
yuán chǎn dì
  • country of origin;provenance;habitat;source area
原产地[yuán chǎn dì]
  1. 米格鲁猎犬原产地是英国。

    The country of origin of this breed is Great Britain .

  2. 试论加强中国原产地名称的保护

    Strengthen the Protection of the Names of Country of Origin in China

  3. 这些植物中有很多原产地在巴西。

    Many of the plants are native to Brazil .

  4. 签署商业发票一式五份,证明产品的原产地为中国。

    Signed Commercial in quintuplicate , certifying merchandise to be of Chinese origin .

  5. 升级“升”什么?自贸协定升级除对原协定的原产地规则、海关程序与贸易便利化、技术性贸易壁垒、服务贸易等5个领域进行升级外,还新增电子商务、政府采购、竞争政策、环境与贸易等4个领域。

    The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce , government procurement , competition policy as well as environment and trade , in addition to improvements on rules of origin , customs procedures and trade facilitation , technical barriers to trade and trade in services .

  6. 完善我国货物原产地法律规则体系的若干思考&应对WTO《原产地规则协议》的法律对策

    Reflections on Perfecting the System of Legal Regulations of Goods Origin

  7. 优惠原产地规则与WTO多边贸易体制的冲突与协调&兼评中国的优惠原产地规则法律制度

    Conflicts and Harmony between Preferential Rules of Origin and WTO 's Multilateral Trade System

  8. 原产地规则是WTO的重要规则之一,而原产地被形象地称为货物的经济国籍。

    Rules of origin is one of the important rules of WTO and origin is named the economy nationality of goods .

  9. 最后,分析美韩FTA原产地规则的政治效应。

    Last of this part is to analyze the political effects of the Rules of Origin .

  10. 从与Trips协议相协调角度出发,认为我国现行的《商标法》等法律不能实现对原产地名称的法律保护;

    From the coordination with Trips Agreement , this paper states that the Trademark Law cannot protect appellation of origin .

  11. 论RTA中的原产地规则问题

    The Analysis of Rules of Origin in RTAs

  12. 用差示扫描量热法(DSC)和热重法(TG/DTG)对同期采摘的不同原产地的茶叶进行了热分析研究。

    The thermal properties of different places of origin tea were studied by DSC method and TG method , which picked at the same period .

  13. 然而,中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)现行的原产地规则仍存在诸多问题。

    However , the rules of origins for the China & ASEAN FTA still have many problems .

  14. 中国加入WTO后,在对外贸易领域中的相关规定要符合WTO的基本原则。在这样的前提下,中国颁布和完善了新的《进出口货物原产地规则条例》。

    China joins after WTO , must conform to the WTO basic principle in the trade domain correlation stipulation , under such premise , China promulgated and consummates has been new " Import and export Cargo Rules of Origin " .

  15. 新疆库尔勒香梨(PyrussinkiangensisYu)是原产地新疆库尔勒地区,一个古老的本地种,是新疆林业果业重要组成部分。

    Pyrus sinkiangensis Yu was derived from Korla region in Xinjiang , an ancient native species and important component of Xinjiang forest fruit industry .

  16. 我试图了解客户需要什么当然,在他们“原产地”(terroir)能力范围内。

    I try to understand what they want obviously within the possibilities of their terroir .

  17. 原产地不同的钝顶螺旋藻S1和S3间酶谱相似系数最高为086,表明螺旋藻种内差异<种间差异。

    The similarity coefficient of zymogram between Spirulina platensis S 1 and S 3 from different original is 0.86.It means that difference within the species is smaller than that between species .

  18. 事实上,加在我国纺织品服装身上的不仅是特保措施,还包括技术贸易壁垒、SA8000以及原产地标准等非关税壁垒。

    In fact , not only the special safeguard , but also TBT , SA8000 and standard of origin are all the non-tariff barriers imposing on China 's textile companies .

  19. 原定于2004年6月30日之前完成的原产地标准的相关谈判未能取得实质性进展,更使得CAFTA前途迷雾重重。

    The relevant negotiations about origin criteria scheduled to be finished before June 30 , 2004 have failed to make substantive progress , which make CAFTA have an uncertain future .

  20. 文章还介绍了我国现行海关估价、原产地规则及进出口货物关税的征收,并对实施《WTO估价协议》后面临的一些问题进行了分析。

    The dissertation also introduces the concept of customs valuation , the regulation of the confirming the origin of import goods and the collection of the custom tariff on imported and exported goods while making an analysis on some issues after the implementation of WTO Customs Valuation Agreement .

  21. 本文介绍了WTO《原产地规则协议》的主要内容,并用产品在进口国市场上的成本公式来说明该协议对国际贸易的影响,最后简要论述我国的有关原产地规则的问题。

    Introducing the content of WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin , this article makes use of the cost formula of products in import country market to explain its influence on international trade . In conclusion the author makes a brief summary of China 's rules of origin .

  22. 文章首先介绍了原产地规则的概念、分类以及适用标准接着引入了FTA(自由贸易区)在实施原产地规则的过程中对其区域经济的作用以及FTA原产地规则的主要模式。

    The article first introduces the concept of rules of origin , classification and applicable standards , then it describes the role of rules of origin to free trade arragements and the main development patterns in the world .

  23. CEPA为内地与港澳签署的有关更紧密经贸关系的两个协议,其核心内容为原产地规则以及签证核查程序。

    CEPA are two economic and trade agreements signed by inland and Hongkong , Macao , which is to strengthen the economic relation between the two sides . Its center is origin rules and visa examination procedure .

  24. 《里斯本协定》的主要特征是,原产地名称要在其原属国和WIPO获得承认和注册。

    The main feature of the Lisbon Agreement is that appellations of orgin are to be recognized and protected as such , both in the country of origin and registered at an agency of the WIPO .

  25. TBT是当今国际贸易中最隐蔽、最难突破的一种贸易壁垒,已成为继配额、原产地和反倾销措施之后,影响我国对外贸易的又一项重要的非关税壁垒。

    As the most hidden barriers to trade and the most difficult breakthroughs in present international trade , Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ) have been important non-tariff barriers in China 's foreign trade following quota , origin and antidumping measures .

  26. 以3个原产地不同的甜樱桃栽培品种佐藤锦、斯坦勒和那翁为试材,利用CIRAS-2便携式光合测定仪,对其光合特性进行了比较研究。

    Photosynthetic characteristics of three sweet cherry cultivars Sato Nishiki , Stella and Napoleon Bigarreau were studied comparatively with the CIRAS-2 photosynthetic instrument .

  27. 第五部分是本文的理论创新点&借鉴《服务贸易总协定》对服务原产地规则具体认定标准的界定,充分利用GATS的有利条款,参照CEPA的成功经验提出制定服务原产地规则的前瞻性构想。

    Part V is the theoretical innovation of this article , take advantage of the " General Agreement on Trade in Service " and reference the successful experience of CEPA to put forward the Conception to construct rules of origin on services .

  28. 非洲的苦苣苔科植物资源并不丰富,但在东非的一小块区域却是各种艳丽的Saintpaulia的原产地,这种苦苣苔又称为非洲紫罗兰,现已成为西方国家室内观赏花卉的重要品种。

    Africa is not so rich on species , but from a rather small area in East Africa originate the various Saintpaulia , Which as the " African violet " is easily today the most admired little flowering plant in the home of West countries .

  29. 原产地形象的作用机制:一个动态的综合模型

    The Function Mechanism of Country-of-Origin Image : A Dynamic Integrative Model

  30. 本文进一步分析了优惠性原产地规则的发展趋势。

    Furthermore , the dissertation analyzes the tendency of preferential ROOs .