
  • 网络internal exposure index
  1. 通过对成都市土壤中天然放射性核素含量进行分析,得出放射性其外照射指数在0.35~0.7之间,内照射指数在0.17~0.31之间,二者都在国家建筑材料放射性核素限量标准控制式的范围内;

    By analyzing the content of natural radioactive nuclides in soil , it could be conclude that the external exposure index in Chengdu is between 0.35 and 0.7 ; the internal radiation is between 0.17 and 0.31 ;

  2. 结果广东省废渣建材(含渣水泥、渣砖)ECRa略高于传统建材(含水泥、红砖)。除少数建材外,其余建材的内、外照射指数基本相近,MRa和Mγ均小于10。

    Results The EC Ra of waste residue building materials ( cement , brick ) of Guangdong was shown to be higher than that of traditional building materials ( M Ra < 1 0 , Mr < 1 0 ) .