
shuānɡ chónɡ lǐng dǎo
  • Dual leadership;double leadership
  1. 这一呼吁出现之时,正值eads将结束数年来围绕其双重领导结构而展开的争吵。

    The call came as EADS moved to end years of wrangling over its dual-headed structure .

  2. 同时体制存在纪检、督察制度中的双重领导体制的问题。

    Meanwhile the institutional problem is the dual leadership supervision system .

  3. 双重领导体制下的专武干部素质评估研究

    Study on Quality Evaluation of OSM ~ 3S under Dual Leadership System

  4. 进一步完善纪检监察机关的双重领导体制,强化专门职能机构的监督。

    The double leading system should be improved through enhancing the special supervision .

  5. 我们学院受教委和市政府的双重领导。

    Our institutes co-administrated by the States Education Commission and the municipal government .

  6. 双重领导体制,使检察机关独立行使检察权难于落到实处。

    Dual leadership system makes it difficult for procuratorial organs to exercise procuratorial power independently ;

  7. 现行国家审计体制是行政型国家审计体制,并实行双重领导。

    The current government audit system is an administrative government audit system , and has dual leading implementation .

  8. 在管理方面,公司的问题主要有:管理幅度较低,存在双重领导;

    In terms of administration , the problems lie in the following aspects : there exists dual leadership ;

  9. 青岛奥帆委是在北京奥组委和青岛市政府的双重领导之下负责2008北京奥运会的帆船比赛的赛事运行机构。

    Under the leadership of BOCOG and Qingdao Government , Qingdao Sailing Committee is in charge of the operation of Olympic Sailing Regatta .

  10. 无可否认,过去的双重领导结构一直处于日臻完善的过程中。在最初的127年历史中,汇丰根本没有行政总裁这个职位。

    Admittedly , that old dual-headed structure had been a work in progress : for the first 127 years of its life HSBC had no chief executive at all .

  11. 因此,应该从改革领导体制入手,变双重领导为垂直领导,实现业务工作、干部管理工作和工资福利等方面的统一管理。

    Reform leadership mechanism , change dual leadership to vertical leadership , realize unified management of business , leaders ' management and wages and benefits work and other aspects .

  12. 目前我国农业推广体制的特点是政府领导,农业推广机构的管理实行双重领导。

    The present agricultural extension system in our country is characterized by the guidance of government , " double guidance " is adopted in the management of agricultural extension organization .

  13. 通过新一轮的港口体制改革,交通部和地方双重领导体制下的港口港务局基本上都改制为港口企业集团,成了《港口法》规定的管理相对人,由管理者变为了被管理者。

    Through this new reform in port management mechanism , Port Authorities , which were under dual governance before , have nearly been changed into port corporation group and become the supervisee .

  14. 以前的双重领导管理体制,在社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立和完善的情况下,对税务机关职能发挥的限制和影响越来越明显。

    As the socialist market economic system is gradually establishing , the restrictions of the old " two leaders " management system to functions of the tax authorities is more and more evident .

  15. 为了更好的服务于社会主义市场经济建设,针对我国行政监察存在的主要问题,笔者分析并提出以下几方面对策:第一,改变现行双重领导的行政监察体制,建立垂直领导体制。

    To better build socialistic market economy , I present six countermeasures aims for main problems in administrative supervision of our country : first , changing forthcoming twofold lead ship institution into erected system .

  16. 我国的国家审计属于典型的行政模式,即各级审计机关隶属于各级政府的行政系统,地方各级审计机关受双重领导。

    Our government auditing pattern belongs to the administration pattern . That is to say , auditing organs belong to the government administrative system at all levels and local auditing organs accept the dual leadership .

  17. 提出应当转变审计模式,改变地方审计机关双重领导的尴尬局面,并通过问责立法来确保审计问责的有效实施。第二,实证检验问责效果。

    To change the embarrassing situation of dual leadership in local audit , we should change the audit model and ensure the effective implementation of responsibility-seeking system through legislation . Second , test the responsibility-seeking effectiveness in empirical methods .

  18. 着重分析双重领导体制和纪检监察合署办公体制下带来的一系列问题,如行政监察机关的经费问题,政府干预行政监察工作过度,上级监察机关的领导不足。

    Focuses on the analysis of dual leadership system and the discipline inspection and supervision office closing office system brings a series of problems , as the financial problem , excessive government intervention , the deficiency in superior supervisory organs leadership .

  19. 第三部分通过分析研究,探索性地提出改进和完善我国行政监察的几点对策:第一,改革行政监察体制,变双重领导体制为垂直领导体制;

    The third part comes up with several countermeasures to improve and perfect our country 's administrative supervision through careful analysis and study . Firstly , reform the system of administrative supervision and change forthcoming twofold leadership system into erected leadership system .

  20. 作为农村社会领导核心的村级党组织,在现代化和村民自治的双重背景下发挥领导作用,正面临着前所未有的挑战。

    As the leading core of the Chinese countryside , under the background of modernization and the village self-government , the rural Party branches are facing up the unprecedented challenge .