
  • 网络Lusaka;Zambia;Zambia Lusaka
  1. 他们在卢萨卡举行会谈试图达成妥协。

    They are meeting in Lusaka in an attempt to reach a compromise .

  2. 第二天她去了卢萨卡,坎帕拉或别的什么地方。

    The next day she was gone to Lusaka , Kampala , or wherever .

  3. 世卫组织非洲区域办事处多名流行病学家已赶赴现场协助这两个国家开展工作,同时,正向卢萨卡市运送个人保护装备(PPE)和抽样设备。

    Epidemiologists from the WHO African Regional Office have arrived to assist both countries , and personal protective equipment ( PPE ) and sampling equipment are en route to Lusaka .

  4. 在赞比亚卢萨卡通过常规的医务人员建议门诊病人进行艾滋病检测和咨询(PITC)服务显著地提高了对艾滋病检测的理解以及可接受性。

    The introduction of routine PITC using lay counsellors into health-care clinics in Lusaka , Zambia , dramatically increased the uptake and acceptability of HIV testing .

  5. 不过,有时这种改变是出现在组织之内的&例如在赞比亚首都卢萨卡,一个叫HODI的全国性非政府组织。

    Yet , sometimes the change happens from within , as at HODI , a nationwide NGO based in Lusaka , the capital of Zambia .

  6. 执行卢萨卡停火协定政治委员会;

    Political Committee of the implementation of the Lusaka Ceasefire agreement ;

  7. 在卢萨卡,我访问了护理学校的学生。

    In Lusaka I visited nursing students in their school .

  8. 联合国纳米比亚理事会卢萨卡宣言;

    Lusaka declaration of the United Nations Council for namibia ;

  9. 来到卢萨卡,还是住在大楼组。

    After arriving at Lusaka , we again stayed in the Building Group .

  10. 禁止非法买卖野生动植物合作执法行动卢萨卡协定

    Lusaka Agreement on Cooperative Enforcement Operations Directed at Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora

  11. 我们来到卢萨卡,在这里庆祝这一特殊场合,感到十分荣幸。

    It is an honour for us to be here in Lusaka to mark this occasion .

  12. 西方(芒古),首都卢萨卡和其周围地区组成第9个省。

    Western ( Momgu ); Lusaka , capital of Zambia , and its surroundings constitute the 9th province .

  13. 近期进入卢萨卡索韦托市场的污秽小巷的中国商人使得鸡肉价格减半。

    The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken .

  14. 以上首都北京去卢萨卡航班查询机票同时适用于以电子客票方式出票。

    Over the capital Lusaka to Beijing flight ticket inquiries at the same time apply to the electronic ticket votes out of the way .

  15. 在卢萨卡,负责监察血汗工厂的劳动督查部门只有一辆公务车,最近已经坏了四个月了。

    Labour inspectors in Lusaka , who monitor sweatshops , have use of only one car and recently it was broken for four months .

  16. 位于首都卢萨卡的赞比亚大学已经在其图书馆附近张贴告示,要求她们穿得更谨慎一点。

    The University of Zambia -- in the capital , Lusaka -- has stuck up notices around its library telling them to dress more modestly .

  17. “卢萨卡协定书”组织是由非洲的一些国家于1994年针对该地区的走私野生动物犯罪、森林走私犯罪而建立的一个地区性组织。

    The Lusaka Agreement Task Force was created in1994 by governments in this region as a mechanism for regional co-operation to fight illegal trade in wild animals and plants .

  18. 班达先生是伦达孜当地人,现为卢萨卡一个有名的律师。他曾提醒我,说我看到现在的伦达孜比过去更加贫穷。

    Mr Banda , a native of Lundazi who is now a prominent lawyer in Lusaka , had warned me that I would see that Lundazi was now " worse off " .

  19. 本研究针对读大学、高等院校、研究中心和一些分布在卢萨卡、中央省和铜带省的赞比亚图书馆联盟机构的成员。

    The study targeted universities , higher learning institutions , research centers and some of the Zambian Libraries Consortium ( ZALICO ) Institutional library members in Lusaka , Central and Copper belt provinces of Zambia .

  20. 《卢萨卡停火协议》虽已签署近一年,但由于各方无意执行协议,刚果(金)内战格局依旧。

    Although the Lusaka Cease Fire Agreement has been signed for almost a year now , the civil war continues in Congo ( Kinshasa ) as none of the signatory parties intend to carry out the pact .

  21. 奇帕塔是东部省的省会,差不多位于从首都卢萨卡出发的大东路的终点,因此几乎每个来或离开隆达济的人都要使用这条通往奇帕塔的道路。

    Chipata is the capital of the eastern province , and pretty much the end-point of the Great East Road from the capital , Lusaka , so virtually everyone going to or from Lundazi uses the road from Chipata .

  22. 他写道:“在赞比亚卢萨卡肯尼斯•卡翁达国际机场,我花了50美元买下两个裹着塑料的包。他们多加了一个零,因为他们看出我完全不知道汇率是多少。”

    He wrote : ' I paid $ 50 to get two bags wrapped in plastic at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport ( Lusaka , Zambia ) . They added a 0 because they could tell I had no clue what the exchange rate was . '

  23. 来自赞比亚卢萨卡的伊莎贝尔也当选为学生大使,她写了有关赞比亚文化传统、语言、宗教和旅游名胜的文章。

    Their reflections are published on the group 's website , along with learning activities linked to common reading and writing standards used for testing . Isabel Nampakwa Kapotwe of Lusaka , Zambia , was also chosen as a student ambassador . She wrote about Zambia 's cultural traditions , its languages , religions and tourist attractions .