
ɡǔ diǎn xué pài
  • classical school
  1. 刑事古典学派内部存在着对死刑的两种对立的观点。

    There are two contrary views of death penalty in criminal classical school .

  2. 大陆法系刑法理论主要分为古典学派(旧派)和近代学派(新派)。

    The mainland criminal law system falls into the classical school and the modern school .

  3. 随后详细介绍了知识产权保护的四个经济学理论,分别是新古典学派的外部性理论、新制度学派的交易费用论、产品生命周期论以及《TRIPS》协定。

    Then we introduce four economics theories in details which contained the externality theory , transaction costs theory , product life cycle and TRIPS .

  4. 刑事古典学派主张严格解释主义,其经历了从禁止法官解释刑法到严格限制法官解释;

    Its experience develops from forbidding the judiciary interpretation to the strict restriction .

  5. 养老金来源:马克思的观点与新古典学派的解析

    Who Provides for the Old-age Pension : Marx 's Views and New-classic Economists ' Comments

  6. 一些证据支持古典学派的观点。

    Some evidence favours the classics .

  7. 根据新古典学派的基本理论,物质资本积累是经济增长的唯一动力。

    The neoclassical basic theory says that the physical capital accumulation is the only engine of growth .

  8. 该部分主要介绍了人身危险性理论的历史溯源,从古典学派到近代学派的发展轨迹见证人身危险性最终登上刑事法治的历史舞台。

    At first , this part introduces the history of the personal dangerousness from ancient school to neoteric school .

  9. 保安处分制度便是在刑事古典学派与刑事实证学派的争论中不断发展和完善的。

    Security Measures continue to develop and perfect in debate between the Criminal Classical School and the Criminal Evidence School .

  10. 针对市场竞争和垄断,古典学派、新古典学派以及新制度学派等都曾有自己的解说。

    Classical school , Neoclassical school and New institution school have given their own explanation about market competition and monopoly .

  11. 古典学派认为,货币经济对实物经济没有任何影响,二分法总是成立的。

    The classical school held that monetary economy can 't affect real economy and therefore the dichotomy is always tenable . J.

  12. 二是新古典学派,从经济效率出发,研究社会保障对经济增长的推动作用。

    The second is the neoclassic school which studies how social security to promote growth from the angle of economic efficiency .

  13. 保安处分理论是刑事古典学派与刑事实证学派进行论战的一个重要战场。

    The theory of security measures is an important battleground for debate between the Criminal Classical School and the Criminal Evidence School .

  14. 古典学派、早期凯恩斯主义学派、货币主义学派和理性预期学派认为货币政策无效。

    Classical School , the early Keynesian school , monetarism school and ration expectation school holds the idea that the policy is invalid .

  15. 自由贸易理论的演变与发展大致可分为三个阶段,即古典学派的自由贸易理论、现代学派的自由贸易理论和二战以后的自由贸易理论。

    The evolution and development of free trade theory can be divided into three phases : classical school , contemporary school and the World War Two .

  16. 新古典学派研究了技术进步与经济增长的关系,但把技术进步作为一个外生变量;

    The neoclassicism mainly studies the relationships between the technology improvement and the economy growth , but it regards the technology progress as an exogenetic variable .

  17. 对古典学派的规模经济理论、制度学派的交易费用理论以及对混合并购的一些理论进行评述。

    Then follows the critics towards the Scale Economy Theory of Classical Economics , Transaction Cost Theory of Systematic Economics and some mixed M & A theories .

  18. 启蒙思想家、刑事古典学派、刑事近代学派和二战后新社会防卫运动都对刑罚轻缓化有过不同的论述。

    Enlightenment thinkers , criminal classical school , criminal modern school and new social defense school after the Second World War all carried out discussion about it .

  19. 本文主要分析了李嘉图学派、新古典学派、凯恩斯学派三大学派的公债理论观点及其对我国现实的适用性及理论指导意义。

    This paper mainly analyses their applicability of Chinese practice and theoretical guidance by discussing the bonds theory of Ricardo 's school , Neoclassical school and Keynesian school .

  20. 无论是在美国还是在中国,经济学界占主导地位的都是新古典学派,强调世界经济的自由开放,对跨国并购基本持赞同态度。

    The mainstream Neo-classic school economists , wherever in China or in US , who emphasize the liberalization and opening-up of world economy , support the cross-border M & As .

  21. 把西方财政学的发展分为三个阶段,即古典学派之前的财政学、古典学派的财政学和凯思斯主义及其后的各学派。

    The development of western finance is divided into three stages : finance before classical school , finance of classical school , and various schools of Keynesianism and after Keynesianism .

  22. 二者的最大区别是:犯罪古典学派主张意志非决定论(自由论)而犯罪实证学派则主张意志决定论。

    The biggest difference between the two schools is : the Classical school of crime advocates non-determinism ( libertarian ) and the Positivist school of crime will favor will determinism .

  23. 客观主义刑法是刑事古典学派所主张的观点,因其是以行为为核心,所以也可称为行为主义。

    Objectivism criminal law is a criminal point of view advocated by the classical school as it is to act as the core , so it could be a behaviorist .

  24. 人道主义的发展为刑罚轻缓化创造了良好的文化氛围。启蒙思想家和刑事古典学派、刑事实证学派和新社会防卫论等的刑罚轻缓思想,使刑罚轻缓化具备了深厚的理论支持。

    The initiation thinkers and the criminal classical school , the criminal real diagnosis school of thought and the new social defense discusses and so on provide penalty mitigation with deep rationale .

  25. 人格刑法学是在调和刑事古典学派和刑事近代学派的对立时提出的刑法理论。

    Abstract : Criminal jurisprudence of Personality is a theory of criminal law being raised when conciliating the antinomy between the school of classical criminal jurisprudence and the school of modern criminal jurisprudence .

  26. 起源于亚里士多德的古典学派认为,隐喻是一种修辞手段,有别于日常语言,是对常规语言的一种偏离。

    Aristotle , the initiator of the classic school , thinks that metaphor is only a rhetoric method , which is different from everyday language and is a deviation from the conventional language .

  27. 在刑罚论方面,早期古典学派有学者主张目的刑论,但大多数古典学派学者主张报应刑论。

    As for penal theory , in the early days of the classical school , some scholars claim intent penal theory , but the majority of the classical school scholars claim retribution penal theory .

  28. 新古典学派难以解释利润的归属,无法说明财务的运行机制、治理结构和制度安排。

    We think that the Neo-classicism School theory is difficult to interpret the ownership of benefit , it is impossible to illustrate the working mechanism , the structure and the arrangement of the financial institution .

  29. 刑罚个别化是在刑事古典学派所倡导的罪刑法定、罪刑均衡等法治精神得以确定并形成传统之后,由近代学派创立和发展起来的。

    The Criminal Individualization was established and developed by the positivist school after the tradition of punishment legally prescribed for a specified crime and of balance between crime and punishment advocated by the classical school .

  30. 古典学派最早对货币传导进行了研究,认为货币不过是覆盖在经济活动上的面纱,因此货币中性,自然得出货币政策无效的结论。

    Classical School was the earliest ones to research the problem , they considered money was only " the veil which covers the activities of economy ", hence they thought monetary policy was of no availability .