
zhì bǎn
  • print;platemaking
制版 [zhì bǎn]
  • [plate-making] 制作印刷用的底版

  • 制版工艺

制版[zhì bǎn]
  1. 我们印前部门的技术人员皆经验丰富并技术卓越,提供设计、打样以及CTP制版的服务。

    Our prepress department is staffed with highly experienced and skilled craftsmen , and offers proofing , and CTP platemaking services .

  2. 晒印:制版术语。指曝光的意思。

    Burn : Platemaking term for an exposure .

  3. 图为该企业凹印制版车间。

    The picture shows the intaglio printing workshop of this company .

  4. 织物平圆网印花图案设计CAD制版系统研制成功

    CAD System for Flat / Rotary Screen Printing Pattern Design Developed

  5. 三维服装CAD在服装制版领域的发展前景

    Development Prospect of 3D Clothing CAD in Clothing Plate Making Field

  6. 分步重复缩小投影曝光技术在SAW器件制版工艺中的应用

    Step-and-Repeat Reducing Project Exposure Technique Used for the Mask Fabrication of SAW Devices

  7. 印刷制版用N2等离子体蓝紫光源的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of the Novel N_2 Plasma Light Source for Plate Making in Printing Industry

  8. Reader第三、四、五电离势值,使用这个公式计算了各级电离势。电子标签天线的设计,包括天线耦合原理、天线微型化设计、制版、流片、实验和测试;

    Thirdly , the design of the E - Tag reader .

  9. LSICAD制版中的基本单元自动选择

    Automatic Selection of Basic Units in LSI CAD Mask Making

  10. 复消色EL制版物镜的设计

    The Design of Apochromatic EL-lens in Photoengraving

  11. RPC在分布式激光雕刻制版系统中的应用

    The Application of RPC in Distributed Laser Engrave System

  12. APEC新唐装结构制版设计

    Structural Plate Making and Design of APEC New Tang Jackets

  13. 电子束与光学混合制版技术在GaAs器件研制中的应用

    Applications of mix & match plate-making technology using E-beam and optics for the development of GaAs devices

  14. 内置3.5英寸磁盘驱动器或USB接口,可直接读取田岛、百灵达格式的制版花样。

    The built-in3.5 inch disk driver or USB joint , it can directly read the design patterns of TAJAMA and BARUDAN .

  15. 80年代以来,IC设计业、制造业、封装业和制版业的市场发展迅速。

    The IC market of design , manufacturing , packaging , and plate - making has been developing very rapidly since the 1980s .

  16. CTP制版机自动上下版系统的研究

    Research on the Automatic Convey Edition Material System of CTP

  17. 基于CTP制版的调频加网工艺研究

    A Study of FM Screening Technics Based on CTP Technology

  18. CTP流程制版参数的正交实验分析

    Analysis of Plat-making Parameters in CTP Workflow by Orthogonal Experiment

  19. 在得出回归关系的基础上,利用MFC人机交互系统,成功的构架与实现翻折领样板结构的人机交互系统,以便于CAD制版。

    It will frame and achieve the MFC human-computer interaction system of turndown collar pattern-making on the basis of received Regression Analysis .

  20. PVC作为成膜剂的热敏蜡纸具有适合的软化点,能成功制版,并具有一定的印刷效果。

    PVC film-forming agent in the heat-sensitive stencil paper as a suitable softening point , successful plate , and the effect of certain printing .

  21. PS留版机是曲阜海恩印刷技术有限公司为印刷制版行业专门设计的留版设备。用来清洁、保留印刷过的PS版。

    LB-A PS plate retention machine is the new equipment designed for print plate making line by Qufu HENN Graphic Technology Development Co.

  22. 论文在上述基础上完成了电路的PCB制版,并对接收机的硬件电路和软件设计进行了调试。

    Based on the above , the author completed the circuit PCB plate , and receiver design of hardware and software debugging .

  23. 传统PS版直接制版(CTcP)技术

    The Technology of CTcP with traditional PS Plate

  24. 讨论了酸增殖剂在化学增幅型抗蚀剂体系、UV紫外光固化材料、CTP制版中的应用。

    The usage of APG in chemically amplified photoresist and UV solidification materials , and CTP were also discussed in this review .

  25. 随着生产设施,DC,华盛顿和得克萨斯州沃思堡,制版和印刷局是政府安全文件的最大的生产国美国。

    With production facilities in Washington , DC , and Fort Worth , Texas , the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is the largest producer of government security documents in the United States .

  26. 计算机直接制版CTP将成为印刷版材的发展方向。

    The paper also points out that CTP plate will be the development trend of printing plate material .

  27. 这就是著名的制版大师LouStovall制作艺术品的地方。

    C.This is where well-known master printmaker Lou Stovall makes his art .

  28. 彩条建立计算机直接制版(CTP)的系统可能需要比电影产生色条的附加功能。

    Color bars created for computer-to-plate ( CTP ) systems may require additional features than color bars generated for film .

  29. 结论引入本方法,可大大提高激光能量利用率,为一步彩虹全息在2D/3D制版实用化提供了有利条件。

    Conclusion With this technique , we can make a better use of laser energy and make it easy to produce master holograms of 2D / 3D by incorporating one - step rainbow holography .

  30. 并据此为制版厂设计了一套处理FeCl3废水的方案。

    We also design a plan treating waste water containing FeCl_3 for platemaker .