
  • 网络chemical weathering
  1. 黄河流域化学风化作用与大气CO2的消耗

    Chemical weathering processes and atmospheric co_2 consumption in the Yellow River Drainage Basin

  2. 东南极拉斯曼丘陵斯托尼斯半岛化学风化作用的初步研究

    The chemical weathering at Stornes peninsula , Larsemann hills , east Antarctica

  3. 总体上表现以半干旱的环境为主导化学风化作用相对微弱。

    Indicating that the semi-arid environment was dominant with much weaker chemical weathering .

  4. 广西凭祥英安岩的化学风化作用研究

    Chemical weathering for dacite in Pingxiang , Guangxi

  5. 红河盆地的化学风化作用:主要和微量元素地球化学记录

    Chemical Weathering in the Red River Basin : Records of Major and Trace Elemental Geochemistry

  6. 化学风化作用具有由南向北增强趋势;

    In addition , there is the trend of increasingly strong weathering from south to north .

  7. 结果显示,紫色沉积岩发育的土壤,在一定程度上继承了母岩的特点,化学风化作用微弱。

    The results show that the soils have , in varying degree inherited some properties of purple sedimentary rocks for their very weak chemical weathering .

  8. Si/Al或SiO2/R2O3常常作为表生化学风化作用强度的重要指标。

    The ratios of SiO 2 / Al 2O 3 or SiO 2 / R 2O 3 are usually used as indices of supergene chemical weathering intensity .

  9. 同时指出,泥石流沉积属于近源快速沉积,沉积时遭受的物理风化作用和化学风化作用均较微弱。

    During the period of its deposition , the source area was quite near and quickly deposited , and both physical and chemical weathering were all rather weak .

  10. 寒冷时期,气候偏干,入湖水量减小,湖泊萎缩,流域化学风化作用减弱。

    Whereas the cold-arid climate resulted in a decrease of inflow to lake , which corresponded to lake water level drop , lake area shrank and chemical weathering weaken .

  11. 生物无时无刻不参与地球表层矿物和岩石的风化,但以往的研究大多注重物理风化与化学风化作用,对生物风化作用关注很少。

    Although organisms always participate in the weathering of mineral and rock on the earth surface , much attention was paid to the physical and chemical processes , but little attention to the biological process in previous studies of weathering .

  12. 植物根系强化黄土土层化学风化速率的作用

    Intensifying Impacts of Roots of Woody and Grass Species on Chemical Weathering of Soil on Loess Plateau

  13. 而硅铝率(或Al2O3SiO2比值)和(高岭石+伊利石)石英比值在全岩研究中代表化学风化与侵蚀作用的共同强度;

    The ratios of Al 2O 3 / SiO 2 and kaolinite + illite vs quartz for whole rock indicated the intensities of both chemical weathering and erosion .

  14. 南极纳尔逊冰缘沉积物元素地球化学特征及其化学风化作用研究

    Geochemistry and chemical weathering of Nelson periglacial sediments , Antarctica

  15. 黄土地球化学残积系数、钠钙比和化学风化指数数值增大、退碱系数数值减小时,指示化学风化作用增强,在很大程度上揭示出当时具有较强的夏季风活动。

    The intensity of chemical weathering increases with increasing of eluvial coefficient constituted by geochemical elements , ratio of Na to Ca and the value of chemical weathering increasing , and decreasing of alkali index , which implies strengthening of summer monsoon .

  16. 研究结果表明:辽宁省景观地球化学标型元素是Al(强烈富集)和Ca(大量流失),出露地表的岩石以遭受化学风化作用为主;

    The results suggest that the typochemical elements are Al ( intense enrichment ) and Ca ( heavy dilution ) in Liaoning geochemical landscape ; the chemical weathering is primary agent for the surface rock in Liaoning province ;