Sample Pre-treatment in Analysis of Veterinary Drug Residues

  19. 乳及乳制品的抗生素和其他兽药残留问题

    Issue of antibiotics and other veterinary drug residues in milk

  20. 用于农、兽药残留分析的基体标准物质研究进展

    Study progress of matrix reference materials for pesticide and drug residues analysis

  21. 肉类兽药残留问题已经引起了广泛的关注。

    The problem of veterinary drug residues in meat has attracted wide attention .

  22. 对食品兽药残留和关键检测技术的相关文献进行了综述。

    The principal methods for detection of veterinary residues in food are reviewed .

  23. 土壤中兽药残留对微生物影响的研究进展

    Effect of Veterinary Drugs Residues on Soil Microbial Community

  24. 兽药残留免疫检测技术应用进展

    Research Advances on Immunoassay Application in Veterinary Drug Residues

  25. 压电免疫传感器及其在兽药残留检测中的应用前景

    Piezoelectric immunosensor and its applications in the detection of veterinary drugs in food

  26. 方法简单、快速,能满足常规兽药残留检测的需要。

    The method is simple , fast , and sufficient for routine analysis .

  27. 食品中磺胺类兽药残留前处理技术的研究进展

    Research Progress on Pretreatment Technologies of Sulfonamides Residues in Food for Their Determination

  28. 动物性食品中兽药残留水平及膳食安全性评价

    Residual level of veterinary drugs and assessment of dietary reliability in animal derived food

  29. 乌鲁木齐市动物源性食品中兽药残留分析与评价

    Analysis and Assessment on the Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Animal Derived Food in Urumqi

  30. 供港原料奶兽药残留危害及控制

    Study on hazards of veterinary drug residues in raw milk for Hongkong and control measures