- the Nanhai Sea;the South China Sea;Nanhai

[South China Sea] 亚洲东部三大边缘海之一。位于中国广东、广西之南和马来群岛之间,面积360万平方公里,平均深度1212米。是太平洋至印度洋的必经海域,海底大陆架藏有石油资源。海南岛、东沙、西沙、中沙、南沙等岛屿在此海内
(1) [Nanhai]
(2) 县名,在广东省境内,现已并入广州市
(3) 对康有为的尊称,其字亦为南海
南海之生死未可卜。-- 清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》
Exploiting the Nanhai Sea is the hope to vitalize hainan 's economy
Corrosion Behaviors of 3 Kinds of Steels Exposed in the Nanhai Sea for 8 Years
The south coast is less glamorous but full of clean and attractive hotels .
Wan1 zhou , phoenix 's sister , flew from South sea from North Sea directly .
Legends hold that Shu was the king of the south sea . Hu was the king of the North Sea , and Hun Dun was the king of the center .
The emperor of the South Sea was named " Tiao " , the emperor of the North Sea was named " Hu " , and the central emperor " Hun Dun " .
When it wheeled up into the air a whirlwind arose , and in each flight it covered ninety thousand li , flying above the misty vapours under the sky , to the Southern Ocean .
Distribution of Macro-nutrients , Dissolved Oxygen , pH and Chl a and Their Relationships in Northern South China Sea
The South China Sea mussel watch : Concentrations and variation tendency of zinc in oysters collected from Guangdong coastal waters
Explore Design Management Method for EPC Contracting Of CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals Steam & Power Project
Simulations of the Annual Cycle of the South China Sea Temperature by POM
The ship is built by Huangpu Shipyard in Guangzhou for the PLA South Sea fleet .
The Polysaccharide A2 from the Marine Mangrove Endophytic Fungus No. 2560 from the South China Sea
Correlation between annual frequency of typhoon formed on South China Sea and the surface sea temperature in the North Pacific Ocean
Based on the geologic and geochemical data , this paper focused on the genesis of CO_ ( 2 ) and the key control factors of its migration and accumulation .
Paleomonsoon evolution and Heinrich events : evidence from the Loess Plateau and the South China Sea
A preliminary study of SAR remote sensing inversion of internal solitary waves in the north of the South China Sea was made by using the two-layer fluid model of oceanic internal solitary waves .
A preliminary study on modern deep sea sedimentation of South China Sea Recent Sedimentation estimated by DDT dating in the Donghai Sea continental shelf
Characteristics of average t-s , s-z and t-z in the South China Sea
Stratigraphic record of U_ ( 37 ) ~ K ,δ ~ ( 18 ) O : SST and sea level change in the northern part of South China Sea since the last glacial period
In 1983 , Typhoon No. 8311 ( Georgia ) passed a current measure ment station in northern South China Sea and ocean current data at four levels were thus obtained .
This paper is based on photographs which were detected by a colour-sounder surveying demersal fishes and DSL rhythmic vertical migration in the northern part ' area of South China Sea .
In the central SCS , a stronger anti - cyclonic eddy W3 and a cyclonic eddy C3 compose a quasi-dipole in the area southeast of Vietnam .
Methods Among the 276 patients of infertility women or uncertain EM and then EM patients treated by celioscope are in our hospital ( 1999-11 / 2004-11 ), except patients of double-side perfectibility fallopian tube emphraxis or male patients of semen abnormalities .
Half-width and amplitude of internal waves are obtained respectively from the selected SAR images of internal waves in the northern South China Sea using SAR detection models based on NLS equation and KdV equation , and the comparison with in situ data is made .
Under the condition of assuming that motion is barotropic during the south west monsoon wind prevailing , nonlinear interaction of topographic Rossby waves in the slope of the northern part of South China Sea is discussed in the present paper .
So this area belongs to the central zone of the North Pacific in biogeographic zonations of nannoplankton as the East China Sea and the South China Sea .
Studying on the Composition of Polysaccharide G-22a from the Seeds of Marine Endophytic Fungus No. 2508 from the South China Sea
The boundary between the Neogene / Palaeogene Formation is located at the bottom of the N4 zone containing forams . The age of Zhuhai Formation defined by Nanhai East Corporation is Early Miocene .
The South China Sea version ( SCS-POM ) of the U.S. Princeton University Ocean Model ( PO 'M ) is used to simulate the effects of the bottom topography of the South China Sea ( SCS ) on currents , sea surface heights and temperatures in this paper .