
  • 网络unit discharge;Discharge per unit width
  1. 500A一遇校核洪水则出现底流,冲坑较深,应考虑采取工程措施以改善流态,降低单宽流量。

    However , flood Of once five hundred years is with bed current , deep scoured pitches , and therefore , some engineering measures Should be adopted to improve fluid pattern and decrease discharge per unit width .

  2. 研究了单宽流量、膜孔径、开孔率、地面坡度及灌水次数对水流推进及消退规律的影响,水流推进曲线符合幂函数规律;

    Studied discharge per unit width , film hole and Opening & Hole ratio , slope and Irrigation times of water , which affect water flow advance and regression process .

  3. 单宽流量所具有的能量,与原坡面宽度B和径流集中后宽度b比值的三次方成正比。

    The possessed energy of unit width discharge is direct proportion with the cube of ratio of original slope width B to width b after runoff concentrated .

  4. 讨论了单宽流量横向分布参数b0和b的范围,并按水位级、断面形和低流速状作了研究。

    This paper dealt with the distribution coefficient range b and b to unit discharge in accordance with grade level , type of section and tow water level .

  5. 污染带单宽流量分布参数研究

    Study on Distribution Coefficient to Unit Discharge of Pollution in River

  6. 大单宽流量消能工的选择

    Selection of Energy Dissipators With large Unit Discharge

  7. 应用地面灌溉水流运动数学模型模拟了杨凌区的地面灌溉,得出不同坡度下,畦长与单宽流量的合理组合。

    Through simulating the ground irrigation applied the mathematical model of water current movement ;

  8. 低水头、大单宽流量泄洪消能方式研究

    Research and Test for Energy Dissipation Form of Low Head , Large-unite Discharge Flood Discharging

  9. 高水头大单宽流量底流消能技术研究成果综述

    Summary on research results of underflow energy dissipation technology with high head and large unit-width discharge

  10. 阶梯高度对消能率的影响与单宽流量有关,当单宽流量较小时,消能率随阶梯高度变化较大;

    If the unit discharge is smaller , the change in energy dissipation ratio with step height is greater .

  11. 实例计算表明,层面的渗流单宽流量计算值和实测值很相近。

    The estimation example shows that on layer surface seepage discharge per unit width is approximates to measured value .

  12. 对具有高水头、大单宽流量的泄洪建筑物,工程中通常采用强迫掺气减蚀措施防止壁面发生空蚀破坏。

    Forced aeration device is usually introduced to prevent cavitation damage of hydraulic structures with high head and large-unit-discharge in engineering .

  13. 当单宽流量较大时,阶梯高度对消能率的影响很小。

    If the unit discharge is greater , the influence of step height on energy dissipation ratio is then very little .

  14. 狭窄河床大单宽流量深覆盖层施工导流消能防冲研究

    Study on river diversion and erosion control under condition of narrow river bed , large discharge per unit width , depth overburden layer

  15. 阐述在设计大单宽流量低佛氏数水跃消能工所遇到的问题,以及此类型泄水建筑物水跃消能的特点和所要解决的问题。

    Some common problems are studied which rose in design of hydraulic jump dissipaters for big unit width flux and small Froude number flow .

  16. 试验结果表明:浑水水流的单宽流量大小、含沙量的多少以及含沙粒径的变化都对冲刷坑深度有一定的影响。

    The result indicates that the discharge per unit width , the sediment concentration , the grain size of sand influences the depth of scour hole .

  17. 在挑坎末端高程相同的条件下,下泄流量较小时,曲率和挑角越大,水舌单宽流量的横向分布越均匀,水垫塘底板最大时均压力越小;

    When the water discharge is small , the larger the curvature and the jet-trajectory angle , the smaller the time - average pressure in the plunge pool .

  18. 通过计算证实了既使在较大的单宽流量下,缓坡上的阶梯仍有较高的消能率。

    By the calculation , it is verified that even if the unit discharge is large , the energy dissipation ratio of the step on the gentle slope is higher .

