
  1. 历代大师作品中绘画语言所呈现的生动性和丰富性也有赖于画面中一对对矛盾体的相互转化与流变。

    Painting ancient masterpieces presented in vivid and rich picture of the pair also depends on the mutual transformation of contradictions and Evolution .

  2. 作为进入国内短短数十载的油画,经过历代大师远涉重洋的悉心学习摸索,也渐渐被国人所认可。

    As the short span of decades into the country of oil , after careful study of the ancient masters across the oceans to explore , gradually recognized by people .

  3. 包括中国历代净土大师著述,亦有在家律、龙树菩萨著作等其它内容,经文大多取自CBETA,不少经文为压缩档,网站为简体字。

    A no-frills simplified Chinese stop for works of Chinese Pure Land masters , Nagarjuna , etc. , most texts are from CBETA , files often zipped .

  4. 历代各家大师的作品挂在这里的有:拉斐尔的一幅圣母,达芬奇的一幅圣女,

    The various schools of the old masters were represented by a Raphael Madonna , a Virgin by Leonardo da Vinci ,

  5. 为了将佛教教义经典带给人们,历代译经大师呕心沥血,为后世留下了宝贵的精神财富,为后世持经诵典提供了便利,也为研究佛经提供了难得的史料。

    To the classical Buddhist teachings brought to people , ancient scriptures master abilities , left for future generations a valuable spiritual wealth for future generations who have been facilitated by the chanting Code also provides for the study of rare historical Buddhist .

  6. 历代的山水画大师,都因其标志着艺术成就高度的独特风格的建立而载入史册,影响后人。

    The landscape painting masters of all generations , whose artistic achievements have unique styles highly , are all written in the annals of history and have affected the posterity greatly .