
  1. 如果你正在考虑入手一部入门级的数码单反并且也留意到A200,那么你会被它那诱人的价格所吸引。

    If you 're currently in the market for an entry-level DSLR and you 've come across the Sony DSLR-A200 one of the first things you have probably noticed is its incredibly tempting price point .

  2. 我的朋友有佳能和尼康单反相机。

    My friend has a Canon SLR and a Nikon DSLR .

  3. 有些人会在他们非常在乎的几样东西上花费重金,比如苹果手机或单反相机,而其他无所谓的大部分东西则选择去沃尔玛这种低档平价市场上购买。

    Some people will spend lots of money on a few items they really care about , such as their iPhones or their SLR cameras , and then they will go downmarket to Wal-Mart to buy most of the other stuff1 they don 't care about .

  4. 新型多功能AF单反照相机

    New Multifunction AF Single-reflection Camera

  5. 根据PhotographyBay网站最近披露的一份佳能专利文件显示,佳能旗下的数码单反相机很可能会是首批采用触屏控制系统的相机产品。

    Future Canon DSLRs could be some of the first to switch to touchscreens for much of their input , a newly unearthed patent filing shows .

  6. 该滑轨有五种不同的底座,用来把智能手机或小型的数码单反相机(DSLRcamera)安装到12英寸(约合30.48厘米)的轨道上。

    It includes five different mounts for attaching a smartphone or a small DSLR camera to a 12-inch track .

  7. 因此在论文的最后一部分,综合运用高频方法,对单反射面天线的辐射场进行推导计算,在MATLAB环境下,得出天线辐射方向图。

    So as the last part of the paper , the radiation field of paraboloid antenna was deduced with high-frequency asymptotic method synthetically . The pattern of a paraboloid antenna was obtained in the MATLAB environment .

  8. 这门课同样适合那些懂得ISO感光度、光圈、快门速度、白平衡等摄影知识并能用自己的数码单反或桥式相机设置这些参数的同学。

    It is ideal for those who have an understanding of ISO , aperture , shutter speed , white balance and how to change these on your digital SLR or bridge camera .

  9. 然后通过使用单反射椭圆模型,提出了一种能够有效的抑制非视距传播(NLOS)干扰的定位算法。

    And then using elliptical model SLR shoot , and puts forward a kind of inhibition of spread beyond ( NLOS ) interference location algorithm .

  10. 多年来傻瓜相机的销量一直在下滑,据研究公司国际数据公司(IDC)上周说,更加昂贵的单反相机的销量也将下滑。

    Sales of point-and-shoot cameras have been declining for years and , according to research firm IDC last week , sales of more expensive SLRs are also set to plummet .

  11. 在现有的数码相机中,ISO可以从ISO100到ISO3200的范围调整,一些数码单反的调整范围更大。

    In recent digital cameras , ISO can range from ISO100 to ISO3200 or even higher in high end DSLR cameras .

  12. 像A33和A55那样会过热的单反到底是类似水门事件的丑闻呢,还不过就是物理常识?

    Are overheating DSLRs like Sony 's A55 and A33 a scandal of Watergate proportions , or simply physics at work ?

  13. 在高端,可更换镜头提供图像清晰度和可编程类似传统35mm胶片式单反相机单镜头反光(或SLR)相机。

    On the high end , single lens reflex ( or SLR ) cameras with interchangeable lens offer image sharpness and programmability similar to the traditional35mm film-type SLR cameras .

  14. APS单反相机在1997年问世,APS表现出优良的画面质量,使得消费者在对它冷落一段时间之后不得不进行重新评价。

    APS could produce excellent picture when exposed with APS SLR camera , which made its debut in 1997 , and therefore , after a period of depression , a revaluation of the system have to be made .

  15. 现在最好的数码单反可以设定ISO3200甚至更高,但噪点几乎可以忽略。

    The top of the line DSLRs can shoot at ISO3200 and higher with noise being barely noticeable .

