
chū kǒu ɡuó
  • exporter;exporting country;country of exportation;exporting nation
  1. (ⅱ)来自出口国以外一国供出口货物的价格;

    ( ii ) the price of goods for export from a country other than the country of exportation ;

  2. 在与被估价货物出口国以外的国家生产的相同进口货物可以作为海关估价的依据;

    Identical imported goods produced in a country other than the country of exportation of the goods being valued could be the basis for customs valuation ;

  3. 法国是世界第二大农产品出口国。

    France is the world 's second-biggest exporter of agricultural products .

  4. 越南已跃居世界第三大稻米出口国。

    Vietnam has emerged as the world 's third-biggest rice exporter

  5. 1990年经济繁荣的国家并不多,尤其是像澳大利亚这样的黄金出口国。

    Not many economies bloomed in 1990 , least of all gold exporters like Australia

  6. 我们将在仅仅几年时间里成为汽车净出口国。

    We will be a net exporter of motor cars in just a few years ' time .

  7. 对粮食出口国来讲,这些举措可能会消除其国内民众的恐惧心理,但是却给当时必须依赖于他国粮食出口的进口国造成了恐慌。

    Such moves may eliminate the fears of those living in the exporting countries , but they are creating panic in importing countries that must rely on what is then left for export .

  8. 这种趋势始于2007年,适值诸如俄罗斯、阿根廷等主要小麦出口国限制或禁止本国粮食出口,希望增加本国粮食供应以降低国内食品价格。

    The trend began in 2007 , when leading wheat-exporting countries such as Russia and Argentina limited or banned their exports , in hopes of increasing local food supplies and thereby bringing down domestic food prices .

  9. 根据美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)的数据,1998年,中国是世界第四大的大米出口国,出口量占全球市场的14%。

    In 1998 , China was the fourth-largest exporter , accounting for 14 per cent of the global market , according to the US Department of Agriculture .

  10. 中国将会挤掉德国一举成为世界上的最大出口国。(offthepedestal:从最高的位置拉下来)

    China will shove Germany off its pedestal as the world 's biggest exporter .

  11. WTO以后,日本宣布逐步开放大米市场,为中国等大米出口国提供了良机。

    After WTO , Japan had to declare opening rice market gradually , it gives China and other countries a good chance to export rice to Japan .

  12. 美国政府支持对经常账户盈余或赤字占GDP比设定4%的上限,这需要主要出口国扩大内需。

    The White House favours a 4 per cent limit on current account surpluses or deficits , which would require major exporters to increase domestic consumption .

  13. 麦肯锡(McKinsey)预计,在可预见的将来,中国仍将是全球最大的太阳能电池出口国。

    McKinsey predicts China will remain the world 's largest exporter of photovoltaics for the foreseeable future .

  14. 它还可以对海湾合作委员会(gulfco-operationcouncil)的石油出口国施加巨大的压力,至少要求它们减缓向欧洲提供石油供应的速度。

    And it could put huge pressure on the Gulf Co-operation Council exporters to be , at the very least , slow in offering replacements to Europe .

  15. 世界贸易组织(WTO)昨日表示,中国今年将超越德国,成为全球最大的商品出口国;与此同时,亚洲活力十足的经济体正显示出引领全球贸易复苏的迹象。

    China is set to overtake Germany as the largest goods exporter this year , as Asia 's dynamic economies show signs of leading a recovery in global trade , the World Trade Organisation said yesterday .

  16. 各方纷纷呼吁OECD国取消补贴,同时呼吁非洲棉花出口国提高其竞争力。

    There have been calls for these subsidies to be eliminated , as well as calls for African cotton exporting countries to improve their competitiveness .

  17. 据麦格理证券(macquarieequities)的一份报告,最近两个月来,中国是所有钢铁产品的净出口国。

    China has been a net exporter of all steel products for the past two months , according to a report by Macquarie equities .

  18. 中国是世界上重要的农产品出口国之一,自从加入WTO以后,顺应经济全球化、贸易一体化的国际趋势,中国农产品出口贸易稳健发展。

    China is one of the most important agricultural exporters in the world . After entering WTO , complying with international trend of economic globalization and trade integration , the development of Chinese agricultural products export goes steady .

  19. 甚至是金砖国家(Brics)集团也均分成了净进口国(中国和印度)和净出口国(巴西和俄罗斯)。

    Even the Brics group is divided equally between net importers ( China and India ) and net exporters ( Brazil and Russia ) .

  20. 总体上说,在下游贸易环节,现有GATT/WTO体制为石油出口国的各类价格歧视措施的规制提供了基本规则,关键是将该规则付诸实施。

    Generally speaking , at the downstream stage , while GATT / WTO system provides appropriate rules for regulating various price discriminations , the key issue is to put them into operation .

  21. 瑞银(ubs)经济学家乔纳森安德森(jonathananderson)表示,虽然中国人消耗的卡路里和大量耗费谷物的肉类有所增加,但中国仍是一个食品净出口国。

    Despite the fact that its people consume more calories and more grain-intensive meat , China has remained a net food exporter , says Jonathan Anderson , economist at UBS .

  22. 房地产投资直接占中国GDP大约13%,因此该行业若发生崩盘,将会产生冲击波,不仅影响中国,还将殃及大宗商品出口国&这些国家依赖中国建筑业实现自身增长。

    Real estate investment directly accounts for about 13 per cent of GDP so a collapse in the sector would have repercussions , not just in China but for commodity-exporting countries that rely on Chinese construction for their own growth .

  23. 20国集团(G20)将采取行动来努力协调各国对粮价飙升的应对。此前,作为全球第一大农产品出口国的美国遭遇半个世纪以来最严重的旱灾,导致粮食大幅减产。

    G20 countries are to step in to try to co-ordinate a response to surging food prices , after the worst US drought in half a century devastated crops in the biggest agricultural exporter .

  24. 中国作为全球最大的纺织品和服装生产国和出口国,进入国际市场的方式相对单一,主要以直接出口和OEM方式。

    Though China is the largest production and export country of textiles and garment , the entry method to international market is relatively simplistic , with direct export and OEM as the main ways .

  25. 由于交割地点不当,全球最大原油出口国沙特阿拉伯放弃了把WTI作为在美国销售原油的基准。

    The dislocation prompted Saudi Arabia , the world 's largest oil exporter , to drop WTI as its benchmark for sales in the US .

  26. 随着2005年1月1日《纺织品服装协定》(ATC)的终止,世界纺织业迎来了自由贸易的时代,配额的取消,对各个纺织出口国来说,既是机遇,也是挑战。

    With the termination of the Agreement on Textile and Clothes ( ATC ), trade in textile and clothing enters into an era of free trade . It is both an opportunity and a challenge for every fabric country .

  27. 花旗集团(citigroup)的史蒂文英格兰德(stevenenglander)表示,由供应冲击推动的能源价格上升,将不利于增长敏感的非石油大宗商品出口国、以及那些有巨额经常账户赤字的经济体的货币。

    Steven Englander , of Citigroup , said the losers from a rise in energy prices driven by a supply shock would be currencies belonging to growth-sensitive , non-oil commodity exporters and to currencies of economies that have large current account deficits .

  28. 煤炭出口国的许多瓶颈问题将限制其交付能力。

    Bottlenecks in exporting countries will hamper its ability to deliver .

  29. 出口国未必具有很大的垄断力量。

    The exporting country is unlikely to have much monopoly power .

  30. 明显的例子是石油出口国的盈余现在已消失。

    Obvious examples are the now-vanished surpluses of oil exporters .