
fā xínɡ yín hánɡ
  • issuing bank;bank of issue;opening bank
  1. 您的旅行支票的发行银行是哪家?

    What is the issuing bank of your traveler 's checks ?

  2. 因为英格兰银行那时可以,要求所有的,它可以开始从一些纸币发行银行,收集些发行的纸币之后再要求以金子的形式偿还。

    Because the Bank of England could then demand all the it could start accumulating notes from some issuing bank and then demand payment in gold .

  3. 苏格兰纸币在伦敦广为接受,因为玛莎百货(marksandspencer)和出租车司机认识它们,把它们当作一种发行银行随时予以承兑的支票。

    Scottish banknotes are widely accepted in London , because marks and Spencer and cabbies knows what they are and can treat them as cheques , which their bank will readily accept .

  4. 电子货币是可以独立于发行银行而进行自认证的一种符号。

    Ecash is the self-authenticated symbol that is independent from issued bank .

  5. 如果有一个强大的中央银行,其管理层坚持谨慎地发行银行券,那么防止银行券的迅速膨胀则是可能的。

    It is possible that a strong central bank with a management devoted to conservative note-issuing practices could have prevented the rapid note expansion .

  6. 大部分纸币在远离发行银行的地方只被折价接受,因而不了解纸币实际价值的人往往会吃亏。

    Most notes were acceptable at a distance from the issuing bank only at a discount , and anyone ignorant of the actual worth of a note was open to loss .

  7. 一个建立在黄金(储备)之上的自由银行系统是可以根据经济体的生产要求,来发行银行票证(现金货币)和保证金来达到扩展信用(规模)的。

    A free banking system based on gold is able to extend credit and thus to create bank notes ( currency ) and deposits , according to the production requirements of the economy .

  8. 接管人可发行银行新股,出售银行资产,或以其认为公平之条款安排银行债务之承接。

    The trustees may retain the rights of issuing new share , selling the bank 's assets , or work on the bank 's debts acceptation based on their own identification of provision justice .

  9. 我国运营状况最好的商业银行之一、最大的信用卡发行银行招商银行发行的双币信用卡被评为普通卡类最受欢迎信用卡。

    China Merchants Bank ( CMB ), one of the best performing commercial banks and the largest card issuer in China , was rated the best in the general category for its popular dual-currency credit card .

  10. 在进行银行理财产品市场细分研究前,运用市场集中度和招商银行发行银行理财产品为考察对象研究得出:由于招商银行细分不足导致发行的银行理财产品存在同质化现象。

    Through market concentration and financial products issued by Merchants Bank , we have gotten a conclusion before the research of financial products market segmentation . That is , the homogenization is already still due to lack of subdivision .

  11. 在接受政府纾困资金的大型金融集团中,只有cit未获准发行由银行业监管机构联邦存款保险公司(fdic)担保的债券,尽管其1月份就提出了申请。

    CIT is the only big financial group that received bail-out funds that has not been given the go-ahead to issue debt guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , a banking regulator , in spite of having applied in January .

  12. 此后,中国发行了银行票据。

    Afterwards , the Bank of China issued bank notes .

  13. 该企业必须向代为发行的银行提供财务资料。

    The foreign entity must provide financial information to the sponsor bank .

  14. 合法发行的银行纸币

    Bank note lawfully issued

  15. 在四大国有商业银行中,中国工商银行将是第三位在香港发行的银行。

    ICBC will be the third of China 's big four commercial banks to list in Hong Kong .

  16. 哪些设备受理境外发行的银行卡(外卡)?支持的卡种类型?

    Which equipment accepts bankcard issued by overseas institutions ( foreign-currency card )? What kind of card is accepted ?

  17. 次级债券发行与银行监管市场约束

    Issue the national debt ; Sustainability of Government Debt Insurance of Subordinated Bond and Market Discipline of Banking Supervision

  18. 2007年初,外国银行将被允许在中国发行人民币银行卡。

    For one thing , beginning in2007 , foreign banks will be allowed to offer cards in the local currency .

  19. 经过去年的试点方案后,法国兴业银行和法国BPCE银行集团正准备向客户发行该银行卡。

    The French banks Societe Generale and Groupe BPCE are preparing to issue the cards to customers after a pilot scheme last year .

  20. 新加坡有中国的银行,能否在新加坡办理一张中国银行发行的银行卡?

    Singapore has Chinese bank , whether does the bank that handles a piece of Bank of China to issue in Singapore get stuck ?

  21. 中央银行在发行的银行和政府的银行两方面职能比较完备,而在银行的银行和监管的银行两方面职能比较残缺。

    It had more perfect function in bank of issue and government 's bank rather than in banker 's bank and bank of supervision and management .

  22. 中央银行作为发行的银行,是法定的货币发行人,有责任维护币值的稳定,币值稳定和金融稳定是一致的。

    As a bank of issuing currency , the Central Bank is the legal currency publisher , and has the responsibility of maintaining the stability of the currency value .

  23. 1952年,美国加利福尼亚洲的富兰克林国民银行首先发行了银行信用卡,之后各家银行纷纷效仿,进入到发卡银行的行列之中。

    Since Franklin National Bank in United States California issued the first bank credit card in 1952 , the banks have followed suit and entered the ranks of issuers .

  24. 这意味着回收优先股,而非普通股;接受长期认股权证,愿意在今后以市价购买新发行的银行普通股;限制高管薪酬、分红和收购,直到银行全部赎回优先股。

    That means taking back preferred shares , not common stock ; receiving long-term warrants to purchase new shares of bank common stock at market prices ; and restrictions on executive pay , dividends and acquisitions until banks redeem the preferred shares in full .

  25. 虚拟信用卡的实际发行人中信银行(CiticBank)表示,其走完了相关程序。

    Citic bank , which was the actual issuer , has said it followed procedures .

  26. 在解释变量上,采用资产负债率(DAR)来衡量企业的融资结构,并设置经营活动比率(企业的预收款)和筹资活动比率(发行债券和银行借款)来表示融资渠道。

    The debt / asset ratio ( DAR ) is used as the scale index of financing structure . Meanwhile the study sets operations ratio ( pre-receivables ) and financing ratio ( issuance of bonds and bank loans ) to indicate the debt channels .

  27. 你能发行一张银行汇票到日本吗?

    Can you issue a bank draft to japan ?

  28. 次级金融债券的发行对中央银行货币政策的影响

    The Impact of Issuing of Subordinate Financial Bonds on the Monetary Policy of Central Bank

  29. 同时也在发行纸币的银行,要向英格兰银行付保证金。

    Who were also issuing notes would leave their would keep a deposit with the Bank of England .

  30. 部分此类理财产品由银行发行,可银行只对其中很少一部分产品做了明确担保。

    Some of these products are issued by banks , although only a minority are explicitly guaranteed by them .