
ɡǔ bǎo
  • old castle;ancient castle
  1. 这座古堡俯瞰全城。

    The ancient castle commands the town .

  2. 浏览过后,你也可以加上任何其他的古堡酒店。

    Feel free to add any other ancient castle hotel to it after reading through .

  3. 这个古堡从五月起每天开放,直至十月底。

    The castle is open daily from May to October inclusive .

  4. 传说这座古堡里面有条暗道,可我们还没找到。

    Rumors have it that secret tunnels lead out of this castle , but we haven 't found any .

  5. 考古学家们发掘出一个古堡

    The archaeologists excavated an ancient fortress .

  6. 我曾在古堡、古皇宫、古神庙、古墓、地下墓穴和迷宫中探险。

    I 've explored ancient castles , palaces , temples , tombs , catacombs and labyrinths .

  7. 圣彼得罗古堡公园(FortSanPedro)它与马尼拉的圣地亚哥古城堡并称为菲律宾最古老的城堡。

    Castle Park , San Pedro ( Fort San Pedro ) with Manila and Santiago , the ancient castle known as the Philippine 's oldest castle .

  8. 你要像战士一样前往这座拥有126个崭新房间的卡斯凯什古堡酒店(PousadadeCascais)——这座16世纪的城堡经过翻修后将新建的房间与历史核心因素融为一体——包括建在原先兵营宿舍内的少数几间客房。

    Make like a soldier and head to the new 126-room Pousada de Cascais hotel , a converted 16th-century citadel that marries new-build rooms with a historic core -- including a handful of guest rooms within the original barracks quarters .

  9. 5年前,该公司开设了CastelloBanfiilBorgo,这是一家在12世纪的古堡中经营的私人酒店,共有14个房间。

    Five years ago the company opened CastelloBanfi il Borgo , a privately run 14-room hotel on the grounds of a 12th Centurycastle .

  10. 在曾被罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(RobertLouisStevenson)称为“世上最破的破镇子”的威克,唯一值得游客驻足的是一座古堡废墟,可能是在12世纪由诺尔斯伯爵哈拉尔德·马达逊(HaraldMaddadson)所建。

    Wick , which Robert Louis Stevenson once referred to as " the meanest of mean towns , " has little in the way of tourist attractions except for a ruined castle that was probably built in the 12th century , presumably by the Norse earl , Harald Maddadson .

  11. 游客来到之后可直奔几个渔村,比如位于科孚岛(Corfu)视野之内的Qeparo村,在这里,你可以划着小艇穿过冷战时期的潜艇隧道,或者游过荒废的古堡,在Riviera客栈一边饱餐鲜鱼,一边看潮起潮落。

    Head to villages like Qeparo , within sight of Corfu , where you can kayak past Cold War submarine tunnels , swim by abandoned forts and watch the tide rise during a dinner of fresh fish at an inn called the Riviera .

  12. 英国温莎——周六,一位黑人牧师的敦促和一个福音唱诗班的歌声在英国一座千年古堡里回荡,哈里王子与美国女演员梅根·马克尔(MeghanMarkle)完婚,将英国王室带入一个新时代。

    WINDSOR , England - A thousand-year-old English castle echoed with the exhortations of a black preacher and a gospel choir on Saturday , as Prince Harry wed Meghan Markle , an American actress , nudging the British royal family into a new era .

  13. 看,先是诺曼底,然后去法国的古堡地区。

    Here , first Normandy , and then the Chateau country .

  14. 参观古堡的游客请不要拍照。

    Visitors to the castle are asked not to take pictures .

  15. 在那古堡居住的白人。

    This white man who lives at the old soldier fort .

  16. 我害怕那古堡的白人。

    I am afraid of the white man at the fort .

  17. 玛丽:这不是另一个古堡,对不对?

    Mary : It 's not another old castle , is it ?

  18. 我们刚才不是经过一座古堡?

    Didn 't we pass a castle down the road ?

  19. 这座古堡充满神秘的气氛

    The ancient castle be Invest with an air of mystery

  20. 古堡耸立在市镇中一个高处

    The castle stand in a dominant position above the town

  21. 祖传的古堡,其幽灵使得胜的君王惊悸。

    Whose ghosts scare victor kings in their ancestral towers .

  22. 我们冒昧地点了些古堡牌葡萄酒。

    We have taken the liberty of ordering some grand bank wine .

  23. 他已经重新挑选了一座古堡作为她们的新家。

    He has selected an old fort to be their new home .

  24. 重建古堡花了一年多的时间。

    It took more than a year to restore the ancient castle .

  25. 我们也参观了其中一座古堡。

    The convenience mart TESCO is a familiar trademark to us all .

  26. 他超出同时代的人之上。古堡高耸于城市之上。

    He towered above his contemporaries . The castle domineers the town .

  27. 古堡的北翼毁于一场大火。

    The north wing of the castle was destroyed in a fire .

  28. adj.平静的平静的湖面上映着古堡的影像。

    placid The placid lake reflected the image of the old castle .

  29. 守望在桥头、古堡口,中世纪的广场

    keep watch on a bridge , a castle and the medieval plaza

  30. 一道神秘的光像是从古堡中射出的

    An uncanny light seem to be come from the castle