
  • 网络quasi-market;quasi market
  1. 所谓的准市场组织(quasi-marketorganization),广义上是指通过企业与市场的相互渗透与融合,而形成的企业间关系的一种契约安排。

    The so-called quasi-market organization refers to the market relationship in which the relationship at section level is embedded .

  2. 水权准市场交易模型及市场均衡分析采用SRM准则设计的自适应均衡器

    Quasi-market design and its market equilibrium of tradable water rights ; An Adaptive Equalizer Based on Structural Risk Minimum Criterion

  3. 没准市场正因畏惧“双底衰退”而开始采取相应行动呢。

    Perhaps markets are beginning to price in a double-dip recession .

  4. 流域水资源准市场配置从何处着手

    How to set about quasi-market disposition of the basin water resources

  5. 基础教育准市场化改革取向研究

    Tropism of Quasi-marketing Reform on Fundamental Education Research

  6. 教育准市场化下政府教育职能的研究

    A Study on the Educational Function of State under the Condition of Quasi-market Education

  7. 第五章,研究旅游准市场的形成机理。

    Chapter V , studies of the formation mechanism of the tourism quasi-tourists market .

  8. 准市场机制理论与西方发达国家的择校改革实践

    Theory of Quasi-market Mechanism and Practice of School Choice Reform in Western Developed Countries

  9. 试论准市场经济体制下我国城市建设行为的若干特征

    On Several Characteristics of Urban Construction Behavior in China under the Para Market Economy System

  10. 中国城市开发的准市场机制

    On Para-Market System of Chinese Urban Development

  11. 试论我国养老保险的准市场化运行

    A Tentative Study on the Operation of Endowment Insurance in China by Means of Quasi-Marketization

  12. 准市场组织的发展与寡头主导,大、中、小共生的金融组织结构研究&以银行业为例的分析

    The Research on the Development of Quasi-market Organization and Evolution of the Financial Organization Structure

  13. 教育民营化与教育的准市场制度

    Privatization of Education and the Quasi-market System

  14. 政府内部运行机制的准市场化。

    The quasi-marketed operation mechanism within government .

  15. 但是由于教育的公益性,因此民间资本兴办教育应该采取一种“准市场”制度,而非完全的市场化运作。

    Because of the commonweal of education , however , the PHEIs should be operated as a quasi-market mode .

  16. 流域水资源准市场配置的内在条件与制度环境有关生态和环境条件;

    On the Internal Prerequisites and the External System Environment for A Quasi_market Allocation of River Basin Water Resources ;

  17. 在准市场机制调整之下的排污权交易市场具有比现行排污收费制度更合理之处。

    The market of Trading Emission Rights under quasi-market mechanism has more reasonable than actual Pollution Discharge Fee System .

  18. 西部经济发展的关键是选准市场,并积极开拓市场、融入市场。

    The sticking point of economic development of west regions is to find apt markets , then exploit the markets .

  19. 对超越企业与市场的企业间合作竞争型准市场组织的研究

    A Study on the Quasi - market Organizations of Inter - enterprise Cooperation and Competition Surpassing the Enterprises and Market

  20. 结合政府宏观调控和水市场机制两种配置方式的优势和中线水量调度自身特点,建立了中线准市场水量分配模型。

    By virtue of government macroscopical control and water market , quasi-market model for water allocation in MR is established .

  21. 本文通过对改革前后新股抑价程度变化的分析来评价我国新股发行制度准市场化改革(实施核准制)的实施效果。

    The paper makes an empirical analysis on the effect of approval system reform in Chinese initial public offering market .

  22. 经营水资源的核心是合理有效地配置水资源,关键是按“准市场”的要求建立和完善经营机制。

    The key of water management lies in allocation of the resources and good management system in accordance with the quasi-market .

  23. 也发现了交易成本是决定水权交易市场效率的最重要的因素;最后,得出了一些对于中国水权准市场交易有意义的启示。

    It also shows that the transaction costs are the most important factors in determining the efficiency of the water market .

  24. 教育的准市场制度环境下,保障教育的公益性需要做出特殊的制度安排。

    In the quasi-market system of education , it needs to give special institution arrangement to ensure public interests of education .

  25. 社区公共资产既不同于传统“集体财产”,又不同于通常“社会资产”,具有非市场或“准市场”性质。

    Community public asset as a new form of social asset is different from the collective asset in the past planned economy .

  26. 与人力资本积累相匹配的以市场效应为导向的组织内准市场制度体系;

    Environment of organization system matching accumulation of human capital allows market system of interior organization under the guidance of market effect .

  27. 本文将水权的水量权和污染权有机结合,提出建立一种准市场的水权交易模型。

    A water rights tradable model for quasi-market is established based on the integration of water quantity right and water pollution right .

  28. 共生组织是介于市场与农业企业之间的一种中间性的准市场组织,是由组织的效率内生性决定的。

    The paragenesis organization is a quasi market organization between the market and agricultural enterprises , and it is determined by organizations efficiency endogenesis .

  29. 三是从演进特征看,在一定的信息、知识和时空结构下,准市场组织相对稳定地存在。

    Thirdly , as to the evolution characteristic , with certain information 、 knowledge , time and space , quasi-market organization will be relatively stable .

  30. 本文以准市场组织为切入点来阐释产业集群的运行机理、治理结构与经济绩效,认为准市场组织是集群经济重要的制度安排和组织结构。

    In this paper , we demonstrate the operating mechanism , administering structure and economic performance of industry cluster from the perspective of quasi-market organization .