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Chlamydospore germination rate under the dark conditions better than the light conditions .
The selected carbon and nitrogen resources could promote the germination of both Chlamydospore and Conidium .
Study on Screening of Chlamydospore Formation Mutants from T-DNA Insertional Mutant Library of Trichoderma harzianum and Cloning of T-DNA Tagging Sequence
But the urea , ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 and NaNO_3 had negative effect on the spore germination , especially on the spore germination of conidium .
The disease investigation showed bran culture of Trichoderma and chlamydospore Wettable powder had better biocontrol effects against the capsicum damping-off disease .
Studies of chlamydospore germinating showed : The optimum germination pH value was pH6 ~ pH8 and the optimum temperature of germination was 25 ℃; The germinating rate could reach above 90 % after 48 hours ; The optimal temperature for storing was under 5 ℃ .
When yellow chlamydospores are preserved at 4 ℃ and 25 ℃ , their germinative ability can keep 1 year and 80 days respectively . The optimum germination pH value is pH 5 ~ pH 8 and the optimum temperature of germination for yellow chlamydospores is 25 ℃~ 30 ℃ .
The mycelium and the chlamydospore were not tolerant of drought .
PD and PS mediums could be liquid media to produce chlamydospore .
Fresh mature chlamydospores will be the most ideal inoculum for inoculation .
Best chlamydospore germination temperature range was 25 ℃ - 30 ℃ .
The latter is of white colony , heat resistance and smooth chlamydospores .
And the chlamydospores at 54 ℃ for 10 min.
Both chlamydospore and conidium germinated best in the peptone and beef extract solution .
Light can promote chlamydospores production .
At late exponential stage , these were substituted by chlamydospores , swollen cells and melaninized mycelia .
Chlamydospore lasts one month .
Germination examination indicated that the germination ability of mature chlamydospores reduced rapidly with prolongation of storage period .
The results showed that rice plant can be infected with Yellow-green chlamydospores during growing period of seedling and heading stage .
The germinated black chlamydospores are the major source of the primary infection source instead of both seed-borne and soil-borne in rice field .
Quantity of chlamydospore of Volvariella volvacea which cultivated in different culture medium with various C / N ratios in this paper was investigated .
At the same time , under the condition of high manganese ion concentration , micro-mycelial pellets are composed of a large number of chlamydospores .
Wet-room culture method was used to observe the microstructure of No. 190 strain and the pictures of chlamydospores , spores and mycelium were taken . 3 .
The chlamydospores in soil within 3 months could be detected by the method of selective medium directly . After 3 months the baiting method must be applied .
It is presumed that chlamydospore may be the major primary infection source of rice false smut and begin to infect the panicles of rice before or after florescence .
The experimental results showed that the method using fluorchrome dyeing to identify the vitality of chlamydospores was very simple and effective , and having broad appli - cable value .
The primary sources of infection for verticillium wilt of eggplant in Huhehot and Baotou are microsclerotia , chlamydospores and resting mycelium in soil and diseased residual plants in fields .
The peak period of the germination was more than 35 days . After treated for about 60 days , the spore ball began to disintegrate and meanwhile there was a quick drop in the germination rate .
They were found that the disease process was mainly relative to temperature and the fungus could overwinter in the morphology of the chlamydospore , which could be-come the main and original cause of disease of the next year .
It could break the dormancy and promote the normal germination and sporulation of chlamydospores to treated the overmatured spore ball under the condition of a high moisture and temperature of 26 ℃ for over 20 deys . During the treatment the germination rate amounted to 30 % .