
  • 网络regional logistics;region logistics
  1. 灰色GM(1,1)模型在区域物流规模预测中的应用

    Application of GM ( 1,1 ) Model to Predict Regional Logistics Scale

  2. 基于SWOT分析的河南区域物流体系发展对策研究

    How to Develop Regional Logistics System in Henan Province Based on SWOT Analysis

  3. 河南省区域物流SWOT分析与发展策略选择

    The SWOT Analysis on the Logistics in Henan and Its Strategy Choice to Develop

  4. 文章运用SWOT分析方法对当前环境下重庆地区发展现代区域物流中心所具有的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战进行了综合分析。

    With SWOT analytical method , the authors widely analyze the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and challenges of developing modern regional logistics center in Chongqing .

  5. 基于MLP神经网络的区域物流需求预测方法及其应用

    A Method for Forecasting Regional Logistics Demand Based on MLP Neural Network and Its Application

  6. 区域物流需求预测的COMR方法

    COMR approach to regional logistic demand forecasting

  7. 通过构建的区域物流产业SCP分析框架,并依照产业生命周期理论,就可以推断出,区域物流产业的相关特征和所处的阶段,为政府制定物流产业发展政策提供依据。

    Through the constructed SCP analysis framework of regional logistics industry and industry life cycle theory , we can infer the characteristics of regional logistics industry and the stage which regional logistics industry is in .

  8. 其次,通过分析MCAS理论促进区域物流实现良性循环发展的过程,探讨了将这两者相结合进行研究的理论与操作实践可行性和必然性。

    Secondly , through analyzing MCAS theory affect the healthy developing process of regional logistics development , explore the feasibility and necessarily of applying MCAS theory to regional logistics planning technology .

  9. 基于博弈论思想的区域物流中心选址方法

    Choosing Location Method of Regional Logistics Center Based on Game Theory

  10. 2005年区域物流发展回顾与2006年展望

    Review of regional logistics in 2005 and its prospect for 2006

  11. 区域物流需求分析&以长江三角洲南通地区为例

    Analysis of Regional MF Demand & Taking Nantong City for Example

  12. 高新技术产业基地与区域物流发展的互动关系研究

    Research on the Interaction between High-tech Industrial Base and Regional Logistics

  13. 承接产业转移与湖北省区域物流发展研究

    Regional Logistics Development in Hubei Province Based on Undertaking Industry Transfer

  14. 基于因子分析法的区域物流绩效研究

    Research on the Performance of Regional Logistics Based on Factor Analysis

  15. 武汉城市圈区域物流一体化障碍因素分析

    Research on Obstacle factors of Wuhan City Cluster Regional Logistics Integration

  16. 区域物流能力对企业间分工和布局的影响

    Influence of Regional Logistics Capacity in Division among Enterprises and Layout

  17. 云南面向东盟区域物流人才需求调查报告

    Survey Report of Demands for Logistics Personnel from Yunnan to ASEAN

  18. ⑶区域物流系统演化机理分析。

    ⑶ Study on the evolution mechanism of regional logistics system .

  19. 青岛现代物流业的发展和区域物流中心城市的构建

    Logistics Development in Qingdao and the Regional Logistic Center City Construction

  20. 区域物流中心选择的方法与实证研究

    The Approach and Positive Study on the Choice of Regional Logistics Centers

  21. 所以本文对珠三角区域物流一体化的问题进行剖析。

    So this paper , the issue of Regional Logistics Integration analyze .

  22. 区域物流系统布局与规划评价研究

    Evaluation Research of Layout and Programming of Regional Logistics System

  23. 区域物流供需耦合系统的协同发展研究

    Study on Synergetic Development of Regional Logistics Supply and Demand Coupling System

  24. 我国区域物流相对有效性分析

    Evaluation on the relative efficiency of regional logistics in China

  25. 区域物流集聚片区划分的聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis on Partitioning of Centralizing Sub-areas in Regional Logistics

  26. 区域物流能力与产业经济的灰色控制系统

    Grey Control System of Regional Logistics Capability and Industrial Economy

  27. 福建区域物流与区域经济的相关性研究

    The Research of Relevance between Regional Logistics and Regional Economies of Fujian

  28. 区域物流成本最低的规划设计。

    Planning and Design of Regional Logistics with Lowest Cost .

  29. 珠三角洲区域物流与区域经济互动机理探讨

    Discussion the Interaction Between the Regional Logistics and Regional Economic

  30. 区域物流基础设施及其运输设施差距分析

    Basic Infrastructures for Regional Logistics and Transport Infrastructural Differences