
  • 网络China Asset Management;ChinaAMC
  1. 中信证券是中国最大的上市券商,该公司自2007年以来拥有华夏基金管理公司(ChinaAssetManagement,AMC)100%的股份。

    Citic , China 's biggest listed securities brokerage , has owned 100 per cent of China Asset Management ( AMC ), since 2007 .

  2. 就构建自身qfii业务而言,完全由内资控股可能是华夏基金的一个不利因素。

    Being purely locally owned could be a setback for China AMC in terms of building its QFII business .

  3. 张后奇表示,华夏基金已与多家拥有qfii牌照的公司接洽,目前也在强化自身的qfii业务。

    Mr Zhang says China AMC has reached out to companies with QFII licences and is now in the process of stepping up its QFII business .

  4. 不过,在其它地区,华夏基金或许难以复制这样的成功。

    However , China AMC may struggle to replicate this success elsewhere .

  5. 中国按资产管理规模排名的前十大基金公司中,只有3家有外资合作伙伴,其中包括资产管理金额最高的华夏基金。

    Of the top 10 companies in the industry by assets under management , only three have a foreign partner , including China AMC , the largest .

  6. 并且,华夏基金或许是中国能够决定五大银行分销条款的六大基金公司之一。这五大银行控制着大约90%的客户。

    And this is one of perhaps half a dozen Chinese fund management companies capable of dictating distribution terms to the big five banks , which control about 90 per cent of the customers .

  7. 有谁知道买华夏蓝筹基金怎么样?

    Who knows to buy an ancient name for China La Chouji gold how ?

  8. 以华夏大盘精选基金为例的实证研究表明基于SVM的混沌时间序列预测可以较好捕捉市场运行趋势和识别市场异常波动,是一种优秀的风险预测与管理工具。

    Empirical studies for the Huaxia foundation have shown that SVM-based prediction of chaotic time series can capture the market trends and identify market fluctuations well and it is an excellent risk prediction and management tools .

  9. 第四章介绍了开放式投资基金的绩效评估体系,并以华夏成长投资基金为实证详细介绍了美国晨星投资基金风险评估体系。

    Chapter four has introduced the performance evaluation system of the open investment funds , grow up investment funds introduce investment funds risk evaluation system , stars at dawn of U.S.A.

  10. 同年,南方稳健证券投资基金和华夏成长证券投资基金也在不到半年的时间内相继成立。

    Southern steadiness security investment fund and Hua xia growth security investment fund were issued consecutively in the same year .