
  • 网络legionellosis;legionella disease;Legionella pneumonia;legionaires disease
  1. 儿童军团菌病危险因素的研究

    A Study on Risk Factors of Legionellosis in Children

  2. 军团菌病一种感染军团菌病原体引起的疾病。

    Legionellosis is the illness caused by exposure to the bacterial pathogen Legionella .

  3. 地高辛标记的DNA探针用于嗜肺军团菌病的检测

    Detection of Legionella pneumophila whith Digoxin Labelled DNA Probe

  4. 角分集ISAR高分辨成像本组军团菌病肺部影像学表现出以下特点:①多样性;

    High-resolution ISAR Imaging with Angular Diversity ① diversity ;

  5. 为探讨军团菌病(LD)肺部X线、CT表现特点,回顾性研究了1993年1月至1996年4月军团菌病肺部影像学等资料齐全的连续性病例,共81例。

    To investigate the chest radiograph and CT features of patients with Legionnaires ' disease ( LD ) . The chest radiograph and CT imaging data of 81 consecutive cases with LD from January 1993 to March 1996 were retrospectively studied .

  6. 军团菌病的流行概况以及预防控制

    The prevalent status , prevention and control of Legionnaires disease

  7. 军团菌病流行病学调查及防制措施研究

    Epidemiological survey of Legionnaires ' disease and study on its preventive measures

  8. 新疆昌吉农村居民嗜肺军团菌病血清流行病学研究

    Sero-Epidemiological Study on Legionnaires'Disease of Changji Areas in Xinjiang

  9. 6例军团菌病的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 6 Cases with Legionnaires ' Disease

  10. 由于军团菌病暴发范围广,且对人类健康构成了严重威胁,因此越来越受到人们的关注。

    Now , more and more attentions are being paid to Legionella , because the potential of prevalent outbreak and threaten to human health .

  11. [结论]口岸检验检疫机关应加强口岸地区中央空调冷凝水及冷却水军团菌的监测工作,并采取有效控制措施,防止军团菌病在口岸地区发生。

    Conclusion The Institute of Port Inspection and Quarantine should enhance the legionella surveillance of CACs ' condensate and cooling water , and prevent the Legionellosis in port district .

  12. 军团菌病是一种急性呼吸道传染病,常由于吸入含军团菌的气溶胶而感染,病死率高,易暴发流行。

    Legionnaires ' disease is an acute respiratory infection often caused by inhalation of aerosols containing Legionella . The disease has a high mortality and is easy to outbreak .

  13. 太原地区内科住院患者军团菌抗体调查及医院感染军团菌病

    Prevalence of Antibodies to Legionella in Medical Care inpatients in Taiyuan and Nosocomial Legionellosis