
kǎ tǎ ěr
  • Qatar
卡塔尔[kǎ tǎ ěr]
  1. 国际奥委会表示,一名奥运会难民代表团官员在卡塔尔的新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性,随后难民奥运队推迟了前往日本的行程。

    The refugee Olympic team has delayed its travel to Japan after a team official tested positive in Qatar , the International Olympic Committee said .

  2. 中国队与韩国队、伊朗队、乌兹别克斯坦队、卡塔尔队和叙利亚队同分在B小组。

    China were drawn into Group B with South Korea , Iran , Uzbekistan , Qatar and Syria .

  3. 其他几个国家和城市也表达了举办2032年奥运会的意愿,包括印尼、中国、卡塔尔的多哈、匈牙利的布达佩斯和德国的鲁尔区。

    Several cities and countries had expressed an interest in hosting the Games , including Indonesia , China , Doha in Qatar , Budapest in Hungary and Germany 's Ruhr region .

  4. 2022年世界杯的主办国是卡塔尔,在C组3比0轻取不丹之后,轻松跻身小组第一出线。

    Qatar , the 2022 host , has definitely topped Group C with 18 points after easing past Bhutan 3-0 tonight .

  5. 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)说,在一名49岁卡塔尔男子体内检测到了这种新型病毒,这名男子曾前往沙特,之后于9月3日患病。

    The World Health Organization said the new virus has been identified in a 49-year-old man from Qatar who traveled to Saudi Arabia before falling ill Sept. 3 .

  6. 在拥有丰富天然气资源的卡塔尔,卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)也在寻求增强投资规模。

    The Qatar Investment Authority ( QIA ) also seeks to boost the gas-rich Gulf state 's investment presence .

  7. 同时宣布了卡塔尔ComputingInitiative,这个计划将向本地企业和行业开放IBM的云基础设施。

    Part of this announcement included the Qatar Computing Initiative , which will open up its cloud infrastructure to local business and industry .

  8. 知情人士称,西蒙一直在与卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)等主权财富基金讨论帮助其竞购的事宜。

    Simon has been talking to SWFs such as the Qatar Investment Authority about contributing to its bid , people familiar with the matter said .

  9. 此外,卡塔尔投资局和迪拜证券交易所(dubaistockexchange)持有伦敦证交所(lse)逾50%的股权。

    In addition , the Qatari fund and the Dubai stock exchange own more than 50 per cent of the London Stock Exchange .

  10. 卡塔尔投资局聘用了花旗集团(Citigroup)和巴克莱(Barclays)担任顾问,而Brookfield则聘用了汇丰(HSBC)。

    The QIA hired Citigroup and Barclays , while Brookfield brought HSBC on board .

  11. 中东主权财富基金卡塔尔投资局(qatarinvestmentauthority)和两大家族可能向保时捷注入现金和资产,以增强该公司的资产负债表。

    The Qatar Investment Authority , a Middle East sovereign wealth fund , and the two families could inject cash and assets to strengthen the balance sheet .

  12. 人均GDP最高的国家依次是卢森堡、卡塔尔、挪威、文莱和科威特,而这些国家都是些小国。

    The nations with the highest GDP per capita are Luxembourg , Qatar , Norway , Burnei Darussalam and Kuwait , all of which are tiny economies .

  13. 然后,卡塔尔人将接手保时捷SE的大部分大众认购期权,这是他们进军德国工业核心地带的通行证。

    Then the Qataris will take on most of Porsche SE 's options over VW ; this is their passport into Germany 's industrial heartland .

  14. 在投票将2018年世界杯(WorldCup)主办权授予俄罗斯、将2022年世界杯主办权授予卡塔尔的22名国际足联(Fifa)官员当中,有一半正在接受调查或被暂时禁止涉及足球相关事务。

    Half of the 22 Fifa officials who voted to award the World Cup to Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022 are now under investigation or suspended from football .

  15. 中国投资公司尚未迎来其首个生日(该公司正在其网站上发布招聘广告),而卡塔尔投资局(qatarinvestmentauthority)的年龄仅比前者稍长。

    China Investment Corp has yet to celebrate its first birthday ( and is advertising on its website for staff ) while the Qatar Investment Authority is only slightly older .

  16. 据国际肥胖研究学会(InternationalAssociationoftheStudyofObesity)统计,在科威特,近一半成年女性属于肥胖,沙特和卡塔尔肥胖女性比例分别为44%和45%。

    In Kuwait , almost half of adult women are considered obese , while 44 % of Saudi women and 45 % of Qatari women meet the criteria , according to the International Association of the Study of Obesity .

