
  • 网络Same principle;Identity Principle
  1. 锥形VR拉斗铲铲斗也是全组合型铲斗,铲斗的关键部位根据同一原理按设计的特定维修周期更换。

    The taper VR dragline bucket is a fully fabricated bucket , designed around the same principle of specific service intervals in which critical areas are replaced during the life of the bucket .

  2. 步行时绕大圆周运动的规律在很大程度上是由同一原理引起的。

    Circular movement in walking is caused in much the same way .

  3. 民诉意见的该条规定与《合同法》中的债权人代位权是同一原理。

    Civilian this regulation that tells an opinion and " contract law " medium creditor subrogation authority is same principle .

  4. 最后,作者证明运用同一原理还可减少元件变性对给定值的影响。

    Finally , according to the principle of paired receptors the influence of the variationof element characteristics may be decreased .

  5. 此外,我还要提出一个同样明显的证据,以证实我这样的观点:即,歌剧和我们的亚历山德里亚文化建立在同一原理上。

    Besides this I place another equally obvious confirmation of my view that opera is based on the same principles as our Alexandrian culture .

  6. 该系统以通用性和实用性为开发原则,解决了不同厂家生产的同一原理的保护在名称和整定计算方法上的差别造成的问题。

    Based on universality and practicality , the problem caused by different names and setting methods of the same protection principle from different manufacturers is resolved .

  7. 当投票受到限制时,新掌权的多数派已经决定按照他们前任曾使用的合法掠夺的同一原理制定法律体系。

    The newly enfranchised majority has decided to formulate law on the same principle of legal plunder that was used by their predecessors when the vote was limited .

  8. 这个是发生在1988年的治疗打嗝的一个极端例子,它的成功依然可以追溯到同一原理:刺激迷走神经。

    Used as a cure for an extreme case of the hiccups in 1988 , its success was once again traced back to stimulating the same vagus nerve .

  9. 同一原理,为了物种自身益处而限制物种的群体数量这也是靠不住的。

    Equally fallacious , for the same reason , is the argument that population size is limited via reduced birth rates " for the good of the species " .

  10. 破损的电缆可以通过将之拖出水面来修补,该过程耗时数周,这和修理被割草机切断的电线是同一个原理。

    Cables can be repaired in weeks by pulling them up and patching – much like you might fix a power cable sliced through by a lawnmower .

  11. 同一认定原理是侦查学的特定基础理论。

    The theory of individualism is the specific basic theory of criminal investigation .

  12. 基于同一化原理和串联附加电感的绕组参数测量方法

    A New Method for Dynamic Measurement of Windings Parameters Based on Identity Principle and Serial Additional Inductance

  13. 同一认定原理界说&侦查学的特定基础理论侦探将假扮为一乞丐。

    On Orientation of the Theory of Individualism ; The detective will appear in the person of beggar .

  14. 犯罪信息检索的理论基础是同一认定原理和信息流原理。

    The theoretical basis of the criminal information retrieval is the principle of identity establishment and the principle of information stream .

  15. 除此之外,还有许多非常实用的睡眠小妙招,但是它们都是基于同一个原理变化而来。

    There are a lot of really useful sleeping tips out there , but they are all variations on the same theme .

  16. 对同一认定原理的价值定位关系到侦查学的基础理论研究乃至整个侦查学科自身的发展。

    Proper orientation of the theory of individualism is very significant for the research of the basic theory of criminal investigation , which also affects the development of criminal investigation .

  17. 本文首次提出了单相接地故障选线和定位用同一种原理方法,这对于简化系统,节省投资有着重要地现实意义。

    This paper proposes a method which is the same for fault selection and fault location of single-phase grounded fault for the first time , which makes magnificent significance on simplifying system and reducing investments .

  18. 通过概念设计的方法,对断尾机构进行功能分析,得到了三种具有同一基本原理的新型的断尾机构:侧挂式螺旋断尾机构、腹卧式螺旋断尾机构、直立式断尾机构。

    The paper analyzes the function of cane top cutting mechanism through conceptual design . Three innovation mechanisms being based on the same principle are developed which are side-hanging helix cane top cutting mechanism , horizontal helix cane top cutting mechanism and vertical cane top cutting mechanism .

  19. 空间均匀性的原理可以叫做虚无同一性的原理。

    The principle of the uniformity of space might be called the principle of the sameness of nothingness .

  20. 基于各视差图像中同源像点对应同一物点的原理,本文提出了一种消除多视点视差图像竖直视差的方法。

    Based on the principle that homologous points in different parallax images correspond to the same object point , a method is proposed to eliminate the vertical parallax in multi-view parallax images .

  21. 文中提出一种利用同一信号的相关性原理,对两个阵列测向结果进行信号分离来去除虚假定位的方法。

    Here , a method to remove the mendacious localization is proposed , in which the signals of direction-finding results from two sensor arrays are separated by use of correlation principle of the same signal .