
  1. 为此,《办法》对发票领购程序作了严格的规范。

    Therefore , the Methods map out strict standard for invoices receiving and purchasing procedures .

  2. 一般纳税人凭《发票领购簿》、IC卡和经办人身份证明领购增值税专用发票。

    With the general taxpayer ," Ling Gou invoice book ", IC card and identity managers Linggou VAT .

  3. 发票领购是用票单位和个人取得发票的法定程序。

    The receipt and purchase of invoices are legal invoice procedures obtained by units and individuals using invoices .

  4. 凭发票领购簿核准的发票种类、数量以及购票方式,向主管税务机关领购发票。

    After examining and approving the application for receiving and purchasing invoices and related documents , the competent tax authorities shall issue them invoice receiving and purchasing books .