
  • 网络Distribution Rights;distributorship;right to distribute
  1. 几个月来,出版社相继报道该片法国电影导演奥利维埃·达昂(OlivierDahan)和他拥有美国分销权的制片人哈维·韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)已在商讨影片的最终剪辑。

    For months , the trade press has been reporting that the film 's French director , Olivier Dahan , and producer Harvey Weinstein , who owns the American distribution rights , have been sparring over the final cut .

  2. 通过建立具有分销权的当地销售子公司,欧姆龙意在提供更及时和个性化的客户支持,以增加其在该市场的份额。

    By establishing a local sales subsidiary with distribution rights , Omron aims to provide a more timely and personalized level of customer support to increase its share in this market .

  3. 加入WTO后,我国将在3年内向外资企业开放汽车外贸权和分销权,将允许外资非银行金融机构提供汽车金融服务,同时,其他汽车服务业也将相应开放。

    After entering into WTO China will open vehicle foreign trade right and sales distribution right to the foreign capital enterprises within 3 years , and permit foreign capital non-banking financial departments providing vehicle financial service . Meanwhile the other vehicle service items will open respectively .

  4. 没有分销权,必须通过第三方来做贸易和进出口。

    NO deliver rights , must through the third party to do trade and import or export .

  5. 取得分销权的外商投资企业可依法在国内从事分销活动。

    A foreign-funded enterprise that has obtained distribution right may undertake distribution activities at home according to law .

  6. 根据入世承诺,在未来五年内,中国石化业将取消非关税壁垒,减让关税,以及给予外国公司贸易权和分销权。

    In line with the WTO commitments , the cancellation of non-tariff barriers , tariff concession and granting of trade right and distribution right to foreign companies are supposed to be done within five-year transitional period .