
  • 网络Journal of Oral Science Research
  1. 该测量传感器是与上海口腔医学研究所协作研制的。

    This measurement transducer is the product of the collaboration of SIME and the Shanghai Research Institute of Oral Cavity Medicine .

  2. 对咬合创伤导致骨吸收机制的研究是目前口腔医学研究领域的一大热点,其具体分子生物学机制目前尚不清楚,有待进一步研究。

    The mechanism of bone absorption caused by occlusal traumation is currently one of the hot spots in oral medicine field , the exact molecular biology mechanism is unclear , needing further study .

  3. 基因芯片在口腔医学基础研究的应用

    Application of DNA Chips in Basis Research of Stomatology

  4. 因而非常有必要将动力学应用于口腔医学生物力学研究中。

    It , therefore , is necessary to apply dynamics to the study on biomechanics of stomatology .

  5. 双生子法在口腔遗传医学研究中的应用中医院校《医学遗传学》教学实践和思考

    Twin study for genetic analysis in clinic dentistry Teaching Practice and Thinking of Medical Genetics in College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  6. 干细胞技术及其在口腔医学中的研究及应用前景

    Advances and Prospective Application of Stem Cell Technique in Stomatology

  7. 浅谈口腔医学临床型研究生应诊能力的培养

    Discussions on training the clinical ability to patients for graduate students of oral medicine

  8. 本文就层粘连蛋白的结构、功能及其在口腔医学中的研究现状进行综述。

    In the review , we summarize the structure , function and current research situation in stomatology of laminin .

  9. 来自佛罗里达大学口腔医学院的研究人员5月25日在圣地亚哥举办的美国微生物学会第110届大会上公布了他们的研究结果。

    Researchers from the University of Florida College of Dentistry report their findings May25 at the110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in San Diego .

  10. 着色牙的治疗一直是口腔医学和美容牙科研究的一个重要方面。

    The treatment of stained teeth has been one of the striking aspects of stomatology and esthetic dentistry .

  11. 结论《上海口腔医学》是我国口腔医学研究领域的重要信息源之一。

    CONCLUSIONS : Shanghai Journal of Stomatology is one of the most important information sources on stomatology .

  12. 本文概述了氧化锆作为口腔材料的特点,详述了氧化锆在口腔医学方面运用的研究进展,提出了亟待解决的一些问题。

    This review focuses on the research present status of zirconia ceramics in stomatology , the practical problems and the prospects of the researches on zirconia ceramics .

  13. 由于猪的饮食状况和口腔疾病与人类相近,并且猪牙与人牙有相似的组织病理变化,因此猪牙越来越多地被口腔医学界研究。

    Dietary status and oral diseases of the swine are similar with human , and swine teeth have similar pathological changes with human teeth . Therefore , swine teeth have been increasingly studied in dental medicine .

  14. 结果《上海口腔医学》5年的总载文量为802篇,作者来源于4个国家、23个省市自治区。结论《上海口腔医学》是我国口腔医学研究领域的重要信息源之一。

    RESULTS : The number of articles published from 2001 to 2005 in Shanghai Journal of Stomatology was 208 , the authors were from 4 countries and 23 states or provinces . CONCLUSIONS : Shanghai Journal of Stomatology is one of the most important information sources on stomatology .