
jūn fá
  • warlord
军阀 [jūn fá]
  • [warlord] 旧时拥有军队、割据一方、自成派系的军人或军人集团

军阀[jūn fá]
  1. 他的部下也不象许多军阀的军队那样大吃大喝。

    His followers did not carouse , like the troops of many warlord armies .

  2. 一些美国官员生怕再重复美军在索马里的军事惨败黑鹰坠落(BlackHawkDown),当时美军对索马里军阀展开了拙劣的袭击,造成多名美军士兵阵亡。

    Some officials were wary of repeating a fiasco like Black Hawk Down in Somalia , when American forces were killed after a botched raid on a Somali warlord .

  3. 相互争斗的军阀及外国列强们正在争夺政治上的收益。

    Competing warlords and foreign powers scrambled for political spoils .

  4. 在旧社会,残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战,使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。

    In the old society , owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads , the labouring people led a vagrant life .

  5. 军阀混战,民怨沸腾。

    Warlords fought one another and popular discontent ran high .

  6. 军阀内部火并。

    An open factional struggle broke out among the warlords .

  7. 军阀割据,各霸一方。

    The country was torn apart by warlords , each controlling a region .

  8. 军阀混战,盗贼横行,真是昏天黑地。

    Ridden with warlordism and banditry ; the country was in a state of chaos .

  9. 军阀屠杀罢工工人。

    The warlords butchered the strikers .

  10. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里报道,前军阀将在本次竞选中发挥重要作用。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry reports former warlords will play a large role in the campaign .

  11. 最近,似乎又是它促使非洲联盟(africanunion)开始抓捕乌干达军阀约瑟夫科尼(josephkony),在此之前,一段反科尼的宣传影片通过社交媒体传播,总点击量超过一亿次。

    Now it has supposedly prompted the African Union to hunt for the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony , after an anti-kony propaganda film spread through social media and was watched more than 100 million times .

  12. 在他的第三部也是最新的三部曲《不完美的过去》中,Farah先生精彩的演绎了1991年SiadBarre被军阀赶下台时接连发生的混乱局面。

    In his third and latest trilogy ," Past Imperfect ", Mr Farah proves a penetrating interpreter of the chaos that ensued when Siad Barre was ousted by warlords in1991 .

  13. 英雄,科巴,采取四个“凤凰剑在”黑暗时代“刺杀名为Scaren,李一军阀”之称。

    The hero , Koba , took four " Phoenix swords " in the " Dark Age " to assassinate a warlord named Scaren , Li said .

  14. 1992年12月4日,美国总统乔治H.W.布什命令美国军队实行仁爱使命,威胁采取军事行动反对索马里军阀和团伙阻断对饱受饥饿数百万人提供食物。

    On Dec. 4 , 1992 , President George H.W. Bush ordered American troops to lead a mercy mission to Somalia , threatening military action against warlords and gangs who were blocking food for starving millions .

  15. 但是来卡内基国际和平基金会的DipaliMukhopadhyay进行了反驳,该智库的这位成员表示:尽管这些军阀非常滥,但其中还是有一些人证明了自己的成功;

    But although several of these warlords are awful , some have proved quite successful , argues Dipali Mukhopadhyay of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , a think-tank .

  16. 这些女性中包括女主角Cambara。她是作者笔下诸多的坚强的女英雄之一。她终止在多伦多的浪迹生涯,从窃据重器的军阀手中接回她的亲人。

    These female targets include Cambara , an actress and one of the author 's many robust heroines , who has returned from exile in Toronto to reclaim her family home from its squatting warlords .

  17. 他还派了一个中国军阀去杀害菲利亚斯福格!

    He also sent a Chinese warlord to kill Phileas fogg !

  18. 尽管德川家康非常自负,但他并不是个普通的军阀。

    However inflated his self-esteem , Ieyasu was no run-of-the-mill warlord .

  19. 他是挑起战争的军阀。

    He is the man put the war back into warlord .

  20. 我有点担心他已经变成军阀了

    I have a small fear he 's become a warlord .

  21. 就这样,他们使军阀互相混战。

    In this way they kept the warlords fighting among themselves .

  22. 不是战争之王,应该叫军阀。

    It 's not Lord of war . it 's warlord .

  23. 奉系军阀与东北海军的创建

    Discourse on the Establishment of Northeastern Navy by the Manchurian Warlord

  24. 四川军阀停止把大米运住长江下游。

    Warlords from Szechuan stopped sending rice down the Yangtze .

  25. 他们喑中和北洋军阀勾结起来。

    They secretly entered into collusion with the northern warlords .

  26. 有人怀疑他和军阀们有联系。

    It was suspected that he had some connection with the warlords .

  27. 第二,人们仍然生活在军阀专制统治下;

    Secondly , people still were despotically ruled by warlords .

  28. 但军阀之间的战争不是每天不停的。

    But fighting among the warlords does not go on every day .

  29. 北洋军阀统治时期国民道德状况探析

    Chinese People 's Morality under the Reign of Northern Warlords

  30. 首次国共两党联合战线与北伐战争打倒列强除军阀&试论北伐战争中的爱国主义精神

    First United Border Line of the Two Parties and the Northern Expedition