
  • 网络reinsurance company;General Re;Transatlantic
  1. 苏黎世瑞士再保险公司

    " Swiss Reinsurance Company , Zurich "

  2. 市场结构与市场行为的现状逻辑上的实现就是我国再保险公司的市场化程度低,市场绩效相对低下。

    The realization of Market Structure and Market Conduct on the level of its on-going logic was low Market Performance and marketization degree of our reinsurance company .

  3. 新再保险公司的成立,需要得到香港保险业监理处(officeofthecommissionerofinsurance)的批准。

    The establishment of the new reinsurer is subject to the approval of the Hong Kong insurance regulator , the office of the Commissioner of insurance .

  4. 美国国际集团还持有上市再保险公司transatlanticholdings59%的股权。

    AIG also owns 59 per cent of transatlantic holdings , a separately listed reinsurer .

  5. 瑞士再保险公司(swissre)表示,过去6年,中国总保费的年均复合增长率达到20%。

    Total premiums have grown by a compound rate of a fifth a year for the past six , according to Swiss Re .

  6. 慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)称,今年上半年保损飙升至600亿美元&这一数字是过去10年年均保损的5倍。

    First-half insured losses hit $ 60 billion , Munich Re said – five times the annual average over the past decade .

  7. 这栋41层的大楼由弗斯特勋爵(LordFoster)为瑞士再保险公司(SwissRe)设计,于2004年启用,但今年由于以该大楼为抵押品的债务飙升,“小黄瓜”进入破产管理程序。

    The 41-storey tower was designed by Lord Foster for insurance company Swiss Re and opened in 2004 but it fell into receivership this year after debts secured against the building soared .

  8. 180m的生态&环境摩天楼瑞士再保险公司大厦

    Ecological 180m : Environmental Skyscraper of the Swiss Re

  9. 慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)本周二发表上半年业绩评论时提出,尽管时间刚刚过半,今年已经成为有记录以来自然灾害损失最高的年份。

    Halfway through , this year is already the costliest on record for natural catastrophes , insurer Munich Re said Tuesday in its first-half review .

  10. 但监管机构推迟了对那些本应包含在内的再保险公司的说法,例如瑞士再保险公司(SwissRe)、慕尼黑再保险(MunichRe)以及伯克希尔等为保险公司提供保险的再保险公司,都应包含在内。

    But they have put off saying which reinsurers groups such as Swiss Re , Munich Re and Berkshire , which provide insurance for insurers should be included .

  11. 开始时,出现在次级抵押贷款上的问题,蔓延到了债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations),危及了市政及抵押担保保险公司和再保险公司,并可能危及规模数万亿美元的信贷违约掉期市场。

    What started with subprime mortgages spread to all collateralised debt obligations , endangered municipal and mortgage insurance and reinsurance companies and threatened to unravel the multi-trillion-dollar credit default swap market .

  12. 慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)估计,在亚洲地区1980年至2008年10次经济损失最严重的自然灾害中,有8次是日本遭受的台风袭击。

    Reinsurer Munich Re reckons that , between 1980 and 2008 , eight of the 10 costliest natural disasters in Asia were typhoons that hit Japan .

  13. 根据慕尼黑再保险公司(MunichRe)提供的数据,天气事件占2013年自然灾害损失的90%,共造成1200多亿美元的损失。

    Weather events accounted for 90 % of natural catastrophe losses in 2013 , causing over $ 120 billion of losses , according to reinsurance company Munich Re .

  14. 百慕大保险和再保险公司ACE的董事长兼首席执行官埃文•格林伯格(EvanGreenberg)表示:各类企业的全球化程度都更高了。

    Evan Greenberg , chairman and chief executive of ACE , the Bermudan insurer and reinsurer , says : There is more globalisation among businesses of all kinds .

  15. 据瑞士再保险公司《SIGMA》杂志统计,1995年世界寿险保费收入达12366亿美元,占世界保费收入的57.7%。

    According to statistical figures of SIGMA issued by Swiss Reinsurance Co. ltd. , the life insurance premium income amounted to 1,236.6 billion US dollars in 1995 , 57.7 % of the world 's insurance premium income .

  16. 瑞士再保险公司首席风险官拉吉辛格(rajsingh)说:“保险业真正的联通程度将被降低,因为需要一种双重的触发才能产生重大的系统性影响。”

    Raj Singh , chief risk officer of Swiss Re , said : " the real interconnectivity for the insurance industry is more muffled in that there needs to be a dual trigger for there to be any big systemic effects . "

  17. 牛津饥荒救济委员会和瑞士再保险公司与洛克菲勒基金会携手

    Oxfam and Swiss Re , together with Rockefeller Foundation ,

  18. 鼓励试点公司与国际出口信用保险公司和再保险公司开展各种形式的合作,以有效地分散风险。

    Encourage the cooperation with international export credit insurance companies .

  19. 运用巨灾债券转移、分散巨灾风险显然对我国保险公司、再保险公司及大型企业的风险管理具有明显的借鉴意义。

    National insurers and enterprises can also apply CAT bonds to managing catastrophe risk .

  20. 本文以中国再保险公司的寿险业务系统开发项目管理为背景,首先简要介绍了项目管理的特点和项目管理生命周期;

    The first part introduces the characteristics of project management and its life circle .

  21. 所得结论对再保险公司稳健地经营具有重要的现实意义。

    The results are of important realistic significance to the steady operation of reinsurance companies .

  22. 设立亚洲再保险公司的协定

    Agreement Establishing the Asian Reinsurance Corporation

  23. 对于央行持有的某些债务而言,全球金融管理局将是一个再保险公司或贴现机构。

    A GMA would be a reinsurer or discounter for certain obligations held by central banks .

  24. 可向保险或再保险公司安排分保,其支付能力由国家提供保证。

    O.I.N.C. can be reinsured to insurance or reinsurance companies and its payments are guaranteed by the State .

  25. 这支持了有着丰富历史数据的德国资深再保险公司–慕尼黑再保险公司[注6]所做的分析。

    That backs up analysis done by Munich Re , a veteran German reinsurer with a lot of historical data .

  26. 对外国再保险公司,加入时允许设立合资公司、分公司和子公司;

    Foreign re-insurance companies are allowed to set up joint ventures , branches and subsidiaries upon China 's WTO accession .

  27. 未能将再保险公司纳入名单激怒了保险公司,保险公司辩称,再保险公司对金融体系更为重要。

    The failure to designate reinsurers has angered insurance companies , which argue reinsurers are more important to the financial system .

  28. 在此基础上,建立了保险公司与再保险公司的最优分保比例模型。

    On this basis , this thesis gives out the model of proportion of optimal reinsurance between the insurer and the reinsurer .

  29. 根据历史情况,新设立的再保险公司在百慕大和瑞士较为常见,在亚洲则极为罕见。

    Start-up reinsurance businesses have historically been common to markets such as Bermuda and Switzerland , but are extremely rare in Asia .

  30. 天气衍生品的推出可以增强保险公司和再保险公司分散风险的能力,有助于提高农业自然风险的管理水平。

    Introduction of weather derivatives may help insurance companies and reinsurance companies enhance risk-diversifying ability and improve management of natural risks in agriculture .