
  • 网络Post Mold Cure;post cure;postcure;post-cure
  1. 结果表明,固化程度可显著影响固化物的Tg和后固化过程中剩余反应的温度。

    The results revealed by modulated DSC shows that the curing degree has drastic effect on glass transition temperature and its evolution during the post cure process .

  2. 滚筒层压和后固化的粘接简单易行。

    Easy to Process by Roll Lamination plus Postcure .

  3. 此外,AP还使HTPB发生后固化过程,随着压力的增大,该过程的固化热也增大。

    Furthermore , the " after-solidify " process of HTPB result from AP component and the pressure strengthens this process .

  4. Sr-CPC试样在模拟体液(SBF)中浸泡24h后固化产物为含锶缺钙羟基磷灰石;

    After immersion in SBF for 24h , the Sr-CPC has transformed into Sr-containing deficient-calcium apatites .

  5. 不同浓度引发聚合下的t(max)相同。暗反应结果表明,环氧单体后固化反应非常显著。

    The results also indicated that t_ ( max ) was identical at different concentrations of UVI-6976 . Dark reaction results indicated that there was strong post-curing process for the epoxide-based monomer .

  6. 尼龙-RIM体系不用外脱膜剂,产品无需后固化处理,其制件抗冲击强度和耐热性等均比PU优越。

    Neither external mold release agent nor the post curing of the moulding parts for Nylon RIM system is needed . The Shock resistance and heat resistance of Nylon-RIM parts are better than PU-RIM .

  7. 对设计的后固化控制系统进行调试,先在Proteus环境下进行模拟仿真,然后搭建了实际硬件电路,实验结果达到了预期的控制要求。

    The post-cure control system designed is debugged . It is simulated in the Proteus environments , and then the actual hardware circuit is built . Experimental results achieve the desired control requirements . 6 .

  8. 结果表明:UPR固化体系选择TBPB为引发剂,用量1~2phr,确定了固化温度为120℃和后固化温度为180℃;

    The results showed that TBPB was used as initiators in the curing system , curing temperature was 120 ℃ and post-curing temperature was 180 ℃;

  9. 含3份PI-369的混杂树脂体系经紫外光固化和80℃后固化12小时,凝胶含量可达93%。

    The hybrid resin system with 3 phr PI-369 exhibited gel content above 92 % after UV exposure and post-curing at 80 ℃ for 12 hr .

  10. 混合芳香二胺-双酚A环氧体系后固化过程的研究

    Study on post of mixed aromatic diamine-epoxy of bisphenol a system

  11. 研讨特种塑封管的再后固化效果

    On the Post - solidification Effect of Special Devices with Plastic Package

  12. 酚醛模塑料制件后固化处理的研究

    Study of Post - cure of Phenolic Moulding Composites Parts

  13. 后固化处理可提高固化物的凝胶含量到95%以上。

    Post-curing could enhance the gel content to 95 % or more .

  14. 不饱和聚酯树脂浇铸体后固化处理条件的研究

    Study on post curing condition of up casting

  15. 暗反应结果表明,环氧单体后固化反应非常显著。

    Dark reaction results indicated that there was strong post-curing process for the epoxide-based monomer .

  16. 受离心力作用熔化金属被抛向型模的内壁,在那里冷却后固化。

    The molten metal is centrifugally thrown towards the inside mold wall , where it solidifies after cooling .

  17. 设计的汽车起动机换向器酚醛模塑料后固化控制系统达到了预期的目标。

    It is to achieve the desired objectives that the post-curing control system of phenolic molding compounds for automobile starter commutator is designed .

  18. 探索出了中温注射、低温固化、高温后固化的最佳模塑成型方法。

    We have researched and known the optimal molding method , injecting at medium temperature , curing at room temperature and post curing at high temperature .

  19. 研究发现:链转移剂和测试频率对偶极子去极化程度基本没有影响,后固化工艺能减小试样的偶极子去极化程度,内增塑剂和交联剂都能增大试样的偶极子去极化程度。

    It was showed that post-curing may increase , plasticization and cross-linking may decrease the depolarization , while transfer agent and testing frequency had no effect .

  20. 这说明真空热循环可以使碳纤维/双马树脂基复合材料发生出气现象、表界面受到一定程度的损伤及树脂基体发生后固化等现象。

    Simulated test implies that outgassing of composites , a certain degree of damage the interface and post curing of the resin matrix are attributed to vacuum thermal-cycling .

  21. 根据汽车起动机换向器酚醛模塑料后固化工艺要求,提出控制系统的具体实现方案。

    According to the technological requirements of post-curing of phenolic molding compounds for automobile starter commutator , it is proposed to realize the specific programs of the control system .

  22. 然而在水优先透过膜改性中,添加表面改性剂后固化膜表面往往形成疏水性构型,这对于提高膜对水的分离选择性是不利的。

    However , a hydrophobic conformation would be created on the surface of water-permselective membrane when such surface modifier is added into the polymer solution , which is unfavorable for improving its water selectivity .

  23. 对后固化控制系统进行软件设计,采用模块化设计方法,主要包括控制系统的主程序及子程序设计,并给出了相应的程序流程图。

    The software of the post-curing control system is designed and the modular design approach is adopted . It includes the main program and subroutine design , and gives the corresponding program flow chart . 5 .

  24. 本文系统研究了金属纤维/树脂基超混杂复合材料层压成型工艺(即SHCM)的铺层设计和铺层工艺,探讨并确定了固化工艺和后固化处理参数,从而使材料具有优异的性能。

    In this paper the laminating process of metal fiber / resin matrix super-hybrid composite was systematically studied , including laminate lay-up and process . The best curing process parameters and heat treatment were discussed too .

  25. 结果表明,该体系在176~191℃温度范围内,固化初期的主要反应为伯胺环氧反应,后期的主要反应是羟基环氧反应;后固化处理(200℃)可提高反应程度;

    The results show that during the early stage of cure at lower temperature ( 176 ~ 191 ℃), the main reaction is primary amine-epoxide reaction , and then the hydroxy epoxide reaction becomes dominant , and post-curing ( 200 ℃) leads to higher extent of cross-linking and reaction .

  26. 结果表明:(1)BMI/AEF树脂具有优良的耐热性,良好的热压工艺和较低的后固化温度,最高热分解温度达到469℃,适用于超硬材料树脂磨具结合剂;

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) BMI / AEF resin had super thermal stability , excellent hot pressing performance and lower post curing temperature and its highest thermal decomposition temperature came up to 469 ℃, therefore it could be used as bonding agent for superhard abrasive products .

  27. 非饱和浸出实验后水泥固化体内~(137)Cs分布特征

    Distribution characteristics of ~ ( 137 ) cs in solidified cement waste form after unsaturated leaching experiments

  28. pH在4-9范围内,未检测出浸出液中有砷的存在,因此,经过处理后的固化砷渣在自然条件下稳定性较高,产生二次污染的可能性较小。

    In the range of pH4-9 , there is not arsenic exist in leaching agent . Therefore , the processed curing arsenic slag has higher stability under natural conditions , there is less possibility to produce secondary contamination .

  29. 同时用红外(IR)分析了树脂的改性机理,并且对该行后树脂固化物进行了热重分析,确定了固化物热分解温度为235℃左右。

    The modifying mechanism was analyzed by infrared spectrum ( IR ) . And the heat decompounding temperature of the resin is about 235 ℃ , which is confirmed by the TGA of cured resin .

  30. 通过开展无侧限抗压强度试验、毒性浸出试验,测量掺入膨润土后污泥固化体的强度、重金属浸出率、浸出液COD及pH值,研究该固化/稳定化方法的效果。

    Unconfined compressive strength ( UCS ) test and leach test were conducted to assess its effect by measuring UCS of the solidified sludge , leaching ratio of heavy metal , COD and pH of leachate from the solidified sludge .