- even;even if;even though

[even if;even though] 即便;即使
You must get there in time even if the weather should change .
Even the failure to do something is in itself a deed .
The Chinese entity the VIE that gives the structure its name holds the sensitive permits and licenses required to do business in China .
In the paper , the author mainly introduces the identity authentication technology , smart card and the PKI , also discusses the uniform identity authentication of the intranet by studying the authentication technology based on double factor namely token and password .
Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer
Starting a new job is as exciting as it is challenging .
Even then single adverse note killed the application .
Even the slightest error could cause great harm .
Even the mere mention of his name would strike fear into his enemies .
But the consumption even of productive labourers is not all of it productive consumption .
A real man himself is a poem even though he does not write a line .
And even though started , how could it have been carried on resolutely until victory today ?
Or if he do not , they will gather as much by his silence , as by his speech .
But so they be of the lump , they care not , though they passe not through their own body .
Differences of language , however , are by no means unimportant , even when not grounded on differences of opinion ;
Even when things are destined to be at last sold by retail , convenience soon creates a class of wholesale dealers .
I like this a lot , this whole eyeliner swoosh in colors that are so surprising yet subtle at the same time .
But yet without praying in aid of alchemists , there is a manifest image of this , in the ordinary course of nature .
Even after the lifting of martial law , there are still some judicial officers who have not changed or adjusted their mindset about detention practice .
Nowadays many cans are dumped , the level of recycling is low , which not only pollutes the environment , but wastes the useful recycling resource .
In the first place , even in what is called the production of material objects , it must be remembered that what is produced is not the matter composing them .
Even when I say that I see where I went wrong , I 'm being misleading . You know which turn signal should be on when driving the wrong way down a one-way street .
Also , the remote control can stand on its own , with no television . but so they be of the lump , they care not , though they passe not through their own body .
And it is also noticeable that Xu Xu 's novel has been musing on the philosophy of life and shows an attempt to surpass the reality , which is rare in his time and laudable now in China .
Had he been even old , ugly , and vulgar , the gratitude and kindness of Mrs. Dashwood would have been secured by any act of attention to her child ; but the influence of youth , beauty , and elegance , gave an interest to the action which came home to her feelings .