
  • 网络Coordination game;coordinate game
  1. 本文的合作型FDI模型的最主要特征是在借鉴协调博弈理论的基础上,结合古典经济学的比较优势理论和赫克歇尔&俄林的要素禀赋理论,将协调博弈的互补性原理应用于FDI分析。

    The main character of the model is to apply complementary principle to analyze FDI , by integrating the Comparative Advantage of the classic economic and the Theory of Factor Endowment , on the base of the theory of coordination game .

  2. 在这种情况下,协调博弈相当简单。

    In that scenario , the coordination game is fairly simple .

  3. 空军战争学院教授纳乌尼哈尔·辛格(NaunihalSingh)是《夺权》(SeizingPower)一书的作者,该书讨论了政变为什么成功或失败,他在书中写道:成功的政变通常以“协调博弈”的形式进行。

    Successful coups tend to be waged as " coordination games , " Naunihal Singh , a professor at the Air War College , wrote in the book " Seizing Power , " which examines why coups succeed or fail .

  4. 循环经济中企业行为的协调博弈分析

    Coordination Game Analysis of Enterprises ' Action in Circular Economy

  5. 闭环供应链协调博弈的随机稳定性研究

    A Study on the Stochastic Stability of Coordination Game in Closed-loop Supply Chain

  6. 信念、协调博弈与均衡选择

    Belief , Coordination Game and Equilibrium Selection

  7. 三是内部协调博弈关系。

    Interior Coordination Game Relation .

  8. 我国目前税收博弈中的协调博弈内涵及动态均衡特征

    The Connotation of " Coordinated Gambling " & the Features of Dynamic Balance in the Present Tax Gambling

  9. 协调博弈的摆动均衡:企业核心层关系的一个分析

    The Pendulous Equilibrium of Coordination Game : An Analysis of the Interaction in the Senior Managers in a Firm

  10. 基于出超方的双边贸易合作策略:一个协调博弈视角

    Bilateral Trade Cooperation Strategy in the View of the Part with Trade Surplus : A Perspective of Coordination Game

  11. 长三角区域经济发展中政府协调博弈失败与职能转变的实证研究

    Case Study of Governments ' Failure in Coordination Games and Its Function Transformation in the Economic Development of Yangze Delta

  12. 外商投资政策与产业扶持政策协调博弈研究

    A Study on the Coordination between Foreign Investment Policy and Industry Support Policy & from the Perspective of Game Theory

  13. 利用反协调博弈刻画了个体的差异化选择特征,分析了复杂社会网络上的扩散过程及其影响因素。

    Model the characteristics of differential choice by anti-coordination game and analyse the process and influencing factors of innovation diffusion in complex social networks .

  14. 借鉴了有限理性博弈相关理论,建立了有限理性条件下协调博弈的快速学习模型及复制动态进化模型;

    Consulting the theory on bounded rational games , a best-response-dynamics model and a replicator-dynamics model are developed under a bounded rational coordination game .

  15. 但是,本文发现,通过承诺,联盟成员可以将它们之间的囚徒困境博弈转换成协调博弈。

    However , this paper finds that alliance participants can choose to play the coordination game to avoid playing the prisoner 's dilemma by commitments .

  16. 文章运用协调博弈理论,从支付占优和风险占优两个方面,分析了企业间发展循环经济的相互作用关系。

    In this paper , according to the coordination game theory , we analyze the enterprises'inter-relationship in circular economy , from two aspects of profit and risk .

  17. 于是,均衡选择问题变成了博弈论理论家们研究的热点,协调博弈成为继囚徒困境博弈又一被广泛研究的博弈类型。

    Therefore , equilibrium selection became a hot topic to game theory theorists , coordination game became another type of extensive research Game after Prisoner 's Dilemma game .

  18. 国家制度能力是通过作为实体的政府来实现,其政府间的协调博弈关系在很大程度上造就了转轨国家制度能力的实际行为模式。

    Among the various factors that affect State Institution Capacity , it is probably the coordination game among governments that mode the actual performance model of Transitional State Institution Capacity .

  19. 主要方法包括层次分析评价技术和协调博弈方法,适应性动态模型和群体演化博弈模型,特征组合、归纳和比较方法。

    The main methods comprise the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ), coordination game , firm fitness dynamics , population game model , and the features matching and inductive and comparative approaches .

  20. 尽管协调博弈中的协调失败也可能导致战略联盟的失败,但与囚徒困境相比,针对协调失败的对策却有其自身的优势;

    Although the coordination failure occurring in coordination games may also lead to the failure of the strategic alliances , the strategies to coordination failure may be advantageous over those to the prisoner 's dilemma ;

  21. 从协调博弈的信息沟通方面对案例进行了研究,指出在信息沟通的条件下政府间协调仍然失败的原因在于政府的信任度危机、外来干预或压力、以及决策这者本身的职业风险等。

    And from the aspect of communication , it holds that the reasons of governments ' failure lie in the governments ' reputation crisis , outside interference or the profession risk of the decision-maker itself .

  22. 本文首先简单介绍互补性与协调博弈理论的理论背景和基本分析框架,然后由此出发考察现代经济学研究协调问题的最新进展,最后给出我们的简短评论。

    First , this article introduces theoretical background and analysis framework of complementarity and coordination game theory , and then reviews the latest development of coordination issues of modern economics , and finally provides concise comments .

  23. 本文基于协调博弈动态过程研究的基础上,通过引入历史、现状及相对偏好参数来探讨协调博弈的均衡选择问题,为理论研究提供一种新思路。

    This article is based on the dynamic process research of coordination game , through introducing the history , current status and relative preference parameters to explore equilibrium options to coordination game , in order to provide a new idea to theoretical study .

  24. 本选题来源于国家自然科学基金项目《我国区域系统发展冲突与协调的博弈仿真及激励制度研究》(NO.40271054)。

    The choose of this paper comes from the item of the national natural science foundation of China 《 Emulation Based on Game Theory and Study in Incentive Institution of the Conflict and Coordination Problem of the Regional System Development in China 》 ( NO.40271054 ) .

  25. 金融危机下国家利益与国际协调的博弈

    International Financial Crisis and International Harmonization of National Interests

  26. 本论文围绕供应链节点企业间合作竞争关系的协调运用博弈论与信息经济学的原理与方法,对供应链节点企业间合作竞争进行了研究。

    This article studies on the cooperation and competition of the supply chain node , around the supply chain node cooperation and competition relationship coordination of enterprises by using the game theory and information economics principle .

  27. 金融衍生工具的演进蕴含着个人理性和集体理性从冲突走向协调的博弈过程且表明有效的外在制度安排是协调两性冲突的关键因素。

    The evolvement of financial derivatives is the gaming process of individual interest and collective interest , is the way from confliction to harmony , and shows that the effective institutional arrangement is the key to the harmonization .

  28. 论文针对贸易政策与环境政策的协调进行博弈分析,分别就贸易政策和环境政策的国内协调以及多边协调进行深入的研究。

    The thesis analyses specifically for trade policy and environment policy coordination carry out game , respectively right away , trade policy and the environment harmonize policy in the homeland and multilateral coordination carries out thorough go into .

  29. 项目团队的冲突协调机制及其博弈分析

    Coordination Mechanism and Game Analysis of Conflict in Project Team

  30. 双源渠道模式下供应链协调的斯塔克伯格博弈分析

    Study on Stackelberg Game of Supply Chain Coordination with Dual-Channel