
chū sài
  • Play out;enter a competition
出赛 [chū sài]
  • [attend the competition] 参赛

  • 这次比赛吸引了很多好手出赛

  1. 他可能会在蓝鸟队哪一场出赛&托瑞说。

    Mussina could pitch a game in toronto , Torre said .

  2. 你至少要出赛一场才能排名。

    You gotta have at least one fight to be ranked .

  3. 在灵菲尔德2时30分一场赛马中,第18号马不出赛。

    Number 18 in the 2.30 at Lingfield is a non-starter .

  4. 所以他不去出赛就一定是出事了。

    So there 's no way he 'd miss a game .

  5. 看你出赛及认识你一直都是件很愉悦的事。

    It has been a pleasure to watch and to know you .

  6. 再一次,这是他正规球季第一次出赛。

    Then again , it is his first outing of the season .

  7. 他还没有获得出赛[出任医师]的资格。

    He has not yet qualified for the race [ in medicine ] .

  8. 这马永远不能出赛了。

    The horse will never carry silk again .

  9. 我真的很希望你能来看我出赛。

    I 'd really love for you to come to one of my games .

  10. 我现在受伤,不能出赛。

    As I 'm injured , I won 't be fighting for a while .

  11. 行,拉杰替我出赛。

    Okay , Raj can play for me .

  12. 看比利普瑞克亲自出赛?

    Seeing Billy Prickett race in person ?

  13. 不过这次我的机会很好,我只是需要勇敢的出赛并用我的全力去欣赏比赛。

    I 'm just going to go out and enjoy it and give my best .

  14. 行,佩妮替我出赛。

    Yes , Penny plays for me .

  15. 那匹马被正式取消出赛。

    The horse was officially scratched .

  16. 英格兰队的队员都曾至少一次代表过国家队出赛,经验丰富。

    The England squad is very experienced with all of their players having at least one cap .

  17. 事实上,在欧文是唯一一个谁也撞倒雷耶斯出赛。

    In fact , Owen is the only one who has knocked Reyes out of the tournament .

  18. 热身战首次出赛,对上金州勇士队。2012年1月17日,纽约尼克斯将林书豪与队上另一名中锋杰若米·乔丹下放至发展联盟的艾利湾海鹰队。

    On January 17 , 2012 , Lin was assigned to the Erie BayHawks of the D-League .

  19. 我在那儿作为奥斯卡德拉霍亚和其他一些头衔的比赛的垫场赛出赛。

    I fought there on the undercard of Oscar De La Hoya 's fights and some other title fights .

  20. 巧合的,王建民今天的出赛也是大联盟第一场完全比赛103周年纪年日。

    Coincidentally , wang 's performance came on the103rd anniversary of the first perfect game in Major League history .

  21. 如果机器人损坏了足球,便要暂停出赛,并当作「损坏的机器人」处理。

    If a robot damages a ball , it will be removed from play and treated as a damaged robot .

  22. 大门2006年出赛149场打击率.285,有24支全垒打,80分打点。

    Damon batted . 285 with 24 home runs and 80 RBIs in 149 games for New York in 2006 .

  23. 如果姚明,威尔斯和施耐德都健康可以出赛的话,我们绝对可以挑战小牛。

    We definitely can challenge the Mavs with Yao and a healthy Snyder and Wells ( if he is still around ) .

  24. 在体育赛场上,兄弟姐妹同时代表自己的国家出赛并不是新鲜事,特别是在网球比赛中:你当然会想起威廉姆斯姐妹。

    Sibling sportsmen representing their countries are not new , particularly in tennis : the Williams sisters come of course to mind .

  25. 车队的技师们要完成一项很艰巨的任务,在1分钟内换回两条旧胎,并让他重新出赛。

    The team mechanics did a magnificent job of changing his two tires in less than a minute and sent him back out .

  26. 贝克汉姆是有史以来代表英格兰国家队出赛次数最多的非门将球员,迄今已有115次。而此前贝克汉姆一直在为他第四次出征世界杯而努力。

    Beckham , England 's most capped outfield player with 115 appearances , had been bidding to play in a fourth World Cup .

  27. 来自2016年第43顺位的周琦已经同火箭队签订合同。下个赛季将会将代表火箭出赛。

    The 43rd pick in the 2016 draft , Zhou agreed to a contract with the Rockets and will make his debut this fall .

  28. 16届后卫得分占全队得分的50.3%高出赛队6.9%;得分点比较分散,队员各尽其责。

    3,16 th guard scored 50.3 % of the total team score 6.9 % higher than the race team ; scoring more dispersed , the team members do their duty .

  29. 我参加自行车比赛那段日子,每个星期二晚上,他都会驾车50英里(约80500米)送我到威斯康星州的肯诺莎,我出赛时,他在一旁观看。

    When I was racing bicycles , he drove me50 miles each way to Kenosha , Wisconsin , every Tuesday night so I could race and he could watch me .

  30. 他在第四局投出掉了一分的暴投(另外丢掉的一分则是因为补逸而丢掉的)。这是他本季最糟糕的出赛,也是连续第四场很抖的先发表现。

    He also had a run-scoring wild pitch in the fourth ( another run scored on a passed ball ), capping his worst outing of the season and fourth straight shaky performance .