
xiōng nú
  • Hun;Hsiung-Nu;Xiongnu, an ancient nationality in China
匈奴 [xiōng nú]
  • [Hsiung-Nu;Hun] 古代的一个游牧民族,与 [第4、5世纪侵入欧洲的] 匈奴族有血缘关系或系同一民族,包括中国历史上的戎族与狄族。据中国史籍记载,公元前3世纪匈奴曾占领从里海到长城的广大地域,并统治蒙古的大部分

匈奴[xiōng nú]
  1. 论东汉对匈奴的政策

    On the Policy of the Later Han Dynasty to the Huns

  2. 联盟就会解体,匈奴人就会消灭我们。

    The alliance will crumble and the Mongols will destroy us .

  3. 追溯到他们的祖先匈奴的休屠王。

    They trace their ancestry to King Xiutu of the Xiongnu .

  4. 他们告诉我,你对匈奴人有深仇大恨。

    They tell me you have reason to hate the huns .

  5. 他认为他是匈奴王阿提拉的化身。

    He thinks he 's the reincarnation of Attila the hun .

  6. 喔,匈奴王可能还没起床。

    Well , except Attila and he ain 't getting up .

  7. 十六国匈奴政权特色再探

    Exploring characteristics of Hunnish Regimes in the era of Sixteen States

  8. 匈奴受汉文化影响初探

    On the Impact of the Han Nationality 's Civilizations on Hun

  9. 王昭君出塞以后,生活在匈奴游牧地区几十年。

    Wang Zhaojun lived in the Huns ? encampments for many years .

  10. 匈奴人发动袭击,掠夺财物,但是没有定居下来。

    The Huns raided and plundered but did not settle .

  11. 匈奴中有不少来自中原的秦人。

    There were many Qin people coming from Zhongyuan area .

  12. 此后,汉朝打了一系列对匈奴的胜仗。

    Since then a series of victories against Xiongnu had been won .

  13. 她制造了一次雪崩,打败了匈奴。

    She has made an avalanche , has defeated hsiungnu .

  14. 论匈奴在游牧文明发展史上的先驱者作用

    On the Xiongnu Tribe as Pioneers in the Development of Nomad Civilization

  15. 匈奴人口的计算方法与其社会制度

    The Method of the Calculation of XiongNu Population and Its Social System

  16. 在你左边的是匈奴大帝阿提拉。

    On the left there is your Attila the Hun .

  17. 匈奴绝尘土坝震害预测

    The Vanished Hun Prediction of Earthquake Damage in Earth Dams

  18. 争夺单于继承权的斗争直接导致了匈奴的分裂。

    The direct causation is the fighting for the Chanyu 's heirdom .

  19. 就想匈奴王和他的兄弟,叫什么?

    But like Attila and his brother , what 's his name ?

  20. 匈奴攻下这儿这儿和这儿

    The Huns have struck here , here and here .

  21. 第三声,匈奴人攻击敌人侧面。

    The third , the Huns attack the enemy flank .

  22. 这是一篇研究匈奴历史的文章。

    This is a dissertation on the history of the Hun nationality .

  23. 我知道,匈奴人将为这样的侮辱复仇。

    The Huns I knew would avenge such an insult .

  24. 匈奴人被中国内地的人所开化和同化了。

    The Huns were civilized and assimilated by the Chinese .

  25. 匈奴动物纹的特征及相关问题

    Characteristics Relative Problems of Hun Drawing Lines of Animals

  26. 嘘,孩子,匈奴杀匈奴?别干蠢事。

    Hush , boy . it 's foolish for Huns to kill huns .

  27. 对匈奴收继婚制度的再探讨&匈奴婚姻制度研究之一

    A Restudy on Xiongnu 's Shouji Marriage & Series of Xiongnu Marriage Studies

  28. 匈奴史事与北方森林植被

    The ancient northern forest vegetation depicted out of the historical materials concerning Xiongnu

  29. 告诉你,它没能救匈奴王。

    Mind you , it didn 't serve attila .

  30. 匈奴国以现今的匈牙利为中心。

    The Hun kingdom was centered in modern-day hungary .