  17. 当卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)上月第一次致电歌鸟房地产(SongbirdEstates),提出想要控股金丝雀码头集团(CanaryWharf)时,它遭到了回绝。

    When the Qatar Investment Authority first called Songbird Estates last month to say it wanted Canary Wharf , it was given short shrift .

  18. 在任务完成前,我们将一起度过3年时间,接着我会被派往下一个项目:希望我会被派到多哈为承办2022年卡塔尔世界杯(WorldCup)而新规划的地铁项目。

    We 'll have had three years together by the time the work is done , then I 'm off to the next job - hopefully the new underground rail system in Doha for the 2022 Qatar World Cup .

  19. 同年,应卡塔尔贵族的要求,与英国人谈判终止了AlKhalifa对塔尔的要求。

    That year , at the request of Qatari nobles , the British negotiated the termination of the Al Khalifa claim to Qatar .

  20. 国际足联长期受到腐败指控的困扰,尤其是针对其授予没有什么足球传统、夏季气温可能超过50°C的卡塔尔2022年世界杯主办权这一备受争议的决定。

    Fifa has long been dogged by allegations of corruption , especially over its controversial decision to award the 2022 World Cup to Qatar , a country with little tradition of football and where summer temperatures can exceed 50 ° C.

  21. 上个月,达美航空(DeltaAirLines)首席执行官理查德•安德森(RichardAnderson)指责阿联酋航空(Emirates)、阿提哈德航空(EtihadAirways)以及卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)接受政府补贴。

    Last month , Richard Anderson , Delta Air Lines " chief executive , accused Emirates , Etihad and Qatar Airways of receiving state subsidies .

  22. MIA的主管是32岁的AishaAlKhater,她是第一位取得音乐学位的卡塔尔女性。

    The director of the MIA is 32-year-old Aisha Al Khater , the first Qatari woman to gain a degree in music .

  23. 听取了相关简报的人士称,Vivo每年将支付6000万到7000万欧元以赞助国际足球管理机构举办的赛事,直至2022年卡塔尔世界杯。

    According to people briefed on the deal , Vivo will pay about 60m-70m a year to sponsor tournaments run by international football 's governing body , up until the 2022 World Cup in Qatar .

  24. 另一个问题是连接卡塔尔制冷公司(QatarCool)的费用,即工程完工时接通水、空调、电力时产生的附加费用。

    One of the other drawbacks is the Qatar Cool connection fee , which is the extra charge made when work is completed to connect water , air-conditioning and electricity .

  25. 卡塔尔足协(QatarFootballAssociation)主席谢赫?哈马德?阿勒萨尼(SheikhHamadal-Thani)抨击了其英国同行格雷格?戴克(GregDyke)发表的批评性言论。

    Sheikh Hamad al-Thani , president of the Qatar Football Association , lashed out at critical comments by Greg Dyke , his UK counterpart .

  26. 2005年前后,大批lng项目获得了批准,尤其是在盛产天然气的卡塔尔,而今明两年,这些项目就将投产。

    A wave of LNG projects approved in the middle of the decade in particular the vast facilities in gas-rich Qatar is due to come on stream this year and next .

  27. 位于卡塔尔多哈的伊斯兰艺术博物馆(MIA)美丽绝伦,是个很适宜举办晚宴的地方。

    The starkly beautiful Museum of Islamic Art ( MIA ) in Doha , Qatar , is a fine setting for a dinner .

  28. 包括科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)和卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)在内的主权财富基金可能将提供总计30亿美元的资金,但任何一家基金的持股比例都不超过4.9%。

    Sovereign wealth funds , including the Kuwait Investment Authority and the Qatar Investment Authority , would likely contribute close to $ 3bn in aggregate , with no one fund taking a stake larger than 4.9 per cent .

  29. 最终结果会是,偿清债务的保时捷SE将持有大众51%的股权,其它持有少数权益的合伙人包括持有20%股权的下萨克森州政府以及卡塔尔人。

    The end result will be a debt-free Porsche SE , owning 51 per cent of VW alongside its minority partners the state of Lower Saxony , with 20 per cent , and the Qataris .

  30. 卡塔尔亚尔(货币代码QAR)是卡塔尔的官方货币。

    The Qatari riyal ( currency code QAR ) is the official currency of Qatar .