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chū jì
  • be legally adopted as a son
出继 [chū jì]
  • [be adopted as child] 过继给别人作儿子

  • 武陵威王晞字 道叔,出继 武陵王喆后,太兴元年受封。--《晋书.元四王传》

  1. 他一岁时就出继给大伯父了。

    He was adopted by his eldest uncle when he was just one year old .

  2. 每名委员须留任至选出继任人为止,连选均得连任。

    Each member shall hold office until his successor is elected and shall be eligible for re-election .

  3. 年轻人求助于我们老一代人过去不了解的一些神只,已经看得出继我们之后而来的人要向哪个方向活动了。

    Youth has turned to gods we of an earlier day knew not , and it is possible to see already the direction in which those who come after us will move .