
  1. 这位国家元首通过广播向全国发表了讲话。

    The head of state addressed the nation over the radio

  2. 他们向全国100所学校发放了问卷。

    They sent out questionnaires to 100 schools countrywide .

  3. 总统向全国作了电视讲话。

    The President spoke to the whole nation on television .

  4. 这个公司向全国各地发送货物。

    The firm conveys goods to all parts of the country .

  5. 他还向全国各地的儿童、教师和政府成员讲述欺凌行为。

    He also speaks to children , teachers and members of government around the country about bullying .

  6. 总统向全国发表广播演说。

    The President gave an address to the nation over the radio .

  7. 我今天的讲话时间与我父亲75年前向全国发表讲话的时间完全一样。

    I speak to you today at the same hour as my father did exactly 75 years ago .

  8. 方法应用德尔菲(Delphi)技术向全国67名专家进行两轮函询。

    Methods A two-round Delphi technique was conducted on 67 nursing experts .

  9. 而当晚乔治·w·布什总统向全国发表讲话时他预示着美国的反应。

    and when President George W. Bush addressed the nation that night , he foreshadowed the American response .

  10. 届时ESPN体育电视网将向全国转播此一吃热狗大赛。

    The eat-off is broadcast nationally on the ESPN sports TV network .

  11. 零售蔬菜巨头BonniePlantFarm公司,只是向全国范围的三大零售商提供其产品,却很少提供给本地种植者。

    The dominant provider of vegetables to the national retailers is Bonnie Plant Farm , which serves all three national retailers coast to coast with minimal involvement from local growers .

  12. 他将在试验的进程中不断的向全国及世界的医学公众进行数据更新并及时向FDA反馈试验结果。

    He will continuously update the national and international medical community on the trial 's progress and will prepare the results for submission to the FDA .

  13. 在中国AA银行未控股前,A寿险公司为一家区域性、中外合资、小型寿险公司,现正在向全国性,国有企业,大中型寿险公司转变进程中。

    Before it is controlled by AA Bank , A is a regional , small-sized life insurance joint-venture . Now A is in a transition to a nation-wide , middle to large-sized , state-owned enterprise .

  14. 1983年3月23日晚,美国总统里根通过电视向全国发表了战略防御倡议(SDI)的电视讲话,该倡议后来被人们形象地称为星球大战计划。

    American president Reagan announced his " strategic defense initiative " to all his peoples through the TV on the night of March 23 , 1983 , which later was called " Star wars " speech .

  15. Ganzouri向全国和聚集在开罗塔里尔广场的民众发表讲话,呼吁终止军事统治。

    As Mr Ganzouri addressed the nation , huge crowds again occupied Cairo 's Tahrir Square , calling for an end to military rule .

  16. 他在向全国呈交他的小预算案(mini-budget)时告诉议会:英国正在正确的轨道上前进,现在回头将酿成灾难。

    Britain is on the right track and turning back now would be a disaster , he told parliament as he presented his mini-budget to the country .

  17. 奥巴马总统就叙利亚问题向全国发表讲话

    Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Syria

  18. 总统从电视演播室向全国发表了讲话。

    The President spoke to the nation from a television studio .

  19. 比赛实况向全国广播。

    The game was aired to all parts of the country .

  20. 汇报:您将直接向全国销售经理汇报。

    Reporting : You will report directly to National Sales Manager .

  21. 船舶一卡通将向全国推广使用

    The card system for ships ' endorsement will be implemented nationwide

  22. 他还向全国青年学生致以问候。

    He also sent greetings to young students across the country .

  23. 总统今晚将向全国广播国情咨文。

    The president will broadcast his message on all stations tonight .

  24. 电视节目播向全国。

    The television show was broadcast from coast to coast .

  25. 这家公司向全国各地的报纸出售漫画卡通。

    The company syndicates cartoons to newspapers across the country .

  26. 王室成员降生的通告已向全国广播。

    The announcement of the royal birth was broadcast to the nation .

  27. 你能向全国人民发表讲演。

    You can talk to people all over the country .

  28. 已向全国海陆空三军发布命令。

    An order has been given to our armed forces .

  29. 美联社和合众国际社已经火速地向全国和海外发布了新闻简报。

    AP and UPI had flashed bulletins nationwide and overseas .

  30. 这些汽车将向全国各地的人供应。

    The cars will be supplied to people all over the country .