
  • 网络North Carolina State University;North Carolina State;NCSU;North Carolina State University--Raleigh
  1. 2008年,北卡罗莱纳州立大学(NorthCarolinaStateUniversity)的研究人员从纳米级晶体中研发出一种铁合金,这种合金比其他任何金属都要坚硬,而且能在高温下保持原形。

    In 2008 , North Carolina State University developed an iron alloy from nanoscale crystals that is stronger than any other alloy , and it maintains its shape at a very high temperature .

  2. 作为北卡罗莱纳州立大学(NorthCarolinaStateUniversity)的前统计学教授,古德奈特明白潜心学习需要怎样的投入,也知道它可以帮助人们取得怎样的成就。

    As a former professor - of statistics at North Carolina State University - Mr Goodnight understands what a commitment to learning entails , but also what it can help people to achieve .

  3. 由北卡罗莱纳州立大学的本查普曼领导的研究人员希望评估当前食品安全条例的有效性。

    Researchers led by Ben Chapman at North Carolina State University wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of current food safety instructions .

  4. 北卡罗莱纳州立大学的研究人员研发出一种名为“Q-碳”的新物质,其硬度比钻石还高。

    There is a new substance that is harder than diamond . It 's called Q-carbon , and it was created by researchers at North Carolina State University .

  5. 因为北卡罗莱纳州立大学进行的一项研究证明:辛勤的蚂蚁们会很快把它伴奏。

    That 's because according to a team of researchers led by North Carolina State University 's Clint Penick , some industrious ants will soon carry it away .

  6. 你们选择了在梅哈瑞医学院学医,在北卡罗莱纳农工州立大学学工程,因为你们想要领导和服务。

    You chose to study medicine at Meharry , and engineering at NC A & T , because you want to lead and serve .