  16. 这款名为LytroIllum的相机造型和高端专业单反相机类似,定价更是达到1600美元。

    Called the Lytro Illum , it looks like a serious SLR camera and has a 1600 price tag .

  17. 价格相对便宜的佳能(Canon)EOSRebelT5EF-S单反相机搭配了佳能EF50mmf/1.8II镜头(在shop.usa.canon.com上的售价分别为550美元(约合人民币3365元和771元)),是很好的入门套装器材,他说。

    The relatively affordable Canon EOS Rebel T5 EF-S paired with the Canon EF 50 mm f / 1.8 II lens ( $ 550 and $ 126 , shop . usa.canon . com ) make a good starter kit , he said .

  18. 在一种基于几何形状的单反射椭圆信道模型(GBSBEM)的基础上对GBSBEM模型加以改进,提出一种新的信道模型。

    This paper presents an improved channel model on the basis of the geometrically Based Single Bounce Elliptical Model ( GBSBEM ) .

  19. iPhone5s比我的卡片相机好多了。而且,由于iPhone5s还让我可以编辑和分享照片,这部手机还常常替代了我价格更高的可换镜头单反相机——数周来我都没有找到给这台单反相机充电的理由。

    The 5s is far better than my point-and-shoot , and because it lets me edit and share my pictures , it is often superior to my expensive , interchangeable-lens SLR ( whose battery I haven 't had reason to charge in weeks ) .

  20. 数码相机大致可分为四大类:口袋机(pocket-size)、傻瓜机(point-and-shoot)、高倍数或超级变焦相机(super-ormega-zooms)以及数码单反相机(D-SLRs)。

    Digital cameras can be divided into four broad categories : pocket-size , point-and-shoot , super-or mega-zooms and digital single-lens reflexes ( D-SLRs ) .

  21. 空-时无线信道模型的建立是研究无线信道空-时特性的关键,然而广泛使用的基于散射体分布的单反射椭圆模型(GBSBEM)在描述TOA(Time-Of-Arrival)分布方面存在局限性。

    Spatial-temporal modeling of radio channels is the key for space-time wireless channel study . The widely used geometrically based single bounce elliptical model ( GBSBEM ) has the limitations in the description of Time-Of-Arrival ( TOA ) .

  22. P9的双摄不改变视角或焦距,但组合在一起带来类似于单反的更大景深,背景模糊而主要拍摄对象突出。

    The P9 " s two lenses do not change the angle or zoom but together create a single image with greater SLR-style depth of field , where the background is blurred to make the main subject stand out .

  23. 为改善星载天线的扫描特性,应用射线追踪的方法,利用优化的方法对单反射面天线和SFOC双反射面天线进行了面赋形设计。

    To improve the scanning properties of the satellite antenna , the method of ray tracing and the idea of optimization are used to shape the reflector ( s ) of the single reflector antenna and the SFOC dual-reflector antenna .

  24. 宽角扫描赋形对称单反射面天线的优化设计

    Optimal design of shaped symmetric single reflector antenna for wide-angle scanning

  25. 你认为我有买数码单反的必要吗?

    Do you think I need to buy a digital slr ?

  26. [港]数码影像传真数码单反相机成像特点及数字图像的后期处理

    The Imagery Features of Digital Single-lens Reflex Camera and Post-processing of Digital Image

  27. 单反拍夜景就是强,再暗的场景都能长时间开快门。

    The first time I use my DSLR to take photos at night .

  28. 博客正在为一个单反拍摄高清视频的重大缺陷而疯狂。

    Blogs are buzzing about a supposed flaw in DSLRs that shoot HD video .

  29. 你经常使用单反相机的屏幕取景吗?

    How often do you use Live View to shoot stills on your SLR ?

  30. 提出一种基于查找表的单反馈非迭代预失真方法。

    A single-feedback non-iterative predistortion method based on look-up table ( LUT ) is proposed .