
  • 网络internal development
  1. 通过内部开发,战略性收购,与所获得的来自客户定义的最佳实践,Rational不断的增强其客户质量治理能力。

    Through internal development , strategic acquisitions , and harvesting best practices from client engagements , Rational has continuously enhanced its clients'quality management capabilities .

  2. (在TSAM术语中称为客户)来托管内部开发和测试项目。

    ( called a customer in TSAM terminology ) for hosting internal development and test projects .

  3. 他为诺基亚智能手机选择了Windows智能手机操作系统,放弃了内部开发的系统,也拒绝使用谷歌(Google)快速发展的安卓(Android)系统。

    He selected the Windows smartphone operating system for Nokia smartphones , abandoning internally developed options and shunning Google 's fast-growing Android software .

  4. 而且,选择使用应用编程接口(API)还是内部开发的套接字也会影响着套接字的结构。

    Furthermore , the choice of using application programming interfaces ( APIs ) versus internally developed sockets also drives the structure of the socket .

  5. IBM意识到公司需要使用在线协作工具管理企业,因此投入了专项研究资源在内部开发和部署协作工具。

    IBM realized the need for online collaboration tools to manage its vast enterprise and has dedicated research resources to developing and deploying collaboration tools internally .

  6. 因为Linux是开放的,所以更容易在其内部开发新的技术,这就是为什么您可以在Linux中发现最新尖端技术的原因。

    Because Linux is open , it makes it easy to develop new technologies within it , which is why you can find the newest bleeding-edge technologies in Linux .

  7. APM系统是内部开发的、开源的、商用的系统,可以用它来为Java性能管理实现BCI,要想实现性能良好且高度可用的系统,APM系统必不可少。

    Home-grown , open source , and commercial APM systems that implement it for Java performance management can be a critical part of a well-performing and highly available system .

  8. 更具体地说,我建议在内部开发一个可用的EcmaScript编程指导方针,并考虑重写Java语言中任何可能超过一页长度的脚本。

    More specifically , my recommendation is to develop a viable EcmaScript coding guideline internally and to consider rewriting any script that may exceed a page in length in the Java language .

  9. XYZ使用可以确定机器类型和功能的内部开发的软件应用程序,自动化了执行测试时的大部分过程。

    XYZ has automated much of the process for executing the tests using an internally developed software application that can determine a machine 's type and functions .

  10. 首先,利用ANSYS的内部开发语言APDL和UIDL建立了三维复杂槽型铣刀片的参数化模型,为有限元分析提供了实体模型。

    Firstly , parametric model of three three-dimensional complex groove milling insert is formatted by ANSYS ' inner developing tools ( ANSYS Parametric Design Language , APDL and User Interface Design Language , UIDL ), which provides solid model for finite element analysis .

  11. 他已彻底关闭了一些治疗领域,并打破传统,将一些研究部门和不再在内部开发的产品剥离出去,例如开发心血管治疗的esperion公司。

    He has closed some therapy areas entirely and broken with tradition by spinning out research units and products no longer pursued in-house , such as esperion , a company developing cardiovascular treatments .

  12. 外包公司必须提供与内部开发的服务相同的服务生命周期。

    Outsourced company must create same service lifecycle deliverables as are created in house .

  13. 这是10年前内部开发的。

    It was developed in-house ten years ago .

  14. 财会和支付软件从外部购买,但销售软件是内部开发的

    The accounting and payroll software were purchased , but the sales software was developed in-house

  15. 同时这也对企业内部开发人员提出了更高的要求。

    At meantime , this requires higher quality to the internal research staff of the enterprise .

  16. 为所有公开分发的内部开发软件部署用于实施代码签名的内部过程

    Deploy internal procedures for implementing code signing for all in-house developed software that is publicly distributed

  17. 在组织内部开发的社区通常集中于业务概要和技术实现。

    The communities that are developed within an organization are usually concentrated on business profiles and technical fulfillment .

  18. 在其它情况下,后台办公系统可能已经在内部开发,而它过度增长已经不再适用于其原始设计了。

    In other cases , the back-office may have been developed in-house and has largely outgrown its original design .

  19. 这会影响到两类开发组织:内部开发人员和第三方应用程序供应商。

    There are two kinds of development organizations that this impacts : in-house developers and third party application vendors .

  20. 面向企业内部开发人员和市场销售人员,以及本公司接口客户的开发人员和市场销售人员。

    For internal developers and marketing staff , and the interface of the company 's developer clients and marketing staff .

  21. 与机构内部开发的代码质量相比,您怎样才能知道外包项目质量的好坏?

    How can you see if the outsourced project compares to the quality of the code that you 're producing in-house ?

  22. 如果没有的话,那最好自己去探索,或者是从内部开发一些,最后一个问题。

    If you don 't , you might consider looking for some , as supposed to pull some from internal Last question .

  23. 内部开发人员可以忽略某些修复级别,一次仅支持一个修复级别,以降低测试成本。

    In-house developers can feel free to skip certain fix levels and support one fix level at a time to reduce testing costs .

  24. 这些开发小组能够冲破企业内部开发团队的限制,接纳合作伙伴、外部开发人员、承包人和内容提供商。

    These development groups can span beyond the corporations internal development team to include partners , external developers , contractors , and content providers .

  25. 应用程序代码可能来自各种来源,它可能是内部开发的,也可能来自第三方供应商等。

    Application code can come from a variety of sources , whether it be developed in-house , from a third party vendor , and so on .

  26. 你的内部开发人员可以在几周内掌握需要的技能,避免了为雇用稀缺的熟练资源而竞争的需求。

    Your in-house developers can ramp up the required skills in a matter of weeks , eliminating the need to compete for hiring scarce skilled resources .

  27. 作为一流的供应商,很明显,其最大利益是使购买的软件产品外观就像他们内部开发的产品。

    It is obviously in their best interests to make acquired software look as though it belongs , as a first-class offering , alongside products developed in-house .

  28. 另一方面的攻击还来自内部开发的应用程序。

    There is a second side to these attacks : the internally developed application . West Development Strategy and the Development of Environmental Protection Industry in Inner Mongolia ;

  29. 对日软件出口企业在经过近十年的高速发展,无论是在企业的规模还是内部开发过程的规范都取得了长足的发展。

    After nearly a decade of rapid development , Software export enterprises , whether in the size of the enterprise or internal process development have made great progress .

  30. 应用程序(它是在内部开发,表达了商业逻辑,以及这个公司或网站的新颖和独特之处)。

    The application ( which is developed in house , and expresses the business logic , as well as the novelty and specialty of the company / site ) .