
gōu lè
  • outline;draw the outline of;sketch the contours of;give a brief account of;bring out
勾勒 [gōu lè]
  • (1) [draw the outline of;bring out]∶用线条描画出轮廓

  • (2) [give a brief account of;outline]∶用简练的文笔叙述大概情况

勾勒[gōu lè]
  1. 第一部分:简单地对原始宗教的发展历程进行勾勒。

    The first part is to draw the outline of the primeval religion simply .

  2. 授权性规则和禁止性规则共同勾勒出秘侦取证行为的法律版图。

    Authorized rules and prohibitive rules draw the outline of acts of obtaining evidence in covert investigation together .

  3. 她简略地勾勒出人物的轮廓。

    She drew the figures in outline .

  4. 我在地图上勾勒出这条河的流向。

    I traced the course of the river on the map .

  5. 伍德为他们的故事勾勒出了一个合理的梗概。

    Wood roughed out a possible framework for their story .

  6. 他画图时先快速勾勒出大致的轮廓。

    He starts a painting by quickly drawing simplified shapes .

  7. 用“户外女孩”品牌的棕色眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。

    Give your brows extra definition with Outdoor Girl 's Eyebrow Pencil in Brown

  8. 他勾勒出了SOA中的关键概念,它们的重要性,以及它们跟工作队伍隐喻的联系。

    He outlines key concepts in SOA and their significance and how they relate to the workforce metaphor .

  9. 会徽上用色彩鲜艳的线条勾勒出“NANJING”的字样,象征着青年人的激情与活力。

    The emblem , with the letters of NANJING standing out in bright colors , showcases the energy and vibrancy of the youth .

  10. 66岁的冯兆华(FungSiu-wa)自称为勾勒字体的冠军。

    Fung Siu-wa , 66 , calls himself the champion of the character outlining game .

  11. 在这篇《自然》杂志的文章中,作者彼得·辛格(PeterSinger)及其同事勾勒出了一种模式框架,把与卫生有关的生物技术“从实验室带到村庄中”。

    A model framework for taking health-related biotechnologies " from the lab to the village " is outlined in this Nature article by Peter Singer and colleagues .

  12. 本文的第一部分勾勒了W.F.奥格本文化滞后(culturelag)假说的内容,其中已涉及环境文化的内容;

    The first part of the article describes W. F. Ogburn 's hypothesis of culture lag , which involves the part of environmental culture .

  13. 像RubyonRails这样的大型开源项目为我们勾勒出了这样一个美妙图景:程序员们超越时间、国家和语言的障碍,通过远程协同的方式一起工作。

    Large-scale open source projects like Ruby on Rails highlights the best of remote collaboration and programmers working together across time , country , and language barriers .

  14. 就职典礼前几天,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)制定了他对公共服务新纪元的远景规划,希望以此能勾勒出政府的形象,并实现国家的团结。

    Barack Obama spent the days leading up to the inauguration setting out his vision for a new era of public service he hopes will define the administration and unify the nation .

  15. 但MagicLeap的目标似乎要宽泛得多,它勾勒了一个雄心勃勃的愿景:使用它所说的动态数字化光场信号技术,把丰富的交互式图形,和人们本来就可以看到的东西一并展示出来。

    But Magic Leap appears to have significantly broader aims , describing an ambitious vision for displaying rich interactive graphics alongside what people see naturally , using what it calls a dynamic digitized lightfield signal .

  16. 实质上,Shore勾勒出的方法正是当下极限编程实践的一个很棒的、严谨的应用(尽管如此,这篇文章还是非常值得一读,值得收藏)。

    In essence the approach Shore lays out equates to a good , rigorous application of modern extreme programming practices ( nonetheless , the post is well worth a good hard read and bookmarking ) .

  17. 我喜欢在脑海中勾勒思路,当思路清晰、明确之后,我会快速、准确地在纸上用一支HB铅笔划下来。

    I like to draw in my mind . When it is clean and absolute , I will draw it , fast and precise , on paper , with an HB pencil .

  18. ZVON提供了一个XSLFO参考,勾勒了元素之间的一些关系,但是没有深入每种元素的语义。

    ZVON offers an XSL FO reference that maps out some relationships of elements but does not go into much depth on each element 's semantics .

  19. 通过把握他们散文的艺术风格,有利于我们勾勒中国现代随笔散文发展的内在线索,认清西方Essay与中国散文艺术相融合的进程,促进当代散文的发展及变革。

    Through grasping the artistic style of their prose , it 's beneficial to us to outline the internal clue in the development of Chinese prose , recognize the blending process of western essay and Chinese prose art and promote the development and reform of contemporary prose . Directed by -

  20. 迪奥(ChristianDior)创意总监拉夫&12539;西蒙斯(RafSimons)就把裙子上的褶皱设计成了斜纹,这样褶皱就从左臀辐射开来,勾勒出身体的曲线,最后在膝盖后方形成漂亮的鱼尾。

    Christian Dior creative director Raf Simons did that quite literally in skirts that set pleats askew , so that they radiated out from the left hip , curving around the body and ending in a swishing fishtail behind the knees .

  21. 根据Barro(1991)和Skott(1999)的分析框架,通过构建制度的动态演进方程,文章对在一定约束条件下的制度演进长期均衡路径进行了考察,勾勒出一幅全新的制度演进图景。

    With the analyzing frame of Barro ( 1991 ) and Skott ( 1999 ), the paper insights into the long-term equilibrium path of institutional evolution under some constraints and draw a brand-new outline of institutional evolution in the way of evolutionary equation .

  22. 2006中国城市生活质量排名勾勒城市风景线

    Outline of City Ranking in Living Quality of China in 2006

  23. 通过几个关键词勾勒国际新闻传播理论研究的概貌

    Key Words of the Literature of International Journalistic and Disseminating Theories

  24. 她们喜欢穿紧身的衣服以勾勒出她们苗条的身材。

    They like wearing tight clothes to outline their slim figures .

  25. 他在纸上勾勒出房子的轮廓。

    He drew the outline of a house on the paper .

  26. 她的头发把她的脸蛋勾勒成椭圆形。

    He hair framed her face in . a gentle oval .

  27. 天空勾勒出一座小屋的黑色轮廓。

    A tiny house was blocked out black upon the sky .

  28. 21世纪战略管理的全新图影勾勒

    Shape Shadow A Brand-new Picture Sketch of Strategic Management in 21st Century

  29. 勾勒了中国教育信息化发展态势;

    Outlines the educational informationization development status quo of China ;

  30. 勾勒出全球环境问题程度的冗长议程

    A lengthy agenda outlining the extent of global environmental problems