
  • 网络Military establishment;Military units and formations
  1. 本文在军队医院编制体制的文献回顾的基础上,确定人员编配应遵循的原则和依据;

    On base of literature review of military hospital organization , the author defined the principles in organizing medical staff .

  2. 面对新的军事变革和军队体制编制改革调整,军队医院必须正确处理和把握改革发展中的一些关系和矛盾,因势利导、趋利避害,即正确处理面向战场与适应市场的关系;

    In front of military reform and adjustment of military authorized system , military hospital should deal with the relations and contradictions in development .

  3. 文职人员是军队体制编制调整和干部人事制度改革的产物,建立科学合理的文职人员薪酬体系,对贯彻和推进文职人员制度具有重要意义。

    It is establishment and implement of the nonmilitary personnel system , which is an important strategic tactic for the reform of military human resource system .

  4. 我国的财政预算改革开始于二十世纪九十年代,比军队预算编制改革先行一步,特别是在零基预算方法的推广上,有许多实践的经验和教训。

    And the experience and lessons learnt from reforms on state budgeting , especially extended application of the ZBB method , which started earlier'in 1990s , are studied .

  5. 不论“卒妻”在“兵制”的正常规范下是否进入军队正式编制之中,她们参与军事生活和战争实践的事实是不可以否认的。

    Regardless of whether or not the soldier 's wife belonged to the military system , the fact that they participated in the military life and war can not be denied .

  6. 随着军队体制编制调整和干休所离休干部人数逐年减少以及社会医疗水平不断发展,省军区干休所卫生工作出现了工作人员和保健对象比例失衡、经费不足、装备较为陈旧、部分卫生所规模过小的问题。

    With the adjustment of military system and the improvement of medical lever , some problems have been appeared such as the imbalance of proportion between missionary with service objects , the lack of outlay , the stale of equipment and so on .

  7. 2001年3月,军队开始对预算编制制度进行改革。

    In March 2001 , the PLA began to reform the budgetary planning system .

  8. 这支军队是战时的编制(为战争作好准备)。

    The army were put on a war footing , ie were prepared for war .

  9. 随着地方人事制度改革的深入和军队新的体制编制的运行,军队院校专业技术职务晋升工作出现了一些新情况、新问题。

    With the reform of personnel system and new personnel system of military being carried out , some new phenomena and new problems appear in the work of promoting senior title of a technical post in military academy .

  10. 军队医院则面临着了要迎接国家医药卫生体制改革和军队体制编制调整的双重压力。

    Military hospitals are in the face of the press from the reform of national medical care system and military system .