
  • 网络Firmicutes
  1. 产胞外酶菌株多数集中在γ-变形菌纲、厚壁菌门(低G+C革兰氏阳性菌)和拟杆菌门。

    Most of the strains showing extracellular hydrolytic enzymatic activity belonged to γ - Proteobacteria , Firmicutes , ( low G + C gram positive group ) and Bacteroidetes .

  2. 厚壁菌门和放线菌门作为革兰氏阳性菌的两个分支,在枸杞岛海藻场中主要参与分解碎屑及异养营养素的循环过程。

    As the two branches of Grampositive bacteria , Firmicutes and Actinobacteria mostly participated in decomposition of detritus and heterotrophic nutrient cycle in the seaweed beds of Gouqi Island .