
  • 网络packing inspection;package inspection;Packing inspect;Packaging
  1. 核质量控制程序(NQCP)系列文件,包括检验核对表,明确了货源检验、制程检验、最终组装检验和包装检验的相关活动。

    A series of NQCP 's including inspection checklists define the activities associated with the performance of inspection at source , receipt , in-process , final assembly and packing inspection within BPS .

  2. Excel模板在定量包装检验中的应用

    The Excel Mold Version Packs the Application in the Examination in the Fixed Amount

  3. 包装检验就是将包装特性与规定的要求进行比较和评价的过程。

    The inspection of package is the process in which comoparison and assessment are made between the package features and the standardized requirement .

  4. 在这种情况下,国家质量监督检验检疫机构近期出台了一些相应的管理办法来加强我国的进出口食品包装检验。

    In this case , the State General Administration for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine institution recently instituted a number of corresponding measures to strengthen the management of China 's import and export food packaging testing .

  5. 对包装的检验都包括哪些程序?

    What procedures do you have in package inspection ?

  6. 根据买方需求,同时应满足海上运输和陆路运输要求,及国家对出口货物包装的检验要求。

    All goods should be packed with meeting the requirement of buyer , and ocean and inland transportation .

  7. 出口包装容器的检验监管模式

    A Brief Introduction of Inspection and Supervision Model of Export Commodities

  8. 谈对定量包装商品计量检验管理的措施

    On Some Measures of Measurement and Inspection Management on Prepackaged Products

  9. 我国包装质量监督检验事业的发展现状

    Developing situation in quality supervision and inspection of packaging in our country

  10. 究竟包装是怎么检验的?

    How exactly should packaging be inspected ?

  11. 月饼销售包装容积率检验结果的不确定度评定

    The Uncertainty Analysis for Measurement Results of Plot Ratio Testing for Package of Moon Cakes

  12. GB/T15172-1994运输包装件抽样检验

    The sampling inspection for transport packages

  13. 为避免薄膜过度收缩而导致烟包(条)变形,给出了包装剩余量检验标准。

    The inspection standards for packing surplus were proposed to avoid pack deformation due to excess shrinking of the film .

  14. 食品中毒案中粘合剂和包装封口材料的检验

    Examination of adhesives and sealing material-two food poisoning cases reports

  15. 因为货物在包装前经过严格检验,而且承运人接货时,货物明显完好无损,所以,偷窃可能发生在运输途中。

    The pilferage may have happened on the voyage , as rigid inspection of the goods had been done before packing and the carrier received them in apparent good order .

  16. 发出产品通过严格把关,即在玉环县医药包装联合检测中心检验(我公司是该检测中心的组建企业之一)。

    Products issued th the rigorous screening tested in the Yuhuan County medical packaging of the Joint Inspection and Test Center ( Our Company is one of ite cooperation enterprises . ) .

  17. 尽管包装完好,但检验表明,这批小麦的数量与质量都不符合合同规定。

    The inspection reveals that both the quantity and quality of the wheat delivered are not in conformity with those stipulated in the contract , though the packing is all in good condition .

  18. 方法按配方将药物附着在市售包装纸上,检验合格后进行实验室和现场灭臭虫试验,并作稳定性观察。

    Methods Absorbing confected insecticide to commercial wrapping paper , and after quality verification , both laboratory experiment and field observation were conducted to evaluate the efficacy and stability of the resulting absorbent paper .