
tónɡ móu zhě
  • conspirator;accomplice
  1. 阿蒂死了。诺琳猜测你是同谋者。

    Artie 's dead . noreen 's fingered you as the accomplice .

  2. 她的同谋者,尽管想出了他那怯懦的策略,为了这件逃脱的事还是吃了苦头。

    Her accomplice suffered for his share in the escape , notwithstanding his timid contrivances .

  3. 这些文件涉及到39家总部设在维多利亚的企业,澳大利亚移民和公民部(DIAC)和澳大利亚联邦警察(AFP)正在对这场骗局中的同谋者进行调查。

    The documents relate to39 businesses based in Victoria and those complicit in the scam are being investigated by both DIAC and the AFP .

  4. 他被指控为该罪的同谋者。

    He was indicted as being accessory man to the crime .

  5. 法国同谋者被迫匆促逃亡。

    The French conspirators were forced to escape very hurriedly .

  6. 她不能请她的同谋者到屋里去。

    She would be unable to ask her confederate indoors .

  7. 被告不肯说出同谋者的名字。

    The accused held back the names of his partners .

  8. 他被他的一个同谋者出卖了。

    He was given away by one of his accomplices .

  9. 母亲在孩子们的头上晃动着她的珍藏,就像孩子们的快乐的同谋者。

    Mother spoke like a happy conspirator as she jiggled riches above their heads .

  10. 如无同谋者,那小偷不可能进入屋内并偷去那些珠宝。

    Without an accomplice the thief can not have get into the house and steal the jewel .

  11. 同谋者参与同一件阴谋的人被告不肯说出同谋者的名字。

    One that engages in a conspiracy . The accused held Back the names of his partners .

  12. 其他六人为协助巴罗特的罪名辩护,而宣称是同谋者的第七个人则正在接受审讯。

    Six others have pleaded guilty to assisting him , while a seventh alleged conspirator is standing trial .

  13. 他被指控为该罪的同谋者。全世界的人都在同谋合伙来跟他捣乱。

    He was indicted as being accessory man to the crime . The world was gathered in conspiracy against him .

  14. 当一名男子代表它宣读提名演讲时,Pigasus和七名同谋者被抓起来了。

    Just as a man was reading a nomination speech on behalf of the hog , it and seven conspirators were arrested .

  15. 被告不肯说出同谋者的名字。与法院相同,被告有辩护律师作为代表。

    The accused held Back the names of his partners . As in courts , the defendants are represented by legal counsel .

  16. 当然,我也知道,你们之创造我也是一种大胆的行为,因为你们尝试着要我成为一个同谋者,让我和你们一起,能欺骗更软弱的那些人。

    Of course , I know that your creating me is also bold , for you try to make me a conspirator together with you to , to deceive those who are more coward .

  17. 但方璐的摄像机远远不止是记录下所发生的一切,而是完全成为方璐的同谋者,在这个预谋中,表演的和真实的行为或状态之间的边界变得模糊起来。

    Yet the role of Fang 's camera is more than a recorder of what has happened , but a part of Fang 's conspiracy in which the border between performance and real actions is blurred .

  18. 以前,同谋者会在教科书的帮助下很快填上答案,再把试卷包上一块小石头扔进考场开着的窗户或是用弹弓弹进去。

    In the past , the collaborators have quickly filled in the answers with the aid of a textbook , then wrapped them around a stone and thrown or catapulted them through the open windows of the exam halls .

  19. 他是艾提留斯提坦努斯(48),而且是元老院起诉了他(49),皇帝禁止对艾提留斯的同谋者进行任何调查,而且总是帮助他儿子达到他所有的愿望。

    This was atilius titianus , 48 and it was the Senate itself that conducted his prosecution , 49 while the emperor forbade any investigation about the fellow-conspirators of atilius and always aided his son to attain all his desires .

  20. 他认为现代艺术一方面在被接受过程中存在着唤醒大众、从而将观众从消极的接受者成为能动的革命同谋者的功能;

    He thought that , on the one hand , the modern art is living to be received in the process to be awakening the people , thereby becomes the meritorious sendee capacity of dynamic revolution Confederate person through negative recipient by viewer ;

  21. 根据起诉书,沙隆告诉一位未披露姓名的同谋者,他在美国的操纵交易是“朝着更大帝国的一小步”,他还说,让被入侵公司的客户购买股票“就像在俄罗斯喝该死的伏特加”。

    Mr Shalon told an unnamed co-conspirator that his manipulative trading in the US was " a small step towards a larger empire " and said getting clients of hacked companies to buy stock was " like drinking freaking vodka in Russia , " according to the indictment .

  22. 我不想面对任何法官,但是我们努力想要公众知道:我们在努力控制人口偷渡,我们在实施雇主制裁,我们是这个州唯一的执法机构,阻止2000多人非法偷渡,包括同谋者。

    I 'm not trying to get in to any judge 's face , but I 'm trying to let the public know : we enforced the human struggling , we enforced the employer sanction , we are the only law enforcement agency in this state , 2000 the human smuggling , including the co-conspirators .