
tū bǎn
  • relief printing plate;relief block
凸版 [tū bǎn]
  • [relief printing plate] 包括铅版、锌版等版 面印刷部分高于空白部分的印刷版

凸版[tū bǎn]
  1. 设计出具有柔性好、附着力强、抗冻性好,且成本低的柔性凸版油墨。

    And designs the flexible relief block printing ink characteristic of good flexibility , strong adhesive power , well-antifreezing and low cost .

  2. 凸版印刷机故障机理分析及改进方案

    The Analysis of Failure and the Improvement Scheme on the Printing Machine with Relief Printing Plate

  3. 影响凸版印刷套印精度的因素

    Precision of Overprint in Relief Printing Influenced by Some Factors

  4. 线条凸版:用线条画所制成的凸版。

    Line block : A relief plate produced from a line drawing .

  5. 碳酸钙加填提高凸版纸不透明度的初步实践

    Using Calcium Carbonate as Filler to Improve the Opacity of Printing Paper

  6. 布拉耶盲字可以使用打字机,近来还有电动凸版机的发明。

    Braille typewriters and electric embossing machines are also used .

  7. 我不知道凸版照相的事。

    You see , I did not get information about any prototype .

  8. 按需滴液(喷墨印花术语)凸版轮转机印刷油墨

    Drop on demand ( DOD ) rotary letterpress ink

  9. 在废纸回用生产卫生纸、仿凸版纸的基础上,对若干废纸浮选脱墨问题进行探讨。

    The production line of deinking domestic waste paper with flotation-washing process was investigated .

  10. 高精密度液体感光树脂凸版(液体版)的工艺研究

    Design of High Precision Liquid Photosensitive Resin Plate

  11. 一种深红色树脂物质,从树木中提取,用于照相凸版印刷。

    A dark red resinous substance derived from various trees and used in photoengraving .

  12. 分析辽宁省同类型纸厂凸版纸的生产成本兼论提高经济效益的潜力

    An Analysis of the Production Costs of Relief Printing Papers Manufactured in Liaoning Province

  13. 该技术已经成立了柔性版印刷和凸版经过多年的市场。

    The technology is already established in the flexo and letterpress market for many years .

  14. 萝卜、青菜各有所爱&柔性版印刷和凸版印刷的特点

    The Difference Between Flexo Printing and Letterpress

  15. 斯隆说有个凸版照相。

    Sloane says there 's a prototype .

  16. 苯胺印刷:采用柔性橡胶版和苯胺油墨的凸版轮转印刷方法。

    Aniline printing : Method of rotary relief printing using flexible rubber plates and aniline inks .

  17. 从照相凸版上印刷出来的印刷品。

    A print obtained from photoengraving .

  18. 单张停转式凸版平台印刷机

    Heliographic printing sheet-fed stop cylinder press

  19. 凸版轮转机印刷油墨(涡轮机)整锻冲动式转轮

    Rotary letterpress ink integrally-forged impulse wheel

  20. 醇溶性聚丙烯酸脂类连结料的合成及柔性凸版油墨的研制

    The synthesis of alcohol-soluble acrylic resin link stuff and the trituration of flexible relief block printing ink

  21. 电雕不凸版,是先在铜暗地电雕,后举行镀铬,再经研磨加工而不败。

    Electric carving gravure is first in the copper surface electric carving , chromeplate , and then after grinding .

  22. 随着凸版书籍和一些辅助用具的增添,我带着重拾的信心重新投入到学习之中。

    The embossed books and other apparatus arrived , and I threw myself into the work with renewed confidence .

  23. 照相凸版印刷品通过这个过程而制作的复印件复制照相:印刷过程中,制版前的照相操作。

    A reproduction made by this process . Camera work : The photographic operations which precede the platemaking steps in printing .

  24. 今天,凸版资讯(香港)有限公司已成为全港第一位的商业表格及资讯处理服务供应商。

    Progressively , the company has become a leading business forms printing , data management services and office machinery provider in Hong kong .

  25. 半湿压光机用于双网双缸纸机提高凸版印刷纸质量

    Employment of a Wet Calender Stock on Double Vat Double Dryer Paper Machines & A Means to Enhance the Quality of Relief Printings

  26. 设置和操作凸版、平版、柔版、凹版、报纸、既时、数字和胶版印刷机。

    PRINTERS set up and operate letterpress , lithographic , flexographic , gravure , newspaper , instant , digital and offset printing presses .

  27. 在凸版印刷和照相制版的时代,许多最常用的字体都包含一种叫做展示字体的变体。

    In the days of letterpress and phototypesetting , many of the most-commonly used typefaces were available in a " display face " variation .

  28. 打印式印刷机:凸版印刷机器,它采用打印的动作压印。主要作标签印刷。

    Stamping machine : Relief printing machine which uses a stamping action to make an impression . It is mainly for the printing of labels .

  29. 热金属排版是一种,嗯,往模型中注入溶态金属合金来创造凸版印刷表面的方法。

    Hot metal typesetting is a method , um , of creating a relief printing surface by injecting a molten metal alloy into a matrix .

  30. 笔者从凸版自动化印刷设备的七个工艺方面出发,就如何印好铝箔不干胶产品,确保产品质量进行了分析。

    The author talks how to print Alumminium products well to ensure the quality of products from the point of seven aspects of relief automatic printing machines .