
chū kǒu tuì shuì lǜ
  • export rebate rate
  1. 生育率变动的综合分析出口退税率与汇率变动关系

    On the Relationship between Changes of Export Rebate Rate and Exchange Rate

  2. 农产品出口退税率偏低、退税不及时。

    A low export rebate rate for agricultural products .

  3. 出口退税率变动影响出口商品需求量,带动GDP变动,转变贸易增长方式。实行差别退税率优化产业结构和地区经济结构调整。

    The fluctuation of the rate of the refunded tax on exports will influence the demands of exports , invite the change of GDP and transform the way of the increase of trade .

  4. 氧化铁行业与出口退税率调整

    Ferric Oxide Industry and Modification of Tax Drawback Rate in Export

  5. 降低出口退税率对钼行业的影响

    The influence on China molybdenum industry after reducing export drawback rate

  6. 中国出口退税率调整的实证分析

    Positive Analysis on China 's Tax Rebate Rate Adjustment

  7. 出口退税率下调对我国原料药出口的影响及对策分析

    The Influences of Drawback Rate down for Raw Active Pharmaceuticals Exports and Measures

  8. 部分木材制品出口退税率调低对木材行业的影响

    Impacts Caused by Reduction of Export Tax Rebate Rates on Some Wood Products

  9. 有关部门正在考虑上调钢铁出口商的出口退税率。

    Increased rebates for steel exporters are being considered .

  10. 加上本次调整,纺织业的出口退税率已经达到历史最高。

    By the last move , it has reached to most historical poit .

  11. 纺织服装出口退税率上调的原因及出口企业的路径选择

    Textile garment export tax retreat rate raise reason and export enterprise 's route selection

  12. 面对出口退税率下调,纺织企业如何应对?

    How should textile enterprises respond to the lowering down of export rebate rate ?

  13. 近几年来出口退税率的调整对江苏外贸经济的影响

    The Adjustment of Export Rebate Rate and Its Influences on Jiangsu Foreign Trade Economy

  14. 我国出口退税率调整对行业和地区出口的影响

    The Influence of Export Tax Rebate Rate Adjustment on Export of Industries and Regions

  15. 出口退税率与汇率对出口影响的对比分析

    Comparison between Effect of Export Rebate Rate and Effect of Exchange Rate on Export Volume

  16. 出口退税率降低;

    The reduction of customs drawback ;

  17. 当前国家实施的出口退税率结构性调整政策对于优化出口产品结构效应显著。

    Currently , the effects of export tax rebate policy to optimize export structure are remarkable .

  18. 出口退税率、人民币实际汇率和贸易顺差关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Export Rebate Rate , RMB Actual Exchange Rate and the Trade Surplus

  19. 人民币汇率稳定态势下我国出口退税率变动效应的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Change Effect of Export Rebate Rate under the Situation of RMB Exchange Rate Stability

  20. 二是提高抗艾滋病药物等高技术含量、高附加值商品的出口退税率。

    Export tax rebate rate on high-tech and high value-added products such as anti-AIDS drug is raised .

  21. 以上商品出口退税率调整自2007年7月1日起执行。

    The above tax refund rates adjustment of export commodities shall be executed from July 1 , 2007 .

  22. 出口退税率下调,使得贸易方式发生变化,加工贸易特别是来料加工贸易增长加快;

    The reduced rate changes trade methods and the processing trade especially processing with supplied materials has experienced high increase .

  23. 由于花卉出口退税率的手续繁琐,几乎没有企业申报退税。

    As the tax drawback in flower export requires complicated formalities , there are rare enterprises applying for tax drawback .

  24. 第二,需要合理确定综合出口退税率,完善出口退税政策结构性调整。

    Second , the government should design reasonable export tax rebate rates and perfect the structural adjustment of export tax rebate .

  25. 最近有关部门上调了纺织和服装企业的出口退税率,并增加了银行的年度信贷额度。

    Authorities recently raised the export tax rebate for textiles and clothing companies and increased the annual loan quota for banks .

  26. 价格下降的主要原因是出口退税率提高等为企业提供了降价空间。

    The main reason for falling prices and increasing the export tax rebate rate to provide enterprises with a price cut .

  27. 最后,文章对湖南省政府和企业如何应对出口退税率下调及退税负担机制的变动提出了建议。

    Finally , we make proposals on how Hunan province should respond to the change of ETR rate and the new system .

  28. 政策法规纺织服装产品出口退税率上调至17%已在会上通过。

    A regulation formulated to increase the tax rebate rate to17 percentage for the export of textile and garment production has been past .

  29. 如果出口退税率升得过高,中国的贸易伙伴国就会开始提出人民币是否低估的问题。

    Lift the rebates too high , and China 's trading partners will start to raise the issue of whether the renminbi is undervalued .

  30. 第二,调整税收政策(财政收入政策):调减农业特产税及提高出口退税率。

    Secondly , taxation policy should be adjusted ( financial income policy ): regulate and alleviate agricultural specialty tax and improve export duty drawback .