
  1. 申请中型客车准驾车型的,身高为150厘米以上;

    For quasi-driving type of Medium Bus , the height of applicant should be150 cm above .

  2. 申请增加准驾车型的,应当在所持机动车驾驶证核发地提出申请。

    To apply a promotion in quasi-driving type , applicants should go to the vehicle administration where the original license was issued .

  3. 申请其他准驾车型的,两眼裸视力或者矫正视力达到对数视力表4.9以上;

    Other applications for driving , and two naked eye , or corrected visual acuity of4.9 or more on the vision chart ;

  4. 但左下肢缺失或者丧失运动功能的,可以申请小型自动挡汽车准驾车型的机动车驾驶证。

    However , applicants lacking or losing the lower extremity motor function , can apply for Small Automatic car driving standards-based motor vehicle driving license .

  5. 小型汽车、中型客车、大型货车准驾车型可以在初次申领时申请。

    When applying for the first time , a person may apply for a driving license for small motor vehicles , midsize buses and large trucks .

  6. 身高:申请大型客车、牵引车、城市公交车、大型货车、无轨电车准驾车型的,身高为155厘米以上。

    Height : For quasi-driving type of large buses , tractors , city buses , large trucks or trolley bus , the height of applicant should be155 cm above .

  7. 有听力障碍但佩戴助听设备能够达到以上条件的,可以申请小型汽车、小型自动挡汽车准驾车型的机动车驾驶证。

    However , the hearing impaired applicant who wear a hearing-aid equipment to achieve the above conditions may apply for a small car , small car-based quasi-Automatic car motor vehicle driving license .

  8. 但手指末节残缺或者右手拇指缺失的,可以申请小型汽车、小型自动挡汽车准驾车型的机动车驾驶证。

    However , applicant with incomplete distal finger , or the incomplete or missing right hand thumb finger , can apply for a small car , small car-based quasi-Automatic car motor vehicle driver 's license .

  9. 驾驶人应当按照驾驶证载明的准驾车型驾驶机动车;驾驶机动车时,应当随身携带机动车驾驶证。

    A driver shall drive a motor vehicle of the permitted type as stated on his driving license ; and shall , when driving the motor vehicle , bring with him his motor vehicle driving license .