
fǎn kōng jiàng
  • anti-airborne defence
反空降 [fǎn kōng jiàng]
  • [anti-airborne defence]歼灭空降之敌的作战。包括反机降和反伞降。分为战术反空降、战役反空降和战略反空降。应力求歼敌于空中和着陆立足未稳之际

反空降[fǎn kōng jiàng]
  1. 一种通过建筑物楼层之间的(像楼梯)开口楼井。在晴天岗上经常可以看到水牛。不远处的建筑物据说是当年军方盖的反空降碉堡。

    An open shaft through the floors of a building ( as for a stairway ) . Catles are normal in the mountain . The building over there is said to be once used as an anti-airborne fort by the army .