  19. 其次,对河湾水流的横断面流速分布和沿河宽的单宽流量分布给出了计算方法,并分析求得了河湾冲刷深度的公式;

    Secondly the calculation method for sectional velocity distribution and unit discharge distribution along river width are given and calculation formula of scouring depth in river bend is obtained analytically .

  20. 目前国内大多数低水头航电枢纽水头不高,但单宽流量很大,佛氏数小。

    At present , most domestic low water head navigation-power junctions have the following hydraulic characteristics : without high water resource , big unit rate of flow , and low Fr. number .

  21. 研究表明跌坎型底流消能工能有效解决高水头、大单宽流量消力池水力学指标过高的问题。

    The study results show that the problem of over-high hydraulic indexes of the stilling basin of high head and large unit-width discharge can be solved with energy dissipator with step-down floor .

  22. 随着我国水利水电事业的迅猛发展,高水头、大单宽流量泄洪的水利工程越来越多。高速水流有可能会威胁到泄水建筑物的稳定及安全。

    With the rapid development of hydropower engineer , more and more high-head , single-wide flow of water has been constructed . High-speed flow may threaten the stability and security of the discharge structure .

  23. 泄水建筑物单宽流量大、水头高、流速大,并且下游消能区自然条件较差,高速水流的流态控制和消能防冲问题突出。

    The discharge per unit width , head and velocity are big and natural condition at downstream energy dissipation area is poor . Problems of fluid state control of high-velocity flow and energy dissipation are prominent .

  24. 该研究成果对高水头、大单宽流量底流消能理念和设计思路具有创新性,为工程设计提供了科学依据,成果可在相关工程中推广应用。

    This result shows inventiveness in design thought and energy dissipation philosophy for food discharge for high head and large unit discharge dissipation structure provides scientific basis for project design and can apply widely in relevant projects .

  25. 本文建议供设计时采用的三个消能指标:消能率,闸门开启时护坦下游端的最大单宽流量与闸孔最大单宽流量之比,垂直流速分布系数。

    In this paper are suggested three design criteria of energy dissipation , i.e. rate of energy dissipation , ratio of max. discharge per unit width at downstream end of apron to that just at gate section and the vertical velocity distribution factor .

  26. 本研究提出了一种新型的用于低水头、大单宽流量、低佛氏数水跃的消能防冲的消能工型式&T型墩(置于海漫浆砌石段)。

    In this article , a new type energy dissipater , T-shape pier is lied on cement-rubble apron , which is used in energy dissipation and erosion of low head and low Fr. hydraulic jump and high single breadth discharge , is bring up .

  27. 我国高水头大流量工程的兴建给我们提出一个新的课题:如何有效地解决泄洪前沿宽度有限、单宽流量较大的水电工程的泄洪消能问题。

    Because of the construction of high head , large discharge hydraulic projects , a new problem has arised : how to solve the energy dissipation problem of the hydraulic engineering whose unit discharge is large and the total width of the spillway is limited .

  28. 针对现有的取水流量计算公式不便使用,文中给出了直接用来流流量计算取水流量的显式表达式,并给出了完全取水和极限取水单宽流量公式及卡栅影响系数等。

    To overcome the inconvenience of using existed formula to calculate diversion discharge , the paper introduced the explicit formula that the diversion discharge can be directly computed from the inflow , and the complete diversion discharge , maximum diversion discharge , effect of caulking were also introduced .

  29. 研究了充填裂隙接触面积对流态的影响,论证了一些经验公式的局限性和有效性,对各种单宽流量公式的偏差进行了分析。

    At last , the effect on the flow pattern caused by the contact area is studied , the deviations of various experiential unit discharge formulas are analyzed , and the simple correction factors which depends only on the contact area . have been presented in this study .

  30. 在进行低水头引水枢纽设计时,必然会遇到决定如引水枢纽畅泄冲沙水位、各闸的单宽流量或闸室净宽、各闸底板高程、各闸之间的相对高差等参数问题。

    To design a low-head control division project , the question deciding parameters will be met , such as : free flushing water levels , discharge per unit width of gates , net width of gates , elevation of gate sill , relative differences of heights of gates .