
  • 网络SDH;Synchronous Digital Hierarchy;PDH;SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy
  1. 这种网络体系结构用在构造分布式多个计算机组成的网络计算应用中特别理想,在同步数字系列交叉互连系统的交叉连接矩阵的实现中也很有竞争力。

    And it is competitive in realization of Cross connect matrix of SDH Cross connect system .

  2. 一代新的数字通信方式&同步数字系列(SDH)

    New Generation Digital Communication Mode & Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH )

  3. 本建议提供了一个同步数字系列(SDH)网络的信息模型。

    This Recommendation provides an information model for the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ) Network .

  4. 同步数字系列(SDH)微波接力通信系统工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH ) microwave relay telecommunication system engineering

  5. 在同步数字系列(SDH)的集成系统中,需要用到并行扰码技术。

    Parallel scrambling techniques is required in the integrated system of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ) .

  6. 同步数字系列(SDH)是近年来发展很成熟的通信技术,对于电力系统通信网有着十分广阔的应用前景。

    As a maturely developed communication technology , SDH has a broad prospect of application in power system communication network .

  7. 在复分接系统中,如同步数字系列(SDH),定时处理占有重要地位。

    In multiplex and demultiplex systems such as Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ), timing processing is very important to system performance .

  8. 同步数字系列(SDH)所具有的灵活的系统配置结构以及丰富的网络管理资源给实现智能化网络调度和安全保护的功能提供了技术上的支持。

    The flexible system configuration and abundant network management of SDH provide technical supports for implementing the functions of intelligent network routing and protecting .

  9. 从同步数字系列(SDH)的产生背景、工作原理出发,介绍了SDH的主要设备、网络结构和自愈环;

    Based on the background and principle of synchronous digital hierarchy SDH , the network architecture and self - healing rings of SDH are introduced .

  10. 电信传输方式自模拟转变为数字以来,一直沿用的是PDH(PlesiochronousDigitalHierarchy,准同步数字系列)传输方式。

    After telecom communicaton 's style changed from analog to digital , the communication mode had been PDH ( Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy ) .

  11. 此外,针对目前实际应用的光网络同步数字系列SDH,我们提出综合监控方案,并已实际应用。

    In addition , for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ) is the optical network implemented in practice , we proposed integrated monitor for SDH , which has been used in business .

  12. 文章首先简要介绍了同步数字系列(SDH)虚级联的基本概念,然后重点分析了SDH虚级联的实现过程,最后利用VHDL语言对该过程进行了仿真。

    This paper firstly introduces the basic concept of virtual concatenation in SDH briefly , then analyzes the realization course of virtual concatenation on SDH , and finally records simulation process with VHDL .

  13. 通过对距离依赖业务量疏导问题的理论分析,得到一个该问题需要使用同步数字系列插分复用器(S-ADM)数量的下界DLB;

    For the distance dependence traffic pattern , it obtained a low bound of ADMs ( D LB ) by analysis .

  14. SDH具有全世界统一的网络节点接口,标准化的信息等级结构,能够兼容现有的PDH准同步数字系列传输系统,使得全世界传输系统能够在STM-N级别上进行互联互通。

    SDH has the unified network node interface ( NNI ), standardized information class structure in all the world and can be compatible with PDH , which makes all the transmission network systems can communicate with each other on the level of STM-N.

  15. 铁路光缆通信同步数字系列工程施工规范

    Code for construction of SDH project of railway optical fiber cable communication

  16. 同步数字系列及其在微波通信中的应用

    Synchronous Digital Hierachy ( SDH ) and Its Application in Microwave Communication

  17. 光同步数字系列帧同步性能分析

    Analysis of Frame Alignment for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

  18. 同步数字系列传输网路径管理的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of SDH Trail Management

  19. 文章介绍了同步数字系列发展过程及其在微波通信中应用的特点。

    This paper introduces tile developing history of the synchronous digital hierachy ( SDH ) and its application features in the microwave communication .

  20. 煤炭矿区光同步数字传输系列通信网

    Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Communication Network for Mining Area

  21. 数字通信系统中导频同步信号处理技术研究铁路光缆通信同步数字系列工程施工规范

    Study on Synchronization Mechanism in Digital Communication System Based on Pilot Channel ; Code for construction of SDH project of railway optical fiber cable communication