
  • 网络Kindling;make a fire
  1. k吩咐那穿细麻衣的人说,要从旋转的轮之间,从基路伯中间取火,那人就去站在轮子旁边。

    And when He had commanded the man clothed in linen , saying , Take fire from between the whirling wheels , from between the cherubim , the man went and stood beside the wheel .

  2. 他们教黑头发的人取火。

    They taught the black-haired people to build a fire .

  3. 用空汽水罐就可以取火?

    Create a fire with just an empty soda can ?

  4. 感谢收看“怎样用空汽水罐取火”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Start A Fire With A Soda Can .

  5. 我总不能靠着磨擦两片木柴来取火吧。

    I can 't build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together .

  6. 阳堆取火&这是人类利用太阳能的历史见证。

    It has been a long history of human beings fetching energy from the sun .

  7. 这样,你就用汽水罐和太阳取火成功了。

    And that 's how you start a fire with just a pop can and the sun .

  8. 同时,在景区任何地方不得取火、营火、烧烤食物。

    Meanwhile , starting fire , camping fire or barbecuing are forbidden in any place of the scenic zone .

  9. 一些人正在搜集木柴取火,或者买来整头羊准备丰盛的晚餐。

    Some gather wood for a fire ; they 've bought a sheep , which will become a meal .

  10. 如果你迷路了,或者没办法取火烧水,可以收集冷凝水。

    If you are lost & have no means of starting a fire to boil water , collect condensation .

  11. 从取火到裂解原子,大抵是这股源源不绝的创意灵光推动著社会的进展。

    From harnessing fire to splitting the atom , an inexhaustible stream of innovative flashes has largely driven our social development .

  12. 只要观看这段用空汽水罐取火的视频短片就可以了。

    All you have to do is watch this short video about creating a fire with just an empty soda can .

  13. 祝融是神话传说中的火神,自燧人氏发明取火以后,即由祝融保存火种。

    Vulcan is the mythological god of fire , making fire from Suiren invented later , kept the fire from the Vulcan .

  14. 冬天里他帮助家人拉柴取火,这不他又拉着满满一车斗长毛伯尔尼幼犬嬉戏呢。

    Rumble helps his family haul in firewood for the winter , so pulling a cart full of plush Bernese puppies is child 's play .

  15. 我总能靠着哈瓦那的灯火回港的。我总不能靠着磨擦两片木柴来取火吧。

    I can always come in on the glow from Havana . I can 't build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together .

  16. 人们因为禁火,需要重新用榆柳取火,所以就在门口插柳。

    As fire was forbidden , people had to return to the elm willow for starting fire . Therefore , they planted willow trees in front of their gates .

  17. 知道怎样取火或许是最重要的生存技巧,无论是为了煮饭,烧水或发出求救信号。

    Knowing how to create a fire is probably the most important survival technique you can know , whether it 's to cook food , boil water or signal for help .

  18. 本文系就火对于人类的意义,火的起源和我国古代发明的几种取火方法加以简要叙述。

    This article deals briefly with the significance of fire for mankind and gives a short account of the origin of fire and of several ancient Chinese inventions of methods of methods of fire-making .

  19. 我相信北京猿人中后期已经掌握了人工取火技术,从那时算起到火的广泛应用,也经历了几十万年的时间。

    I believe that Peking Man had grasped the technique of making fire at their middle and late period of life , but from that time to using fire widely also cost several hundred thousands of years .

  20. 取病死火鸡肝、脾、肠匀浆,取上清液通过尿囊腔接种15日龄SPF鸡胚。

    Livers , spleens and intestines obtained from died poults were homogenized and centrifuged . The supernatant was inoculated into 15-day-old specific pathogen free ( SPF ) embryonated chicken eggs to propagate the viruses .

  21. 于是古奥运会开幕前必须举行隆重的点火仪式,由祭司从圣坛上燃取奥林匹克之火。

    The Olympic flame ceremony to light the flame was held before the opening of the ancient Olympic Games .

  22. 5采用氨水&氯化铵浸取铜、火法工艺回收铅并副产锆的方法对经过预处理的板卡粉末中的主要有色金属铜和铅进行了回收。

    Copper was reclaimed by ammonia - ammonium chloride extract copper method and lead was reclaimed using pyrometallurgy method in which zirconium was by produced .

  23. 有一个基路伯从众基路伯之间,伸手到他们中间的火那里去,取了些火,放在那身穿细麻布衣服的人手中;那人拿了火,就出去了。

    And one cherub stretched forth his hand from between the cherubims unto the fire that was between the cherubims , and took thereof , and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linen : who took it , and went out .

  24. 再从这几根中取些扔在火中焚烧,从里面必有火出来烧入以色列全家。

    Then take of them again , and cast them into the midst of the fire , and burn them in the fire ; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel .