
  1. 后轮转向半挂汽车列车的轨迹偏差分析

    Analysis of Track Bias of the Automobile Train with Rear Wheel Steering

  2. 提出了一种通过独立控制后轮转向以提高车辆操纵稳定性和机动灵活性的方法。

    Improvements on vehicle handling stability and maneuverability were achieved through active and independent rear wheels control in this work .

  3. 研究了改装汽车的后轮转向特性,分析了后轮转向系统的转向特性和理想四轮转向系统的高、低速转向特性。

    The high or low speed steering characteristics of the rear wheel steering system and ideal four-wheel steering system were analyzed .

  4. 本文在介绍半挂车后轮转向原理的基础上,给出了汽车列车的折角、半挂车与牵引车的轨迹偏差的解析计算方法及有关公式。

    On the basis of introducing semi-trailer rear wheel steering mechanism this paper presents an analytic method of calculation of the angle , the track bias between the tractor and semi-trailer .

  5. 分析结果表明,能够通过控制车辆后轮转向角来减小汽车瞬时出现的过多转向或不足转向,增强了汽车的动态转向稳定性。

    The analysis results showed that the instantaneous oversteering or understeering of the vehicle can be reduced by the control of the rear-wheel steering angle to enhance the dynamic steering stability .

  6. 四轮转向技术是一种对汽车的前轮转向和后轮转向同时进行控制以改善转向特性的汽车动力学控制技术。

    Four Wheel Steering ( 4WS ) is an advanced vehicle control technique which can improve steering characteristics . And the simulation is processed in MATLAB / Simulink to verify the control algorithm .

  7. 基于回路成形和μ综合的后轮主动转向鲁棒控制

    Robust Control of Active Rear Wheel Steering with Loop Shaping μ Synthesis

  8. 提出一种后轮主动转向鲁棒控制的两阶段综合方法。

    A two-phase synthesis method for robust control of active rear wheel steering is presented .

  9. 后轮主动转向的2自由度鲁棒控制

    DOFs Robust Active Rear-wheel Steering Control

  10. 四轮转向(Four-WheelSteering4WS)是指在车辆转向时,除了前轮转向外,后轮也参加转向。

    Apart from front-wheel steering , rear-wheel steering steering also attend , it is called Four-wheel steering .

  11. 基于预瞄驾驶员模型,针对确定性汽车模型,探讨了四轮转向汽车在一类复杂路面上行驶过程中后轮的最优转向控制规律及整车转向特性。

    The optimal control laws of4WS on the complex typical path are studied using driver model of preview follower method based on the certain vehicle model considering roll , yaw and lateral motions .

  12. 四轮转向技术是一种可以使前后轮同时改变方向的技术,后轮可以独立进行转向。

    Four-wheel steering technology is a kind of technology which can change the direction both front and rear wheel , rear wheel can turn independently .

  13. 此时如果进一步加速,只会加剧推头,因为重量转移到后轮,前轮(转向轮)承受的重量减少,导致车辆的转向性能变差。

    Further acceleration only compounds the push , as weight shifts back to the rear drive wheels , off of the front turning wheels , leading to a further lessening of the car 's ability to turn in .

  14. 建立了后轮驱动、前轮转向自动引导车辆的定位停车运动学模型,基于这一模型提出了经过两步消除定位停车误差的控制策略。

    A mathematics model of AGV with a single front steering wheel for stopping at a specified location is established in this paper . Based on the model developed , a control strategy with two steps is investigated .

  15. 论文的主要工作如下:改装了后轮系统,使其具有转向功能,改装的后轮转向系统左右轮能实现独立转向。

    The Major research results are : The rear wheels system was modified to make them achieve steering independence .